John-Revelation Flashcards
Who was the fourth gospel written by?
The fourth gospel was written by John the Apostle
Who was John a son and brother to?
John was a son of Zebedee and brother of James
What did Jesus name John and James?
Jesus names John and James, “Son of Thunder” (Mark 3:17)
John was not only close to Jesus as one of the Twelve, but he also identifies himself within the book as what? How many times?
He identifies himself within the book as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” five times (13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7; 21:20)
What date was the Book of John most likely written?
The most likely date of the writing of this Gospel is in the 80’s AD
John is the writer of what New Testament books?
John is the author of five New Testament Books: the Gospel of John, the three Epistles of John, and Revelation
John is the second in number of books authored in the NT Canon to who? How many books did the first author write? Who did he influence?
John is second in the number of books authored in the New Testament Canon to Paul, who writes 13 New Testament Books, and of course, Paul greatly influences Luke on his Gospel and the Book of Acts
What does church history hold about John?
Church history holds that after having spent time imprisoned in Rome during the reign of Emperor Domitian, John was sentenced to be boiled in oil at the Coliseum
What happened after John was sentenced to be boiled in oil at the Coliseum?
he endured no harm from the scalding oil. It is said that all in the entire Coliseum audience were converted to Christianity upon witnessing this miracle
Where was John sent after surviving being boiled alive? What did he do there?
John was then sent by the Roman authorities to the Greek Island of Patmos, where he wrote the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:9)
Did John remain a prisoner on the Greek Island of Patmos?
No, John was later freed
What did John do in his older years?
Of note, in his older years, John trained Polycarp who later became Bishop of Smyrna
John trained Polycarp, in turn, who did Polycarp teach?
Polycarp, in turn, taught Irenaeus, who became Bishop of Lugdunum in Gaul, now Lyons, France
Who is Ireneaus?
Ireneaus was an early “Church Father” and apologist, and his writings were formative in the early development of “Christian theology.”
John was the only one of the Twelve who was not what?
John was the only one of the Twelve who was not martyred
How and when did John die?
Surrounded by his closest friends in Ephesus, John died at age 94 in 100 AD.
What does the Gospel of John have within its 21 chapters?
The Gospel of John has within its 21 chapters very amazing views of Jesus’ humanity and divinity
What does John clearly state in John 1:14?
John clearly states the purpose of his book
Who does John describe the appearance of Christ to?
Thomas and the rest of the Apostles
What does John write after describing the appearance of Christ to Thomas and the other Apostles?
John 20:30-31, “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples… But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
What is the purpose of the Gospel of John?
The purpose of the Gospel of John is to prove and to be inspired by the deity of Jesus Christ.
How does God answer Moses’ question in Exodus 3:14?
God answers Moses’ question about His name calling Himself, “I Am.”
How does Jesus reveal his divinity in John? What chapters are they in?
Likewise, Jesus reveals His divinity with the seven I Am Passages: “I am the bread of life” (6:35); “I am the light of the world” (8:12); “I am the gate for the sheep” (10:7); “I am the good shepherd” (10:11); “I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25); “I am the way and the truth and the life” (14:6); and “I am the true vine.” (15:1)
Who wrote the Book of Luke and Acts? When does he write each?
Luke, a physician and the companion of the Apostle Paul (Colossians 4:14), is the author of his namesake gospel which he most likely writes in 57-59 AD during Paul’s imprisonment in Caesarea. Similarly, Luke writes the Book of Acts during Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome in 60 to 62 AD.
Who are the books Luke and Acts addressed to? What does it mean?
The Book of Acts is addressed to Theophilus. This literary device is also used in the Gospel of Luke. Theophilus literally means “friend of God,” and since there are no formal greetings at the end of either book, this assertion that Theophilius is not an individual is highly likely.
The title, “Acts of the Apostles” was not part of the original text, when was it first used?
It was first used by Irenaeus late in the second century
What have some suggested the title of “Acts” be interpreted as?
Some have suggested that the title “Acts” be interpreted as “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.”
What years do the dates/events of the First Century Church cover?
