Johnson (Domestic) Flashcards
Great Society: War on Poverty institutions
OEO- Office of Economic Opportunities this oversaw the war on poverty.
-44 states had anti poverty policies
-53 job corps provided job training
-35,000 students on work-education programs.
-35,000 adults were enrolled to basic education programs
-Over 4 million families receiving ABCD benefits
-Loans given for small businesses
Poverty Problems
-American cities were characterised by poor housing and schools.
-Housing was a major ghetto disconnect for
-Found that 4/5 arrested during Detroit ghetto riots had an income of $120 per week suggesting it wasn’t poverty that caused discontent but poor housing and alienation.
-White taxpayers didn’t want to fund developments
-Majority opposed integrated housing
-Fair housing unsuccessful due to white opposition.
-Johnson introduced Medicare and Medicaid in Social Security Act (elderly and the poor, safety net for America’s most vulnerable)
-Millions lifted out of poverty
-Proved so popular that no other president dared to oppose it
-Proved more expensive than Johnson and the administration ever thought: by 1966 would be $2b to rise to $98b
(-) Gaps in coverage in Medicare and Medicaid
-Millions of Americans didn’t have highschool education
-100,000 students couldn’t afford to pay for college
-Schools were overcrowded and run down.
-Presidents rarely obtained funding for education seen as a local issue
-Elementary and Secondary Act
-Higher Education Act
-Over 13million children benefit from federal aid to education
-Increased amount of students who held highschool diploma
-Constructed new school buildings
And increased school teachers
Housing Legislation
Housing Urban Development 1965- Combat housing shortages
Demonstrations Cities Act 1966- Failed because congress demanded something for themselves so 6 cities increased to 150 cities which there wasn’t enough money for
Omnibus Housing Act 1965- Financed low and moderate income housing.
Fair Housing Act- Ineffective due to white opposition
Success of Great Society
-19 million benefited from Medicare and Medicaid. For many of the poor, sick and elderly this made a considerable difference
-13 million children benefited from Johnson Education legislation
- A million children benefited from Head-start programs
-Population poverty fell from 17% to 11%
-Unemployment rate was at a 13 year low
-Minimum wage rose by 35 cents
-Federal spending for poor rose to $20b
Failures of Great society
-This level of Federal spending was unsustainable
-1/3 of non-whites still lived below the poverty line. Infant mortality and unemployment doubled whites
-As a result of War in Vietnam belief that the Great Society had ran out of steam
$120b spent on Vietnam but only $15b spent on Great society.
-Lead to unrealistic expectations
-Increase tax and inflation made Great society unpopular
-Programs to help urban poor hijacked by black radicals
Economic development
-Low unemployment
-Limited inflation
Signs the economy was overheating
-Unemployment at a 13 year low
-Inflation highest for 10 years
-Slow down in capital investments
-Less residential construction
-Depressed retail sales
-Worst GNP since 1960 recessions
-Increasing federal budget deficits
-High cost of living
-Federal budget deficit of $19.8b
-Trade deficits of $4b
-Dollar greatly weakened
Head Start and Education Reform
To make sure every child had a shot at success, no matter their social and economic circumstances
Run office of economic opportunities for 500,000 children.
-Elementary and secondary act: guaranteed federal funding for education and funded preschool programs with school books and special education services.
Johnson’s attitude to civil rights
Opposed Truman civil rights program which he explained was because:
-Bills would never have passed anyway
-He was not anti-black but pro-state rights
-Civil rights legislation would not help blacks as much as better housing schooling and healthcare would
-Johnson contributed to Eisenhowers civil rights bill dilution
-When a segregated cemetery refused it would not bury Mexican American war hero Johnson arranged a burial in the National cemetery.
-Johnson quietly to get black farmers and black school children equal treatments
-Johnson insured that Eisenhower civil rights bill obtained sufficient Democrat votes to pass it was called Johnson’s masterpiece
-Johnson persuaded Congress to agree that African-Americans deserve the vote
Four black schoolgirls killed in Birmingham
Bombs were planted in the Church basement underneath the girls restroom which detonated killing four black schoolgirls.
-When thousands of angry black protesters assembled. George Wallace sent hundreds of police and state troopers to break up the crowd in which two young black men were killed one by police and another racist thugs.
-Public outrage over the bombing continue to grow drawing international attention to Birmingham.
-A well-known klan member was charged with murder. He was then cleared of the murder charge and received a 6 month jail sentence and $100 fine for the dynamite.
Reasons for passing the Civil rights act 1964
Johnson used the shock of Kennedy’s murder to push forward the 1964 civil rights act the mood of the public in general wouldn’t have allowed any obvious deliberate attempts to damage ‘Kennedys bill’.
