1-15 commons review Flashcards
What are the Landing Zone Survey Dimensions?
Runway: 3000’ long X 60’ wide with (2) 300’ overruns
10’ shoulders, 35’ graded area, 60’ maintained area
Clear zone: 500’ from center line/500’ from end of runway
Approach zones: 10,500’ out and 2,500’ wide and 7 degrees
What are the 4 types of runway configurations and describe each?
Single - Simplest, least flexible, and lowest capacity
Parallel - Close parallel, Far Parallel, Intermediate parallel and dual parallel
Crosswind - Open V - diverge from different directions but do not intersect
Crosswind - Intersection - Intersecting at: Near, Mid-point, Far
What is a threshold?
Identifies the beginning of the runway; series of striped lines representing the width
What color are runway lines?
What color are taxiway lines?
Why are centerlines important?
For arrested landings and provides line-up
How are designation numbers created?
Rounding the takeoff direction of an airstrip and dropping the last digit
What are hold short positions and what determines where they are painted?
Yellow lines which direct aircraft to get off runway or hold short of entering the runway until permission granted by the tower. The distance from the runway is determined off of the largest aircraft being supported by the airfield
What are fixed distance markings?
Provide distance remaining of runway to the pilot
What are shoulder markings?
identifies distinction between load bearing and non-load bearing surfaces of the airfield
What is a taxiway?
Exit and entry points to the runway surface; provides the pilot a visual aid to navigate around the airfield
What is the biggest concern with parking areas?
Which direction the ordnance is pointing if on aircraft
What are the different types of airfield lighting?
Runway lights (white); Threshold markings (WHITE/RED), Taxi lights (blue); Precision approach indicator lights (red and white), Center lights (white), Obstacles (RED)
What is an Air Site?
Secure location to reduce response time; Parking aprons, cargo or passenger loading/unloading areas; limited personnel; does not receive routine logistical support; existing roads or parking lots
What is significant about AGS’s ability to provide the 13 functions of AGS?
critical component that gives Marine Aviation its expeditionary capability
What are some distinguishing characteristics of a Main Air Base?
Secure area, IMA capable, supports theater air lift, C-5 and C-17 Capable, friendly military or commercial existing air base or airport
What are some distinguishing characteristics of an Air Facility?
Secure area, Organizational Maintenance, Squadron sized element, Sustains Combat Sortie Rate; Abandoned or captured airfield
What are some distinguishing characteristics of a FARP?
Tactical in nature; supports a specific operation, close to the FLOT (15-25km)
What are some distinguishing characteristics of a Laager Point?
Rendezvous point, no routine support required, supports specific operation
What are some characteristics of an ACE site commander?
Singe commander, Responsible for Sortie Generation, may be a Group CO, Squadron CO, or a Det OIC and is designated by the ACE Commander
What critical capabilities must be possessed by the site commander?
C2, Launch and recovery of aircraft, Mobility and Maneuver at the site, Sustain and Support for the site, Protect the force
How many LAAD sections are required to operate a BDZ?
two. 10 teams (Battalion has 60 teams; Company has 30, Platoon has 10, section has 5)
What are coarse grained soils?
Those in which at least half the material by weight is larger than a No.200 sieve
What are the three major divisions of soil?
Coarse Grained Soil, Fine Grained Soils, and Organic Soils (Two major divisions are gravels and sands)
What are some desired characteristics of soil?
Coarse-grained soils-best; Angular design increases strength; sand/clay/gravel best for unsurfaced roads; properly designed ditches; good compaction required for stability
What is the role of the DASC?
PIMP: Process Immediate ASRs; Integrate aircraft with supporting arms; Manage terminal control assets; Procedureally control aircraft within its assigned area
What are the six types of tactical fuel systems?
AAFS (Amphibious Assault Fuel System)
TAFDS (Tactical Airfield Fuel Dispensing System)
HERS (Helicopter Expedient Refueling System)
ERS (Expedient Refueling System)
GERS (Ground Expedient Refueling System)
SIXCON (Liquid Storage, Transporting and Dispensing System, Six Containers)
What are the capacities of the fuel systems?
AAFS - 1.12 million gallons (largest volume)
TAFDS - 320,000 gallons
HERS - 18,000 gallons (rapidly deployable)
970 trailer - 5,000
GERS - Small - 168 gallons or Medium 620 gallons
SIXCON - 4,500 gallons
What is the mission of LAAD?
Provide close in, low altitude surface to air weapons fires in defense of MAGTF assets, secondary ABGD.
What are the three basic classifications of Landing Zones and describe each?
Unprepared: deserts, dry lake beds and French Fields; Prepared: constructed surfaces with limited use; Surfaced: roads, highways, and other paved surfaces
What are the different marking patterns used on LZs?
Airfield Marking Pattern (AMP): AMP-1; AMP-2; AMP-3.
AMP-1 is the most preferred
What is the mission of MATC?
Provide continuous all weather radar/non-radar control services to aircraft
What is the mission of the MMT (Marine Air Traffic Control Mobile Team)?
Provide initial rapid response ATC and command, control and communications in support of the MAGTF
What radar systems are used by ATCs?
What is the mission of MTACS?
Provide infrastructure and maintenance for the ACEs TACC
What are the METs for the MWCS?
Primary Comm Agency: SWTDC: Single channel radio; Wan/lan comm; Telephone comm; Digital backbone; Communication controls
What is the composition of NATO?
US Led; Alliance of 28 countries; goal of allied command operations and allied command transformation; Defensive in posture
What are the three key articles of the NATO alliance?
Article 4: parties will consult together; Article 5: Armed attack against one or more of them…an attack against them all…individual or collective self defense; Article 10: by unanimous agreement, invite from any other European State…to accede to this treaty
What are the three types of environments that NEO may be executed?
Permissive; Uncertain and Hostile
What are the timelines for evacuation by priority?
Urgent - 2 hours; Priority - 4 hours; Routine - 24 hours
What are the three forms of patient movement?
CASEVAC: UNREGULATED MOVEMENT, Aircraft may be designated or lift of opportunity; Medivac: Dedicated and marked; Aeromedical Evacuation: Fixed wing movement of regulated casualties
What is the difference between medevac and casevac?
Medivac - Dedicated aircraft which provides enroute care; CASEVAC - Unregulated movement of casualties
What care can enroute care provide?
Continuation of care during movement without compromise to patient condition (MEDIVAC and AEROMEDICAL EVACUATION ONLY)
What is the Mission of the TAOC?
Perform airspace surveillance, air direction and control, information exchange, and weapons system integration
What are the seven tasks of the TAOC?
Identify and classify all aircraft and missiles in sector; Provide early warning against air and missile threats; Interface with higher defense agencies; Select weapons to engage and destroy enemy air threat; Process and coord DAS and OAS; Coordinate and deconflict with FSCC; Perform duties of current ops section of TACC
What are the five essential tasks of the MWSS?
Airfield Ops Services; Establish Forward Locations (i.e. FOB, FOS, FARP); Provide Base/Airfield Security Ops; Restore Mission Essential Ops and Comm; Establish/Operate AGSOC
What are the capabilities of the AN/TPS-59 Radar
Long range 3d surveillance radar;
TBM - 400 nm/1,000,000 ft
ABT - 300 nm/100,000 ft
Combined - 350 nm/1,000,000 ft (TBM) and 230 nm/100,000 (ABT)
What purpose does the AN/TPS-63 Radar serve?
Gap Filler
What are the two types of briefs presented by METOC?
Climatological (For Planning); Operational
Who does the MWSS Comm Platoon support with communications?
Tenant ACE units, Airfield Security, Ground Transportation Management, Airfield and Adjacent Facilities (including fuel farm, ammo dump etc…)
Who assigns the ARFF Mission?
MAGTF Commander
Define the ARFF response time.
Response time from notification to center of furthest runway within 5 minutes.
What is in Joint Pub 3-68?
Noncombatant Evacuation Operations (NEO)