John - Intro Flashcards
Who is the author of John’s Gospel?
The Beloved Disciple
What internal evidence is there that John the Apostle is the beloved disciple? (5)
Internal Evidence:
John 1:35-40.
John 13:23.
John 20:2.
John 21:20
All other Apostles are named but John.
What external evidence is there that John the Apostle wrote the Gospel of John? (4)
- Irenaeus - Gets his info from Polycarp who knew John personally.
- Muratorian Canon
- Eusebius’s Ecclesiastical History.
- Tatian’s Diatessaron
Where was John’s Gospel possibly written and according to who?
Ephesus according to Irenaeus in Haer. 3.1.1
What is the date of John’s Gospel?
Generally considered to be written in the 80’s or 90’s.
What four evidences are there for an early dating (80’s-90’s) of John?
- Internal evidence indicates that it is written after the destruction of the Temple.
- John 21:19-23 seems to indicate that Peter has already died and that rumors were already spreading about when John would die.
- Patristic Evidence indicates that John was the last to write his gospel in the reign of Domitian (Irenaeus).
- Language seems later: More easily refers to the divinity of Christ and uses sacramental language that likely developed later.
What is the purpose of John’s Gospel?
To convince a Jewish audience that Jesus is the promised Messiah and fulfilment of the Temple.
What evidence is there for the purpose of John’s Gospel? (3)
- Jesus as the New Temple (Jn 1:14, 2:18-22)
- John moved the cleansing of the Temple to the front of his gospel to focus on the theological implications of its destruction.
- John 20:30-31
Who is John’s Audience?
Likely Jews or Jewish proselytes
What is the Johannine problem?
Why do we have one gospel that is so different?
What key Synoptic material is missing in John? (8)
- No baptism of Jesus
- No wilderness temptation
- No exorcisms
- No parables
- No transfiguration
- No institution of Lord’s Supper
- No Gethsemane
- No ascension.
What synoptic themes are missing from John? (2)
Repentance and the Kingdom of God focus is emphasized differently
What are some things that are unique to John?
- Some miracles that aren’t included elsewhere
- Long discourses
Unique Chronology in John
- Galilee vs Jerusalem
- Cleansing of Temple is placed early in John
- Day of Crucifixion seems to be on a different day of Passover in John.
What is unique about John’s language?
His language, particularly in his recording of Christ’s language, is cleaner, simpler and warmer. John’s Greek in his narrative writing and the recording of Jesus’s statements are so similar it is often hard to know when the change occurs.
Why doesn’t John seem to use synoptic material?
- John saw no need to repeat what had already been said.
- John was writing for a particular purpose and for a particular audience, and he wanted to include material he saw as important.
- The different material can likely be explained by the fact that John focused more on Jesus’ teaching in Jerusalem and Judea, whereas the synoptics focused more on Galilee.
Why are quotes of Jesus different in John?
- In the ancient world, you did not have to quote verbatim, but could often paraphrase, abbreviate, or capture the sum of what a person said.
- Distinction between his very words (Ipsissima Verba) and his very voice (Ipsissima Vox).
- John’s verbal style does not negate his gospel’s trustworthiness or accurate presentation of the person and teachings of Jesus.