Society had changed which Johnson realised and wanted to change before potential civil arrest for it through.
Civil Rights Act 1964 contents
-Federal government had the right to end segregation in the south.
-Prohibited segregation in public places
-Equal employment commission created
-Federal funding wouldn’t be given to segregated schools
-Any company that wanted federal business had to have a pro-civil rights charter
Increasing the black vote & the Mississippi freedom summer
SNCC and cool extended the involvement in the deep south drawing the nations attention to the violent opposition faced by African-Americans trying to vote.
17,000 black residence of Mississippi attempted to vote in the summer of 1964 but only 1600 approved highlighting the news for further legislation.
Causes of Selma
Civil rights act 1964 gave the federal government the legal rules to end de jure segregation in the south
African-Americans felt the act had not gone far enough as must still suffer from poverty and discrimination.
50% of Selma’s population was black but only 23 people were registered to vote showing the Civil rights act 1964 had not brought any great improvements.
King knew that Selma’s sheriff could be trusted to act as brutally as bull Connor Birmingham which would gain national publicity
Events in Selma
King led potential voters to register but they were unsuccessful despite the federal judge ruling.
Several incident made headlines a trooper shot of black youth shielding his mother from a beating.
King organised a march from Selma to Montgomery to publicise the need for a voting rights act. State troopers attacked the matches with clubs and used to gas.
Congress might have failed to deliver the voting rights act without Selma.
Voting rights act 1965
Why it was passed:
-Events in Selma had drawn national and international attention to disenfranchisement of black Americans
-US claimed to be leader of the free world and communist propaganda emphasised inequality demonstrated by Selma
-Johnson’s persuasive powers
-Disallowed literacy tests
-Replaced southern whites registrars with federal registrars.
Impact of the change on the south
By 1980 the proportion of African-Americans registered to vote was only 7% less than the proportion of whites
In 1960 that had been no black officials in Mississippi by 1980 there were over 300
Johnson’s education at speeded up school segregation and helped black colleges
Civil rights legislation opened up way for richer black middle-class
Percentages of black Americans living below the poverty line was down 25%.
However many African-Americans continue to suffer poor housing schools and drop off opportunities and an inability to get out of the poverty trap.
The fight for economic equality and the Chicago campaign
A march through the white working class area saw violent opposition with cries of apes, savages and king was hit by a rock.
Chicago failed because there was no clear plan of action and Kings tactic did not suit the territory.
-Kings focus wasn’t real concerns of northern African-Americans such as police brutality lack of skilled jobs and the poor ghetto conditions.
James Meredith 200 mile walk
James Meredith embarked on a 200 mile walk but on the second day he was shot and unable to continue then civil rights leaders filed to complete his March.
-King led and SCLC group
-Stokesley Carmichael the SNCC
SCLC matches chanted freedom now Carmichael demanded black power and some SNCC campaign is altered. The lyrics of jingle bells to shotgun shells.
The increased militancy of the SNCC alarm king who feared it would alienate both white moderate supporters and Johnson
Ghetto Problems
-Housing was poor and amenities few
-Those born into ghetto found it hard to break out of cycle of poverty
-Only 32% of ghetto pupils finished high school
-Ghetto schools didn’t provide a solid educational foundation for good jobs
-Increased automation decreased the availability of unskilled employment
-46% of unemployed Americans were black
Urban riots
-during four summers from 1965 to 1968 ghetto all across America erupted into violence, looting and arson
Watts riot:
34 deaths, 3500 arrest, $40 million of damage.
-Main causes was economic issues
Disturbances in over 200 cities which resulted in 60,000 arrests and $200m worth of damages. Curfew Imposed
After Watts riot Virtually every large city outside the south had a race riot.
Detroit riots:
40 died, 5000 arrested and 5000 were made homeless. Johnson had to send federal troops to settle Detroit.
Impacts of urban riots
Riots and Johnson who felt he had done more than any previous president to help African-Americans.
Exposure in the media nationally and internationally challenged the progress money felt the US had been.
The assassination of MLK by a white racist provoked major riots in 100 cities a total of 21,000 federal troops and 34,000 national guards restored order following $45 million of damage to property.
Whites didn’t want to ease ghetto overcrowding by welcoming black residence to their neighbourhood
As prices would plummet.
Limitation on civil rights legislations
-1966 Congress rejected civil rights bill aiming to prohibit housing discrimination
-Johnson had to rely on state and local authorities to carry out his programs and they were sometimes reluctant to cooperate. The civil rights act said federal funding shouldn’t be given to segregated schools. However mayor Daley got his funds and kept de facto segregated schools.