What church events (2) happened in 29AD? What scriptures?
∙ Jesus Death, Resurrection and Ascension (Acts 1)
∙ Day of Pentecost – 3,000 baptized and God’s spiritual Kingdom on earth begins. (Acts 2)
What world event (1) is mentioned in 29AD?
∙ Tiberius is Emperor from 14 to 37 AD.
What church event (1) happened in 30AD? What scripture?
∙ Peter and John arrested by Sanhedrin. (Acts 4)
What church event (3) happened in 32AD? What scriptures?
∙ Joseph (Barnabas), a Levite from Cyprus, sells a field. (Acts 4)
∙ Ananias and Sapphira die. (Acts 5)
∙ Apostles arrested twice and then flogged. (Acts 5)
What church event (2) happened in 33AD? What scriptures?
∙ Seven “deacons” are chosen.. (Acts 6)
∙ A large number of priests believe. (Acts 6)
What church event (4) happened in 34AD? What scriptures?
∙ Stephen arrested and stoned by Sanhedrin. (Acts 6 and 7)
∙ Saul persecutes the church in Jerusalem. (Acts 8)
∙ Philip goes to Samaria. (Acts 8)
∙ Philip baptizes the Ethiopian Treasurer. (Acts 8)
What church event (2) happened in 35 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Saul converted in Damascus. (Acts 9)
∙ Saul leaves for Arabia. (Galatians 1:17)
What church event (1) happened in 36 AD? What scripture?
∙ Saul is in Arabia. (Galatians 1:18)
What church event (1) happened in 37 AD? What scripture?
∙ Saul is in Arabia. (Galatians 1:18)
What world event (1) is mentioned in 37 AD?
∙ Caligula is Emperor from 37 to 41 AD
What church event (4) happened in 38 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Saul goes to Jerusalem. (Acts 9)
∙ Barnabas introduces Saul to the Apostles. (Acts 9)
∙ Saul stays with Peter 15 days. (Gal.1:18-19)
∙ Because of persecution from preaching the Word, Saul flees to Tarsus in Cilicia. (Acts 9)
What church event (2) happened in 39 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Saul preaches in Cilicia and Syria for five years. (Galatians 1:21)
∙ Peter called to Caesarea by Cornelius. (Acts 10)
What church event (2) happened in 40 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Peter has to defend having preached in a Gentile house to the Jerusalem Church Leaders. (Acts 11)
∙ Disciples from Cyprus and Cyrene in North Africa come to Antioch in Syria and preach to the Gentiles. (Acts11)
What world event (1) is mentioned in 41 AD?
∙ Caligula assassinated; Claudius is Emperor from 41 to 54 AD
What church event (1) happened in 42 AD? What scripture?
∙ Barnabas is sent to visit the church in Antioch by the Jerusalem Church. (Acts11)
What church event (2) happened in 43 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Barnabas brings Saul back from Tarsus to teach in the church in Syrian Antioch. (Acts 11)
∙ Disciples are called “Christians” first in Antioch. (Acts 11)
What world event (1) is mentioned in 43 AD?
∙ Rome invades Britain
What church event (2) happened in 44 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Antioch Church sends Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem with an offering. (Acts 11)
∙ James is beheaded. He is the first Apostle to be martyred. Peter is arrested but an angel releases him. (Acts 12)
What church event (1) happened in 45 AD? What scripture?
∙ John Mark leaves Jerusalem to go to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. (Acts 12)
What NT book (1) was written in 45 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ James writes James from Jerusalem
What church event (1) happened in 46 AD? What scripture?
∙ Paul and Barnabas leave for their first missionary journey. (Acts 13)
What church event (3) happened in 47 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Peter comes to Antioch in Syria. (Galatians 2:11)
∙ Paul and Barnabas travel in the Roman Province of Galatia to Pisidan Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. (Acts 13 and 14)
∙ James sends Jews from Jerusalem to Antioch. Judaizers confuse the Antioch Church. (Galatians 2:12)
What church event (3) happened in 48 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul returns through the same cities then goes back to Antioch. (Acts 14)
∙ Peter and Barnabas are led astray by Judaizers from Jerusalem. (Galatians 2:13-14)
∙ Paul opposes Peter and the Judaizers. (Galatians 2:14)
What church event (4) happened in 49 AD? What scriptures?
