Joint Air Operations Flashcards
Describe how US Forces can be organized under a JFC by Service Organization?
JFC over each branch’s force: MARFOR (i.e. MARFORPAC, MARFORCOM etc)
Describe how US Forces can be organized under a JFC by Combination Organization?
JFC over hodgepodge: (i.e. MARFORPAC, JTF, Functional Component) For example: JFC responsible for HADR with MEU, JTF, and Strat Comm in support
Describe how US Forces can be organized under a JFC by Functional Organization?
JFC over each Joint Component which each branch is apart: (i.e. Joint Force Land Component Commander JFLCC, JFACC, JFMCC etc)
Describe the criteria used by the JFC when selecting the JFACC?
Preponderance of forces of air assets becomes JFACC. Must have the ability to plan, task, and control in joint air operations.
Identify the primary responsibilities of the JFACC?
-Develops the Joint Air Operations Plan -Apportionment recommendations to the JFC -Oversight and assessment of joint air ops - Allocating and tasking forces made available (AOD; ATO; SPINS) - Serve as the ACA and AADC (ACP/ACO, AADP) -Perform the duties of the space coordinating authority when designated
Identify the missions required to be accomplished by the JFACC.
Counterair; Strategic Air; Airborne ISR; Air Interdiction; Intratheater air mobility; Close Air Support
What is the acronym JFACC?
Joint Force Air Component Commander
What is the acronym JATC?
Joint Air Tasking Cycle
What are the six phases of the JATC?
Objectives, Effects and Guidance; Target Development; Weaponeering and allocation; ATO Production and Dissemination; Execution Planning And Force Execution; Assessment
Describe the first phase of the JATC and what is the output.
Objectives, Effects and Guidance. JFC Staff Start Plans and Guidance Teams which Includes Contingency Planning, Crisis Action Planning, or Campaign Planning. Output is Joint Targeting Coordination Board and AOD.
Describe the second phase of the JATC and what is the output.
Target Development. Start Guidance and TET Teams. Output is Component/Agency Target Coordination and JIPTL.
Describe the third phase of the JATC and what is the output.
Weaponeering and Allocation. MAAP Team. Output is MAAP Brief, SORTIE/ALLOT Message
Describe the fourth phase of the JATC and what is the output.
ATO Production and Dissemination. ATO Production Team creates output of ATO, ACO and SPINS.
Describe the fifth phase of the JATC.
Execution Planning and Force Execution. Combat Operations Offense, Defense, and TST Teams create outputs of BDA Inflight Reports and MISREPS.
Describe the sixth phase of the JATC.
Assessment. TAC and Comp Asses Teams JFC Staff create recommendations for future action; tactical, operations and campaign assessment
What are the five divisions of the Joint Air and Space Operations Center?
Strategy; Combat Plans; Combat Operations; ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance); Air Mobility
List the types of sorties the MAGTF Commander makes available to the JFC for tasking through the JFACC.
Air Defense; Long Range Interdiction; Long Range Reconnaissance; Excess
Describe the Air Force command and control philosophy.
Centralized Command, Centralized Control, Decentralized Execution