-The Fair Housing Act- prohibited discrimination of the sale of house but prove difficulty enforce in face of white position.
-White voters attributed higher taxes to the increased in federal expenditure on the poor and were tired of paying for America’s oppressed minorities.
-polls showed many believed that Johnson’s reforms encouraged riots and black power militancy
-Summers of rioting caused white backlash and gun sales to suburban white increased and whites were turning against Johnson’s reform program.
-Polls showed 90% opposed new civil rights legislation
-52% said Johnson was going too fast
-10% said not fast enough
Nation of Islam aims
-Increase black self-esteem
-Keep white and black American separate
-Encourage African-Americans to improve their economic situation.
Attention of nation of Islam
The documentary called: The hate that hate produced, brought the nation of Islam publicity.
NOI teachings further interracial decisions and antagonised other African-Americans
Elijah Mohammed’s dismissive attitudes towards non-Muslim African culture alienated some black power activists.
He hated Afro haircuts and colourful African style clothes.
Achievements of nation of Islam
Membership ranged from 25,000 to 250,000.
Attracted and inspired ghetto inhabitants because of self-confidence and emphasis on racial pride.
Created many businesses such as restaurants that symbolise black success and rare employment opportunities in the ghettos
It established schools in cities such as Detroit and Chicago, which taught children black history
Malcolm X
Left the LOI and went to establish the organisation of Afro-American unity which aims unite everyone of African descent
-To promote black political, social and economic independence
-Many blamed him for the increased black violence (the watts rioters cried long live Malcolm X)
-He brought attention to dreadful ghetto conditions and became a black icon and role model for the black youth.
Malcolm inspired the new generation of black leaders such as SNCC Stockley Carmichael
Radicalisation of SNCC and CORE
People looked to new leaders such as Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael. Who advocated self-defence in response to white oppression than Kings ‘Love thine enemy’
SNCC were agitated over the slow progress towards racial inequality and the lack of federal protection drawing their voter registration campaign.
The Meredith March and the SNCC lyrics
Carmichael urge the burning of every courthouse in Mississippi and demanded black power.
What is black power?
-For some meant black supremacy or revolution.
-SNCC said black power is not hatred or black supremacy.
-Some equated black power with black capitalism.
-Black was the emphasis on black pride and black culture. African-Americans adopted Afro hairstyles.
Black Panthers
The Black Panther party for self-defence
It’s manifesto sought:
-Federal government compensation to black Americans for the enslavement of their ancestors
-Black exemption from military service
Improvements in ghetto living condition
The black panther won a great deal of respect in ghettos, especially for the emphasis on self-help.
-They set up clinics to advise on health welfare and legal rights
-Ran lessons to educate young people in their beliefs.
-Provided childcare for working mothers and free food
-Free breakfast program served up to 1700 meals weekly to the ghetto pool
Poll revealed 64% of black Americans took pride in the Black Panthers
Armed Black Panthers followed police cars in the ghetto in order to expose police brutality this let some violent shootouts.
Black Panthers engaged in petty crime and sort confrontation and advocated killing of police officers.
Targeted and destroyed by police and FBI
Chicago 8
Trial for 8 activist charged with responsibility for violent demonstrations.
Jury found them guilty of intent to riot and were sentenced to 5 years and fined $5000. However, none serve time because a quarter of appeal overturn the criminal convictions and charges were dropped.
Decline of the black power movement
Some argued the black power contributed to the demise of what had been an effective civil rights movement
Black panther help decreased the white sympathy that had been keyed to progress of non-violent civil rights activists
Black power was ill defined and contributed to disagreements over aims
The movement never really produced effective blueprint for change
When female support of black power found their role limited they turned to feminism
When SNCC and CORE became more militant and expelled whites, they lost in invaluable white liberal funding
Reasons for protests
-Everyone seemed to be protesting, there was safety in numbers
-Many students took up President Kennedy’s new frontier challenges to protest for peace in Vietnam
-Kennedy stimulated youth interest in politics
-Malcom X speeches to college students
-Civil rights protests had given practice and inspiration to students
-Students resented college professors that treated them as children and supported an unjust war.
University protests
-Students barricaded themselves into an office at Colombia University.
There were 221 demonstrations at university such as Stamford, Yale, Harvard and Berkeley.
-Slogan ‘don’t trust anyone over 30’
Causes of Uni protests
-Criticisms of teaching methods and gaps in the curriculum, including absence of black studies programs.
-Universities were buying up land and visiting poor residents
-Sense of disenfranchisement that students were being processed to work for the man.
-Young people had more disposable income so could explore new artists and experiment
Berkeley free speech movement
Berkeley University did not allow fundraising and political activity on campus. This prompted thousands of students to protest against infringement on their constitutional rights to free speech.