∙ To resolve the conflict of Judaism and Christianity on the issue of circumcision, the Jerusalem Council is held. (Acts 15; Galatians 2:1-10)
∙ The “authoritative letter” from James, the Apostles and Jerusalem Elders is sent out to all the churches teaching that circumcision is not necessary for salvation. (Acts 15)
∙ Paul and Barnabas sadly separate over John Mark. (Acts 15)
∙ Paul leaves on his Second Missionary Journey through Galatia to Troas. (Acts 15 and 16)
What NT book (1) was written in 49 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes Galatians from Antioch in Syria
What world event (1) is mentioned in 49 AD?
∙ Roman historian Suetonius (70-122) records that Emperor Claudius expelled Jews from Rome. He wrote that Claudius “expelled the Jews from Rome since they rioted constantly at the instigation of Chrestus (Christ).”
What church event (5) happened in 50 AD? What scriptures?
∙ In Troas (four miles from ancient Troy), Paul sees a vision of a Macedonian man calling Paul to preach in Europe. (Acts 16)
∙ Paul goes to Philippi. (Acts 16)
∙ Paul preaches in Thessalonica and starts a church and a riot. (Acts 17)
∙ Paul goes to Berea but then flees to Athens. (Acts 17)
∙ Paul then goes to Corinth alone without money and gets a job as a tentmaker and meets Priscilla & Aquila. (Acts 18)
What NT books (2) were written in 50 AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ John Mark writes his Gospel of Mark sometime in the 50’s AD.
∙ Matthew writes his Gospel of Matthew sometime in the 50’s or 60’s AD.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 50 AD?
∙ Rome founds the city of Londinium (or London) in Britain.
What church event (2) happened in 51 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Silas and Timothy bring an offering to Paul from Macedonia who has started the Corinthian Church. (Acts 18)
∙ Paul responds to Thessalonians with a letter – 1 Thessalonians.
What NT book (1) was written in 51 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes 1 Thessalonians from Corinth
What church event (3) happened in 52 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul writes 2 Thessalonians in response to questions from
∙ Paul leaves Corinth in the spring and sails for Ephesus. (Acts 18)
∙ Paul leaves Corinth and sails to Ephesus. He reasoned in the synagogue and left Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus. (Acts 18)
What NT book (1) was written in 52 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes 2 Thessalonians from Corinth
What church event (4) happened in 53 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul spends time in Antioch. (Acts 18)
∙ Paul begins his Third Missionary Journey traveling through Galatia and Phrygia. (Acts 18)
∙ In Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla explain the gospel to Apollos. Apollos goes to Corinth, then Paul arrives in Ephesus. (Acts 18)
∙ Paul stays in Ephesus for three years.
What church event (1) happened in 54 AD? What scripture?
∙ Paul sends Timothy into Macedonia. (Acts 19)
What world event (1) is mentioned in 54 AD?
∙ Nero, age 16, is Emperor from 54 – 68 AD
What church event (2) happened in 55 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul writes the Corinthians his 1st of 4 letters (not 1 Cor.) mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5:9. In Ephesus, Paul writes & sends his second letter known as 1 Corinthians to Corinth.
∙ Paul writes a third letter (which we do not have) in Ephesus and sends it to Corinth. (2 Corinthians 2:3-4; 7:8-9,12) Titus carries this letter and stays to fix the church. (2 Corinthians 7:13-15)
What NT book (1) was written in 55 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes First Corinthians from Ephesus
What church event (2) happened in 56 AD? What scriptures?
∙ In the fall Paul leaves Ephesus for Corinth and goes through Troas and into Macedonia. In Macedonia Paul writes his fourth letter to the Corinthians known as Second Corinthians (2 Corinthians 2:13; 7:5)
∙ Paul follows them into Corinth to spend the winter in Corinth. (1 Corinthians 16:6)
What NT book (1) was written in 56 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes Second Corinthians from Macedonia
What church event (5) happened in 57 AD? What scriptures?
