Joints, Muscles, Nerves and Vessels of the Skull Flashcards
Where does the tempromandibular ligament attach?
From the zygomatic arch to the neck of the condyle
The tempromandibular ligament is the lateral part of this
Capsular ligament
Where does the stylomandibular ligament attach?
From the styloid process of the temporal bone to the posterior angle of the mandible
Where does the sphenomandibular ligament attach?
From the angular spine of the sphenoid to the lingula of the mandible
What is the origin of the masseter muscle?
Zygomatic arch
What is the insertion of the masseter muscle?
Lateral angle of the mandible
What movement does the masseter muscle provide?
Elevates the mandible
What is the origin of the temporalis muscle?
Temporal fossae
What is the insertion of the temporalis muscle?
Temporal crest of the mandible
What anterior movement does the temporalis muscle provide?
Elevate and position the mandible
What is the posterior movement of the temporalis muscle provide?
Retrude and position the mandible
What is the origin of the medial pterygoid muscle?
Pterygoid fossa
What is the insertion of the medial pterygoid muscle?
Medial angle of the mandible
What movement is the medial pterygoid muscle responsible for?
Elevate the mandible
What is the origin of the superior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
Infra temporal surface of the sphenoid bone
What is the insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
Neck of the condyle
When both lateral pterygoid muscles are working together, what movement are they responsible for?
Protrude and depress the mandible
When only one lateral pterygoid is working, what movement is it responsible for?
Lateral movement toward the other side
Group of muscles that attach from the hyoid bone down to the sternum or clavicle
Infrahyoid group
Group of muscles that attach from the hyoid bone up to the mandible
Suprahyoid group
Together the supra and infra hyoid groups are responsible for this movement
Retrude and depress the mandible
Where does the geniohyoid muscle insert?
Genial tubercles of the mandible
Where does the mylohyoid muscle insert?
Mylohyoid ridge of the mandible
The cheek muscle
Buccinator muscle
Muscle that surrounds the lips as the pucker muscle
Orbicularis oris
The smile muscles that elevate the upper lip
Levator labii superioris
Levator anguli oris
The frown muscles that depress the lower lip
Depressor labii inferioris
Depressor anguli oris
Muscle in the chin area that can make it difficult to access the lower teeth if it is tense
Mentalis muscle
Thin muscle that covers the front of the neck just under the skin
Muscle that goes from the mastoid process to the sternum and clavicle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Division I of the trigeminal nerve
This division of the trigeminal nerve goes to the skin of the nose and forehead
Area located between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone where the Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve innervates.
Superior orbital fissure
Division of the trigeminal nerve that exits the brain through the foramen rotundum
Maxillary, Division II
Branch of the Maxillary Division of the trigeminal nerve that branches off within the pterygoid fossa. It gives off 3 branches
The three branches of the Pterygoid palatine branch of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve.
Nasopalatine, greater palatine, and middle and posterior palatine
Branch of the pterygopalatine that passes along the nasal septum in the nasal cavity
What does the nasopalatine nerve pass through?
Incisive canal
Where does the nasopalatine innervate?
Front of the palate
Branch of the pterygpopalatine that goes to the posterior portion of the hard palate
Greater (anterior) palatine
That does the greater palatine nerve pass thorough?
Greater palatine foramen
Where does the middle and posterior palatine branches of the pterygopalatine enter the palate?
Lesser palatine foramen
Branch of the maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve that splits off within the pterygopalatine fossa.
Posterior Superior Alveolar (PSA)
The posterior superior alveolar branch passes through this opening into the maxillary sinus.
Alveolar canal
What does the Posterior Superior Alveolar branch innervate?
Pulp of the maxillary molars. Except the mesiobuccal root of the first molar
Branch of the Maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve that splits off into the MSA and ASA.
Infraorbital nerve
Branch of the infraorbital nerve that passes along the wall of the maxillary sinus to the pulp of the maxillary premolars and the mesiobuccal root of the first molar
Middle Superior Alveolar (MSA)
What does the Middle Superior Alveolar branch innervate?
Maxillary premolars and the mesiobuccal root of the first molar.
Branch of the infraorbital nerve that passes through the maxillary sinus and the trabecular bone to the pulp of the anterior maxillary teeth
Anterior Superior Alveolar
What does the Anterior Superior Alveolar branch innervate
Anterior maxillary teeth (canine to canine)
After exiting from the infraorbital foramen these branches split off to supply the upper lip, side of the nose and lower eyelid as well as tissue next to the premolars and anterior teeth.
Terminal branches
What do the terminal branches innervate?
Upper lip, side of the nose, lower eyelid, tissue next to the premolars and anterior teeth.
Branch of the maxillary nerve that goes from the pterygopalatine fossa to the temporal bone and orbit
Zygomatic nerve
Branch of the trigeminal nerve that gives off the motor branches to the muscles of mastication
Where does the mandibular branch of the motor portion of the trigeminal nerve exit the brain?
Foramen ovale
What does the buccinator nerve pass through?
Infratemporal fossa
What does the buccinator nerve innervate?
The tissue in the cheek above the buccal shelf next to the premolars and molars.
Where does the lingual nerve pass near?