They occupied the building so police made 800 arrests.
Its slogan you can’t trust anyone over 30 gain considerable support from the Berkeley teaching staff, so the university backed down and political discussion and activities on campus.
Growing Anti war violence
During Stop the draft week- draft cards were publicly burned across America.
Demonstrate his faced 2000 police who attacked them with clubs so they retaliated with smoke bombs.
Many protest were violent and main targets were campus administration buildings which were burned or bombed across the nation.
Anti-war movements
The student peace union establish in 1959 had tens of thousands more students became anti-war activists in response to t the Vietnam war:
-Some feared the draft
-Some believed the Vietnamese should be left to decide their government
-Some opposed American bombings which caused Vietnamese casualties
1964: Yale university student staged a process march in New York
1965: many universities held teachings with anti-war lectures and debates 20 participated in a Berkeley teaching
Protest frequently led to disorder, clashes with the police and vandalise cars and buildings
Largest Anti war protest stage by SDS with 25,000 participating in a March that brought national attention
Organised demonstrations in Washington as part of stop the draft week over 100,000 attended the March chanting hell no we won’t go.
Columbia University protests
The University was involved in weapons research which assisted the government and the Vietnam war effort.
Columbia expansion programs led to the eviction of Harlem residence from properties owned by the university.
The University planned to construct a gym in the public park. However the Harlem population could only access the gym through a separate door.
Students interpreted this as segregation policy and opposed the construction of the gym. This generated protests which 17,000 students participated.
Students seized five university buildings and covered the walls with pictures of Malcolm X. Columbia shutdown for that term and abandoned the gym.
Hippie Movement
Culture movement involved a variety of social concerns and beliefs
It was about life being happy and doing what feels good attitude therefore included little concern for consequences
-rejected established institutions
-rejected middle-class values
-opposed use of nuclear weapons
-advocated peace in Vietnam
-often vegetarian and eco friendly practices.
-free sexual liberation particularly for women
-promoted use of drugs
Woodstock festival:
400,000 attended
Significance of hippies:
They drew attention and popularised -Easter Eastern philosophy and religion healthy foods and enviromentalism
-Liberation of attitudes towards sex and drugs.
-Triggered the conservative reaction that brought Richard Nixon to the White House
Aimed to monitor the enforcement of legislation to the constitution which confirmed women’s rights to equality in all areas.
Tactics included:
-helped to gain national attention for flight attendance flight against sexist airline advertisements
-organised National strike for equality in 1970
-Presented politicians with a Bill of rights for women which sought equal access to education, employment, maternally leave federal funded childcare and reproductive rights.
Sought equal rights and opportunities in workplace.
-Development of radical feminists and the opposition of sexist oppression and women being objectified.
-Meetings in colleges and in the community that sought to raise awareness of gender inequality and encourage activism.
Disunity in women’s movement
Disruption at the Miss America beauty pageant:
-with a stink bombs
-crowned a life sheep Miss America
-threw bras, curlers and wigs that other women’s garbage into a freedom trashcan.
-Some women activists disagreed over the demand for legalised abortion
-Breakaway group such as radical lesbians resented the lack of support from NOW lesbians
-Some felt that the women’s movement was dominated by white middle-class concerns
It was an effective movement demonstrated by President Johnson’s response with an executive order banning gender discrimination by federal contractors.
Now monitored enforcement, fighting over 1000 discrimination cases and winning $13million compensation for women.
-By 1973 only 53% of women believed premarital sex was wrong
-Widespread availability of the first oral contraceptive for women the pill
-It was 1974 before doctors can no longer refuse birth-control to unmarried adults for moral reasons
-Abortion was illegal until 1973
Role of the media
24% of household had colour TVs
-This made it practical to bring real time footage events into homes
-TV news focused scenes from Birmingham to Selma, feminist protests, war in Vietnam and protests against it.
Coverage of the civil rights movements helped its progress and repeated showings of the violence of bloody Sunday helped win northern white support for the voting rights act.
Media coverage of riots and radicalised African-Americans helped and many against further aid
MLK had positive media coverage in the north when he focused on problems in the south but received unfavourable coverage after his Chicago campaign.
Media coverage of hippies, elicited or backlash amongst the socially conservative.
Resurgence of the KKK
Surge of klan activity across the south included the bombings, beatings and shooting of black and white activists which outrage the nation and help support for civil rights
Johnson delivered a speech publicly condemning the klan and announcing of arrests of 4 Klansman in connection with the murder of a white female civil rights worker in Alabama.
Klan was estimated to have between 6000 to 10,000 active members mostly in the deep south.