∙ In the spring, Paul writes to the Roman Church from Corinth and sends the Letter of Romans with Phoebe to Rome. (Romans 16:1)
∙ Paul sails to Jerusalem and is arrested. (Acts 21)
∙ Paul is placed in prison in Jerusalem at Fort Antonia and appears before the Sanhedrin. (Acts 22 and 23)
∙ Jews plan to kill Paul so Paul is transferred to Caesarea. (Acts 23)
∙ Paul is in prison in Caesarea for two years, where Paul appears before Felix. (Acts 24)
What NT books (2) were written in 57 AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ Paul writes Romans from Corinth
∙ Luke writes the Gospel of Luke while Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea from 57-59 AD.
What church event (3) happened in 59 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul appears before Festus and King Herod Agrippa II. (Acts 25 and 26)
∙ Paul appeals to Caesar, so Paul is sent to Rome by Festus and Agrippa. (Acts 25)
∙ In an attempt to beat the coming winter, a ship of prisoners with Paul leaves for Rome. Paul advised the commanding centurion, Julius, to harbor on Crete but they decided to go onto Phoenix. The ship was blown off course and is shipwrecked in Malta. (Acts 27)
What church event (1) happened in 60 AD? What scripture?
∙ Paul arrives in Rome and is allowed to live by himself with a Roman soldier to guard him (Acts 28)
What NT books (5) were written in 60 AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ Paul writes Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon during Roman imprisonment
∙ Luke writes Acts during Paul’s Roman imprisonment – 60-62 AD.
What church event (1) happened in 62 AD?
∙ Paul is released from Roman imprisonment. Paul may have gone to Spain, but more likely spends time in the churches he established.
What church event (1) happened in 63 AD?
∙ James, the Lord’s brother, is martyred in
What NT book (1) was written in 63 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes 1 Timothy from Macedonia
What church event (2) happened in 64 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul spends time in Crete. Then leaves Titus there. (Titus 1)
∙ Paul goes to Corinth and writes Titus the epistle called Titus.
What NT books (2) were written in 64 AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ Peter writes 1 Peter from Rome
∙ Paul writes Titus from Corinth
What world events (2) are mentioned in 64 AD?
∙ The Great Fire of Rome. Nero blames the Christians.
∙ Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem is completed. It was began in 20 BC.
What church event (1) happened in 65 AD? What scripture?
∙ Paul travels through Macedonia and Asia.
What NT books (2) were written in 65 AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ Peter writes 2 Peter from Rome
∙ Jude – the half-brother of Jesus – writes Jude
in the mid to late 60’s
What church events (2) happened in 66 AD? What scriptures?
∙ Paul is arrested again in Rome. While in prison, Paul writes to Timothy in Ephesus his last epistle called 2 Timothy.
∙ Peter and his wife are arrested.
What NT book (1) was written in 66 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ Paul writes 2 Timothy from Roman Prison
What world event (1) is mentioned in 66 AD?
∙ Jews revolt against Rome in Judea; led by the Zealots who drive the Romans from Jerusalem
What church event (1) happened in 67 AD? What scripture?
∙ Paul and Peter are executed by Nero – Paul as a Roman citizen is beheaded; Peter and his wife are crucified. Peter not believing that he is “worthy” to be crucified like Jesus and his wife asks to be crucified upside down.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 67 AD?
∙ Rome is at war with Judea
What church event (1) happened in 68 AD? What scripture?
∙ The book of Hebrews is written.
What NT book (1) was written in 68 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ The book of Hebrews is written by an unknown author – perhaps Barnabas or Apollos in the late 60’s before the fall of Jerusalem.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 68 AD?
∙ Nero commits suicide, then Galba is Emperor from 68 – 69 AD… So begins the Year of Four Emperors.
What church event (1) happened in 69 AD?
∙ Ignatius (35-110 AD) becomes Bishop in
Antioch, Syria. Knew Peter and Paul.
What world events (2) are mentioned in 69 AD?
∙ Otho is Emperor for 3 months 69 AD and Vitellius is Emperor for 8 months 69 AD.
∙ General Vespasian is Emperor from 69 – 79 AD.
What church event (4) happened in 70 AD?
∙ July 1st, Titus assaults Jerusalem’s walls
with battering rams.
∙ August 8th, Fort Antonia is destroyed.
∙ August 29th, Rome’s 10th Legion burns Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem after a nine-month siege of the city.
∙ Josephus records that Rome took 50 tons
of gold and silver from Jerusalem.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 70 AD?
∙ Titus conquerors Jerusalem. He is Emperor from 79 – 81 AD.
What church events (2) happened in 71 AD?
∙ Emperor Vespasian and his son General Titus enter Rome and parade through the streets with the plundered treasure from Jerusalem.
∙ Many believe that the Jerusalem gold was used to finance the building of the Coliseum in Rome. The Coliseum opens in 80 AD.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 71 AD?
∙ Masada falls to Rome
What NT books (2) were written in the 80’s AD? Who wrote them? Where were they written?
∙ John writes the Gospel of John and 1, 2, 3 John from Ephesus in the 80’s.
What church event (1) happened in 88 AD? What scripture?
∙ Clement (30-100) becomes Bishop of the church in Rome. Clement worked alongside Paul. (Philippians 4)
What church event (1) happened in 94 AD?
∙ John sent to the Isle of Patmos by Emperor Domitian.
What church event (1) happened in 95 AD? What scriptures?
∙ John receives the Revelation of Jesus while on the Isle of Patmos and sends it to the Seven Churches of Asia. (Revelation 2 and 3)
What NT book (1) was written in 95 AD? Who wrote it? Where was it written?
∙ John writes Revelation on the Isle of Patmos
What church event (1) happened in 96 AD? What scripture?
∙ John is released from Patmos and returns to Ephesus.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 96 AD?
∙ On September 18, 96 AD
Domitian (Emperor from 81 – 96 AD) is assassinated by his political enemies in the Senate. Nerva is Emperor from 96 – 98 AD and releases Domitian’s political enemies.
What world event (1) is mentioned in 98 AD?
∙ Trajan is Emperor from 98 – 117 AD
What church event (1) happened in 100 AD? What scripture?
∙ The last apostle of Jesus, John, dies of natural causes in Ephesus.
Are all of the dates agreed upon?
No, some of the dates are disputed, but even the dates that are questioned have reasonableness to each of them
When did the disciples evangelize the known world?
The First Century
When did Paul write “This is the Gospel that you heard and has been proclaimed to every creature under Heaven”? What scripture is it recorded in?
61 AD in Colossians 1:23
The known world was evangelized after how many years?
After 32 years the known world was evangelized (61 AD - 32 years = 29 AD)
What is the SoldOut Movement’s Plan for the evangelization of all nations in the 21st Century called?
The Crown of Thorns Project
What is revelation?
This revelation from Jesus to the Apostle John is a book of prophecies that deal with the challenges of the church in the very late first century and therefore today
Who has the Book of Revelation been corrupted by?
The Book of Revelation has been corrupted by false teachers more than any other in the New Testament
What did Hal Lindsey’s book “The Late, Great Planet Earth” teach?
Hal Lindsey in his book The Late, Great Planet Earth taught that Revelation is about the end times, which Lindsey considers to be now
What is the truth about the Revelation letter?
The truth is that this letter was written to disciples in the first century giving them divine direction during one of the most intense times of persecution during the reign of Emperor Domitian
What is the overall theme of Revelation?
The overall theme of this inspirational book is: “Overcome and ultimate victory in Jesus Christ is assured. You will receive eternal life. It is worth it!”
Where are the letters to the Seven Churches of Asia found?
Revelation 2 & 3
What do the letters to the Seven Churches of Asia address?
