John's Structure Flashcards
Geographical Structure of John (8)
- Judea 1:19-42
- Galilee 1:43-2:12
- Judea 2:13-3:36
- Galilee 4:1-54
- Judea 5:1-15
- Galilee 5:16-7:13
- Judea 7:14-20:31
- Galilee 21:1-21
John’s Literary Structure (4)
Prologue 1:18
Book of Signs 1:19-11:57
Book of the Passion 12:1-20:31
Epilogue 21:1-25
What are the 7 signs (miracles) of John?
- Water into wine (2:1-11)
- Healing of Official’s son (4:45-54)
- Healing at the Pool (5:1-18)
- Feeding of 5,000 (6:1-15)
- Walking on Water (6:16-21)
- Healing of Blind man (9:1-42)
- Raising of Lazarus (11:1-57)
Major Themes of John
- Christology
- Soteriology
- Biblical Theology
John’s Christology - 5 Points
- Jesus is the One and Only God.
- Jesus is the Creator
- Jesus is the Son of God
- Jesus, with the Father, sends the Spirit.
- Jesus and the I AM statements
3 ways we see the divinity of the Spirit in John 14.
- Spirit is sent by both Father and Son
- Spirit is called “another Helper”
- Spirit will be with His people forever and is the equivalent of Jesus’s presence.
Does Jesus randomly say the 7 I am statements?
No, He says them in context of the surrounding circumstances.
How many times does Jesus say “I AM” without a predicate nominative?
7 Times.
How many times does Jesus make “I AM” statements with predicate nominatives?
7 times.
What are the 7 I AM statements (which are the ones with predicate nominatives)?
- Bread of Life
- Light of World
- The Door
- Good Shepherd
- Resurrection and Life
- The Way, Truth, and Life
- True Vine
What is the dualism in John’s gospel?
Vertical Dualism/Contrast.
What is vertical dualism?
A contrast between two worlds (world above, world below.)
Example of Vertical Dualism in John
- Light and Darkness
- Life and Death
- Earthly and Heavenly
Does John talk about Horizontal Dualism?
Yes, in texts such as John 2:4, 4:23, 5:25-29, 7:6.
Who believed that John’s Dualism made it Gnostic?
What discovery proved that John is not Gnostic?
The Qumran discovery
God’s Sovereignty in Salvation in John
- Sovereign and Gracious Work of God.
- Mysterious work of the Spirit determines salvation (1:13, 3:8)
- Christ chooses those who receive life.
3 Teachings of John’s Biblical Theology
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the Temple.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel’s Festivals.
- Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel’s History.
How does John show that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Temple?
- He tabernacles among us in John 1:14
- He says destroy this temple and I will raise it up in 3 days referring to Himself in 2:19
- The woman at the well and Temple worship in John 4:21-23 with woman at well.
What two festivals does John show Jesus fulfilling?
Passover in John 1:29 and 19:36
Feast of Booths in 7:37
3 Ways John shows Jesus fulfilling Israel’s History
- Jesus is Jacob’s Ladder in John 1:51
- Jesus is the Bronze Serpent in John 3:14-15
- Jesus is the Bread from Heaven in John 6:32
Three Main Theological Themes are in John?
Christology, Soteriology, Biblical Theology