Bones of the Skull Flashcards
Forehead and eyebrow area of neurocranium
Frontal bone
Suture between frontal and parietal bones
Coronal suture
Side, top and back of neurocranium
Parietal bone
Suture between right and left parietal bones
Saggital suture
Back underside of neurocranium
Occipital bone
Suture between parietal and occipital bones
Lambdoid suture
Opening in occipital bone that surrounds the spinal cord and nerves
Foramen magnum
Where the skull articulates with the C-1 vertebrae
Occipital condyle
Passageway of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) in the occipital bone
Jugular foramen
Passageway of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) in the occipital bone
Hypoglossal foramen
Bones on the side of the neuorcranium. They are part of the cheek bones and TMJ.
Temporal bones
Bone of the cheek in front of the ear where the masseter muscle attaches
Zygomatic Process
Ear canal
External auditory meatus
Behind/below ear where the sternocleoidomastoid muscle attaches
Mastoid process
Area between the squamous parts of the temporal bones and the parietal bones
Squamosal suture
Saucer-like depression deep to the “cheek bone” comprised of the squamous part of the temporal bone, the greater wing of the sphenoid, and part of the adjacent frontal and parietal bones.
Temporal fossa
Where the temporalis muscle attaches
Temporal fossa
Where the facial nerve (CN VII) passes through the temporal bone
Stylomastoid foramen
The internal auditory meatus is found in this area
Petrous part of the temporal bone
Attachment of the stylomandibular ligament, just behind and medial to the mandibular fossa
Styloid bone
Bump in front of the the articular fossa
Articular eminence
Bone that is part of the cheek bone and bottom of eye socket
Zygomatic bone
The zygomatic bone is continuous with the zygomatic process of the temporal bones and the maxillae to form the these
Zygomatic arches
Bone of the skull that forms the front floor of inside the brain case in the midline
Ethmoid bone
Area of the ethmoid bone that is surrounded by the cribriform plate
Crista galli
This surrounds the crista galli of the ethmoid bone
Cribriform plate
The balloon like, sinus filled part forming part of the the medial surfaces of the eye sockets
Ethmoid bone
An inferior plate of bone that forms part of the nasal septum
Ethmoid bone
A midline bone in the nose that along with cartilage forms a plate like projection of the Ethmoid bone
Part of the nasal septum that seperates the right and left halves of the nasal passageway
Wedge of bone that forms part of the under surface of the brain case in front of the occipital bone.
Sphenoid bone
Part of the sphenoid bone that forms part of the shallow temporal fossa. It is the attachment of the temporalis muscle.
Greater wing`
Part of the sphenoid bone that projects downward behind the posterior maxilla
Pterygoid process
Part of the sphenoid bone that is the attachment area of the lateral pterygoid muscle
Lateral pterygoid plate
Area between the petrygoid process and posterior maxilla
Pterygopalatine space
Area of the pterygoid process that bounds the pterygoid fossa
Medial and lateral pterygoid plates
This can be found on the sphenoid behind the palate
Pterygoid hamulus
Passageway for the mandibular part of the Trigeminal nerve (CN V) from the brain to lower teeth. Located on the sphenoid bone.
Foramen ovale
Area just behind the foramen ovale and spinosum. Attachment of the sphenomandibular ligament.
Angular spine
Passageway for the maxillary part of the trigeminal bnerve (CN V) into maxilla and upper teeth. Located on the sphenoid bone
Foramen rotundum
Passageway of the ophthalmic part of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) to the eye socket
Superior orbital fissure
Upper jaw bone
Process of the maxillae that surrounds the teeth
Alveolar process
Process of the maxillae that extends to the zygomatic bone and forms part of the bottom of the eye socket
Zygomatic process
Process of the maxillae that extends along the side of the nose to the frontal bone
Nasofrontal process
Process of the maxillae that forms most of the hard palate
Palatine process
Passageway of the maxillary part of the trigeminal nerve to the upper lip and surrounding tissue. Found in the maxillae bone
Infraorbital foramen
Hidden hollow center that has openings into the nasal passageways
Maxillary sinus
Passageway of the maxillary part of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) to the molars. Found on the maxillae.
Alveolar canal openings
Layer of dense bone that lines the tooth socket or alveolus
Lamina dura
Layer of dense bone lining the outer surface of the maxillae
Cortical bone
Type of bone that is sandwiched between lamina dura and cortical plate layers
Trabecular bone
Suture found between the left and right palatine processes
Intermaxillary suture
Suture between the palatine bones and the palatine process of the maxillae
Transverse palatine suture
Passageway of the maxillary part of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) to the anterior plate. On the maxillae
Incisive foramen
Lower jaw bone
Process of the mandible that surrounds the teeth
Alveolar process
Part of the mandible that projects to articulate with the temporal bone at the TMJ
Mid-line suture of the mandible that may be visible on young mandibles
Mandibular symphysis
The passageway of the mandibular part of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) found on the mandible
Mental foramen
Area on the mandible that is lateral to the molars
Buccal shelf
Ridge on the mandible that separates the buccal shelf from the external surface of the ramus and is continuous with the anterior border of the coronoid process of the ramus
External oblique ridge
Part of the ramus that articulates with the temporal bone in the articular fossa
Condyloid process
This is the area between the condyloid and coronoid processes
Sigmoid notch
Two areas on either side of the mental protuberance
Mental tubercles
Area medial to and above mental tubercles
Mental protuberance
A slight projection, sometimes two (superior and inferior), in the middle line of the posterior surface of the body of the mandible.
Genial tubercles
This separates the sublingual from the submandibular fossae
Mylohyoid ridge
Area of the mandible where the tongue sits
Sublingual fossa
Attachment location of the mandible for the chewing muscles
Angle of the mandible
Area of the mandible where the temporalis muscle attaches. It is almost continuous with the mylohyoid ridge
Temporal crest
Inferior part of the temporal crest
Internal oblique line
The opening into the mandibular canal on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible giving passage to the inferior alveolar nerve, artery, and vein.
Mandibular foramen
A pointed tongue of bone overlapping the mandibular foramen
Mandibular lingula
A groove on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible beginning at the lingula
Mylohyoid groove
Bone that forms the bony ridge of the nose along with the nasofrontal processes of the maxillae
Nasal bone
Bone under the tear forming glands at the medial corners of the eye sockets.
Lacrimal bones
Scroll shaped bones on the lateral surfaces of the nasal passages
Inferior nasal chonchae
Small bone that is supported in the neck between groups of supra and infra hyoid muscles that help move or stabilize the mandible
Hyoid bone
What space does the maxillry nerve pass through immediately after exiting the foramen rotundum?
Pterygoplatine space
What bony process of the maxilla surrounds tooth roots?
Alveolar process
Which teeth are most likely to have their roots in proximity with the maxillary sinus?
Maxillary molars and premolars