joints & bones of u.l Flashcards
What bones compose the shoulder girdle
clavicle & scapula
what type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
plane synovial joint
what ligaments make the sternoclavicular joints?
-interclavicular ligaments
-costoclavicular ligaments
-ant. & post. sternoclavicular ligaments
What movements can be perfomed by the sternoclavicular joint?
2.rotation (axis of clavicle)
3.protaction&rotraction (transverse plane , vertical axis)
4.Elevation & depression (frontal plane , saggital axis)
What accesory is found i n the sternoclavicular joint?
articular discs
What type of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?
plane synovial joint
What are the ligaments of the acromioclaviculafr joint?
coracoclavicular ligaments (conoid & trapezoid lig.)
acromioclavicular ligaments
coracoacrommial ligaments
what movements are usually associated with the movements of the acrmioclavicular joint?
movements of the scapula(which are usually associcated with movements of the sjoulder joint and humerus )
What movements can be perfomed by the acromioclavicular joints?
-rotraction&protraction (transverse plane, vertical axis)
-elevation & depression (frontal plane& saggital axis)
-rotation (along axis of clavicle)
What accesory doe sthe acromioclavicular joint have ?
articular dics
What is the other name of the shoulder joint?
glenohumeral joint
What are the articular facets of the glenohumeral joint?
the glenoid labrum and head of humerus
What ligaments make up the glenohumeral joints?
-coracohumeral ligampent
-coracoacromial ligament
-glenohumeral ligament
What movements can be perfomed by the glenohumeral joint
-abduction&adduction (coronal plane, saggital axis)
-flexion&extension (transverse plane, saggital axis )
What are the accessory structures of the glenohumeral joint?
-Glenoid labrum:cartilaginous largin that enlarges the articular cavity
-Bursae: sacs filled with synovial fluid
-fibrous capsule : envelops joint from glenoid labrum to anatomical neck + contains origin for tendon of long bicep muscle
What muscles participate in the flexion of the glenohumera joint?
4: deltoid & biceps brachii & pectoralis major & coracobrachialis
What muscles participate in the extension of the glenohumeral joint?
4:deltoid & triceps brachii & teres major & latissimus dorsi.
What muscless participate in the abduction of the glenohumeral joint?
(3) : deltoid & biceps brachii & supraspinatous.
What muscles participate in the adduction of the glenohumeral joint?
(6) : deltoid & triceps brachii & pectoralis major & teres major &
coracobrachialis & latissimus dorsi.
What muscles participate in the internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint?
deltoid & biceps brachii & pectoralis major & teres major &
subscapularis & latissimus dorsi
What muscles participate in the external rotation of the glenohumeral joint?
deltoid & teres minor & infraspinatus
How do we call the muscles that form a thick “cuff” over the glenohumeral joint?
rotator cuff muscles
What are the roator cuff muscles?
originate on scapula and inser on humerus
What are the function(s) of the roator cuff muscles?
to stabilize the shoulder joint and elevating and rotating the arm
-primary stabilizers because its ligaments are weak
-prevent dislocation of humerus
What are the bones of the elbox joint?
What are the joints of the elbow joint?
proximal radioulnar joint
humeroulnar joint
humeroradial joint