Mylohyoid line of the mandible
What does the lingual nerve innervate?
Tissue of the floor of the mouth and sensory to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
Where does the inferior alveolar nerve enter the mandible?
Mandibular canal opening
What does the inferior alveolar nerve innervate?
Pulp of the mandibular posterior teeth
This branch of the mandibular nerve branches before entering the mandibular canal and passes in the mylohyoid groove to muscles in the floor of the mouth
Mylohyoid nerve
Terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve that exits the mandible to innervate the lower lip
Mental nerve
What does the mental nerve innervate
Lower lip
Terminal branch of the inferior alveolar that continues within the mandibular canal to enter the pulp of the mandibular anterior teeth.
Incisive nerve
What does the incisive nerve innervate?
Lower anterior teeth
Branch of the mandibular nerve that passes tot he TMJ and skin over the lateral skull
Auriculotemporal nerve
What do the efferent branches of the facial nerve innervate?
Muscles of facial expression, including the orbicularis orbis and buccinator
What nerve controls secretion of the submandibular and sublingual glands?
Efferent portion of the facial nerve
What does the efferent branch of the facial nerve innervate on the tongue
Supply taste to the anterior 2/3
Where does the facial nerve exit the brain?
Internal Auditory Meatus
Where does the facial nerve exit the skull?
Stylomastoid foramen
The glossaopharyngeal nerve supplies this to the tongue
Taste and general sensation to the posterior 1/3
What nerve controls the secretion of the parotid gland?
Where does the glossopharyngeal nerve exit the cranium?
Jugular foramen
Nerve that controls the motor impulses of all the muscles of the tongue.
Where does the hypoglossal nerve exit the cranium?
Hypoglossal canal
This carries blood through vessels from the heart through the neck
External carotid artery
Branch of the external carotid artery that goes to the floor of the mouth and lingual gingiva of the mandible
Lingual artery
What does the lingual artery supply
Floor of the mouth
Lingual gingiva of the mandible
Branch of the external carotid artery that goes through the antigonial notch to the lips and nose
Facial artery
What does the facial artery supply
Lips and nose
Branch of the external carotid artery that is given off within the parotid gland
Maxillary artery
What are the branches of the maxillary artery
Inferior alveolar artery
Posterior Superior Alveolar artery
Branch of the maxillary artery that supplies the mandible and its teeth as well as the muscles of mastication
Inferior Alveolar Artery
What does the Inferior Alveolar Artery supply?
Mandible and its teeth
Muscles of mastication
What does the Posterior Superior Alveolar artery supply
Maxillary molars
What are the branches of the Infraorbital artery
MSA artery
ASA artery
What does the Anterior Superior Alveolar artery supply?
Maxillary anterior teeth
What does the Middle Superior Alveolar artery supply?
Maxillary premolars
Where does the descending palatine artery go through?
Greater Palatine foramen
What does the descending palatine artery supply?
Lingual gingiva
This area of veins drains areas supplied by the maxillary artery.
Pterygoid plexus
What does the Pterygoid plexus drain?
Maxillary and mandibular areas
Where does the pterygoid plexus drain into?
Maxillary veins
Where do the maxillary veins drain into?
Retromandibular veins
Where do all of the cranial veins eventually drain into.
Internal jugular veins
What two structures articulate with the disc in the TMJ?
Condyloid process of the mandible
Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
The ligament that limits the amount of movemet of the mandibleand attaches from the inferior surface of the neurocranium to the lingula of the mandible
Sphenomandibular liament
Where on the temporal bone does the mandible function?
On the posterior inferior portion of the articular eminence
What three muscles are involved in elevatin the mandible?
Medial pteryoid
In which direction do the fibers of the lateral pteryoid muscles travel from their origin to their insertion?
Lateral and posterior
What would you palpate anterior and 1 to 2 inches superior to the ear?
Anterior fibers of the temporalis
What muscle, when contractin, moves the mandible to the right?
Left lateral pterygoid
The branches of which nerve causes the masseter muscle fibers to contract, squeezing the teeth together
CN V: mandibular division
Which two nerves branch off the infraorbital nerve while it is in the infraorbital canal?
Anesthetizing nerve fibers of what nerve resultsin numbness in half of the anterior two thirdsof the tongue
Lingual nerve branch of the trieminal nerve
The nerve branch of the trieminal that provides pain sensation to the mandibular teeth exits the skull throuh what foramen?
Foramen ovale
Which node would first show enlargement from an infection of a mandibular incisor
At what location would you palpate the cervical lymph node chain?
Around the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Branches of what artery supply blood to the mandibular teeth?
Maxillary artery
Brances of what artery supply blood to the maxillary teeth?
Maxillary artery
Which bone has the foramina for the branches of the trigeminal nere to exit the neurocranium?
Suture line between the temporal and parietal bones
Origin of the medial pteryoid muscle
Pterygoid fossa
Which nerve provides sensory innervation to all tooth pulps?
Trieminal nerve
Nerves that provide sensory innervation to the hard palate
Nasopalatine and anterior palatine
What artery enters the mandilbe through the mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar artery
What is the origin of the inferior head of the lateral pterygoid muscle?
The lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate.