Joiner et al (1999) Flashcards
Natural experiment
the study of a naturally occurring situation as it unfolds in the real world.
The researcher does not exert any influence over the situation but rather simply observes
individuals and circumstances, comparing the current condition to some other condition
wanted to determine the role of depressive and anxious thinking patterns on the
development of depressive symptoms. Hypothesized that negative thinking patters, but not
anxious cognitions, would play a role on the onset of symptoms related to depression
Sample of university students
- Stressor observed was mid-term test- students assessed two weeks before and two-weeks
after their mid-terms
- To assess students three tests were given: the dysfunctional attitudes scale (DAS) (tes t to
measure thinking patterns such as vulnerability, need for approval, perfectionism), the
cognitive checklist (CCL) (automatic thoughts linked to depression and anxiety), and the
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (symptoms linked to depression)
Increase in the scores on the BDI only in students who had higher scores on the DAS and
who had failed the exam.
- Higher score on DAS but did well on exam showed no significant increase in their BDI
- Lower scores on DAS and low grades did not experience depressive reactions
- Prospective- allowing the researchers to see change over time and control bidirectional
ambiguity - Natural experiment meant limited control over extraneous variables
- Although there was an increase in depressive symptoms, this is not the same as a clinical
diagnosis for MDD - Sampling bias- American undergraduates