Joker Audiences Flashcards


genz (A)


One major audience that this film targets is GenerationZ or more typically known as the “Snowflake” generation due to the fact that this generation in particular are open about issues such as mental health. Many characters in this film show signs that they suffer from mental health issues, mainly Arther Fleck (Joker) The fact that the main character deals with mental issues immediately shows those who are also dealing with mental health issues that they aren’t alone and even one of the most famous comic book characters also deals with the same issues that they do. One scene which is clearly targeted toward this audience is when Joker is on the bus home and this lady tells him off for looking at her child, this awkward interaction triggers his laughing condition causing the women to pull her child closer to her as if Arthurs a threat. This reflects how society (especially older people in society) don’t take mental health seriously and find it difficult to sympathies with those who suffer from mental health issues. This scene targets those with mental health issues as it shows them that they are not alone in their suffering whilst also standing against those who don’t take mental health seriously. It also targets those in generationZ as it portrays older people as being judgmental when it comes to dealing with mental health issues which is exactly what generationZ is trying to undo and show people that having mental health issues is normal and nothing to be ashamed of

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The film “Joker” was released in 2019 and directed by Todd Philips. The film itself represents a wide range of audiences from people dealing with mental health issues to how poor people are treated in society

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Povos (A)


This film is also clearly targeted toward those who live in poverty. The film provokes sympathetic feelings for those like Arthur who live in poverty and portray the rich people of the city such as Wayne to be arrogant and rude. One scene which demonstrates this is when Wayne goes on the news to share his sympathy for the three men who were killed on the subway as they were former Wayne employees. This portrays him as arrogant as us as an audience seen that these three boys were not nice to Arthur and harassed a young female. This attracts the audience of those living in lower class as they can relate to not liking those who take advantage of their rich privilege. It also shows how poorer people like Arthur where being picked on by these rich boys but rather than the media outing these rich boys as bad people, they make out that it was the poor people in the wrong just because they don’t have the same privilege as the rich do. However, this could also cause a richer audience to respond in a negative way as it’s being portrayed that all rich people are ignorant and out of touch with reality, which isn’t true. Another scene a poorer audience could relate to is when Arthur is told he must pay for the sign the boys broke. This shows how Arthur’s boss dodoesn’teleive that he was beat up and is making him pay for a replacment sign that he cannot afford. This is targeted toward a poorer audience as they might relate to feeling vulnerable in the workplace.

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GenZ target audience (B)


One scene which targets the audience of GenZ is the beginning scene. We see Arthur on the rundown streets of Gotham holding a sign as advertisement for a closing music shop. As he’s spinning the sign a group of young boys run past taking the sign of him, Arthur not being able to afford a replacement sign runs after them leading to him being beaten up and left laying on the sidewalk. An interesting language feature in this scene is the use of music. The scene begins with a fast tempo piano piece creating a happy, nostalgic feeling but ends in a harsh, depressing violin piece as Joker lays helpless on the ground. This targets the audience of GenZ as its been proven that genz is typically more empathetic and by using the power of music and by putting this scene at the beginning of the film one of the first impressions of Arthur is that they feel bad for him so that later in the film when he becomes more erratic and violent they can justify his bad actions. However, those of an older audience might not feel the same empathetic way and respond in a more holistic way when Joker does bad things than those in genz would. The beginning of this scene shows an establishing shot showing the grey rundown city of Gotham, with people rushing their way through the streets in contrast to Arthur who is dressed in a clown costume with a bright yellow sign. Not only does this make his character stand it but it also shows that he’s different to those in Gotham and he’s somewhat like the light of the city compared to the darkness. This attracts those part of the GenZ audience as there being met with a character who immediately doesn’t fit into the society he is in and is portrayed as being different. This inspired GenZ as being “quirky” and “different” is trend now so seeing a character who follows the personality type which is popular could make them feel closer to Arthur. The last shot of the scene is similar to the beginning shot as its wide angle, however in contrast to the beginning shot it shows Arthur on the ground with the same grey toned background and his yellow sign broken on the ground. This is a symbolism of how society treats those of the working class and how this abuse breaks their happiness. This could attract a genz audience as this is something that they are passionate about which is changing society for the better and outing those who bully or contribute to the abuse whilst supporting the ones dealing with this hate. It also makes them feel closer to the Jokers’ character as from the beginning they are pinned against those in Gotham’s society and can empathies with the Jokers’ abuse.

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Povo target audience (B)


Another scene which targets those part of the poorer audience is the bathroom scene. When Joker is told that Wayne is his biological father, he confronts him in the bathroom of a theater not knowing that Wayne isn’t his father. When Wayne hears this, he gets upset and punches Arthur in the face. An interesting language feature shown is the use of costumes. We see Wayne dressed in a black fancy suit with his hair gelled back where in contrast Arthur is wearing casual clothing with his hair messy. This immediately portrays through visuals the status difference making those in a poorer audience relate to Wayne taking advantage of his rich privilege. During the film whenever people of a lower status act violently they are portrayed as criminals or called clowns, however when someone of a higher status act violently they get away with it. This could attract an audience of a lower status as they could relate to the fact that someone of a higher status is getting away with something that someone of a lower status wouldn’t. However, a negative response could come from those part of the higher status audience as its being portrayed that richer people get away with everything and act as if those who dont have as much money as they do are lower than them which isnt true for all rich people.

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