The letters to the Seven Churches of Asia (Revelation 2-3) collectively address the challenges and temptations to Jesus’ church in such a godless age:
- Ephesus – Losing their “first love;”
- Smyrna – Becoming a coward when martyrdom is the price of faithfulness;
- Pergamum – Listening to appealing false teachers;
- Thyatira – Tolerating sin;
- Sardis – “Having a reputation of being alive but [being] dead;”
- Philadelphia – Becoming weak;
- Laodicea – Becoming “lukewarm.”
What is the distinctive feature of Revelation?
A distinctive feature of this book is the use of “numerology.”
Which number is used most frequently in Revelation? How many times?
Of note is the frequent use of the number seven (55 times)
What are the 15 uses of the number 7 in Revelation?
There are 1)seven churches, 2)seven spirits, 3)seven golden lampstands, 4)seven stars, 5)seven seals, 6)seven horns, 7)seven eyes, 8)seven trumpets, 9)seven thunders, 10)seven signs, 11)seven crowns, 12)seven plagues, 13)seven golden bowls, 14)seven hills and 15)seven kings
What does 7 symbolically stand for?
To fully understand Revelation, what is essential to grasp?
The symbolism of numbers
What do the numbers 3, 3.5 (half of 7), 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 24, 666, and 144,000 represent?
- 3 (the trinity),
- 3 ½ – a half of 7 (the time that evil is allowed to reign),
- 4 (universality),
- 6 (imperfection),
- 7 (completeness),
- 10 like 1,000 (perfection),
- 12 (the tribes of Israel from sons of Jacob or the Apostles… in essence, the people of God),
- 24 (both the sons of Jacob and the Apostles),
- 666 (totally imperfection – the beast)
- 144,000 (the saved – 12 X 12 X 10 X 10 X 10 = 144,000)
What is “Gematria”?
The study of the traditional Jewish system of assigning a numerical value to a word or phrase is called “Gematria.”
Who is the Beast in Revelation 13? How do we know?
Well, in Hebrew, Nero’s name is NRON QSR. (Neron Kaisar) Each letter has a value: nun (50) + resh (200) + vav (6) + nun (50) + qof (100) + samech (60) + resh (200) = 666! The mark of the beast!
What does Revelation 13:3 say about the beast? Where is again stated?
Revelation 13:3 says the beast “had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed”. This is again stated in Revelation 13:12
Who is the original beast? What was he considered?
The original beast is Nero, who up to that time was considered the worst persecutor of Christians as he burned disciples as torches to light his garden
When was the Great Fire of Rome? What was the result of putting the blame on Christians?
the Great Fire of Rome (64 AD) stirred up tremendous hate toward the Christians
Who is Nero resurrected in?
Nero is – so to speak – resurrected in Domitian
What did Domitian take farther than any other emperor?
Domitian took Emperor Worship farther than any before him
What were all other emperors made into when they died? How is this different from Domitian?
All other emperors were “made gods” upon their death. However, Domitian commanded everyone to address him as “Lord and God” while he was living.
According to Revelation 13: 3, 7, what does “the whole world was astonished and followed the beast… He was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation” represent?
The Roman Empire
What would happen if one “gave into” emperor worship according to Revelation 13:8?
Then your name was “not written in the book of life.” (Revelation 13:8)
What was without question the biggest challenge to all disciples in that day?
This was without question the biggest challenge to all disciples in that day (Revelation 13:10), because if someone did not address Domitian (or future emperors) as “Lord and God,” one might not have a job; thus one could not earn money for food for one’s family; and in some cases you were condemned to die. (Revelation 13:15-17)
What principle does the Spirit clearly teach in the Book of Revelation?
The Spirit clearly teaches the principle that even if the governmental authorities call you to renounce your faith, one must stand firm
Finish the sentence: “For no matter the circumstances, Jesus is “__________” Revelation 4:11
For no matter the circumstances, Jesus is “our Lord and God.”
In the end, Jesus will be victorious over what?
And in the end, Jesus will be victorious over the “unholy trinity” of the Devil, the Beast and the False Prophet! And to God be all the glory!