Genesis-Deuteronomy: People Flashcards
Who is Esau/Edom?
Sold Birthright to Jacob, Lost his blessing to Jacob who posed as him with animal fur. Edomites warred against Israel long after the Exodus from Egypt
Leah’s maidservant, mother of Gad and Asher
What does Abram mean?
What does Abraham mean?
“Noble father”, “father of many nations “
The oldest man who ever lived; died at the age of 969 years in the year of the flood.
Nephew of Abraham and father of Rebekah.
How did Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, die?
Priests, sons of Aaron. Killed for kindling incense in censers with fire not from the altar.
Who is Tamar?
The wife of Judah’s son Er; then after his death, married Onan and on his death Judah promised to her his son Shelah. This promise was not fulfilled and Tamar avenged herself by dressing as a prostitute and lying with her father-in-law Judah. She became pregnant with twins, Perez and Zerah. One of the five women mentioned in the line of Jesus.
Who is Lot?
Accompanied Abraham into Canaan, but then settled in Sodom. He was taken captive by Kedorlaomer and rescued by Abraham. Delivered by angels from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. During flight, Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters refuged in a cave. Father of Ben-ammi and Moab by each of his daughters.
Who is Judah?
Intercedes on behalf of Joseph so that his brother’s life was spared. Met by a prostitute and unknowingly lay with and impregnated his daughter-in-law Tamar. Judah, therefore, received the honors and leadership of the firstborn after Reuben, Simeon, and Levi forfeited it
Youngest son of Leah
Who is Joseph?
Hated by his brothers, had colorful robe, Received dreams concerning his future preeminence. Sold into slavery by his brothers, and eventually sold in Egypt to Potiphar. Appointed overseer of Potiphar’s house. Falsely accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. While in prison he interpreted the dreams for two of Pharaoh’s officials. Interpreted the two dreams of Pharaoh. Pharaoh appointed him second in Egypt. Reconciled himself to his family upon their visitation to Pharaoh. Brought the “house of Israel” into Egypt.
Who is Leah?
Deceitfully passed off in marriage to Jacob. Bore 6 sons and 1 daughter before Rachel had a child. Mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah.
Brother and spokesperson of Moses. Began the family line of priests to work in the tabernacle. He allowed the creation of the _____ ___. Died on Mount Hor.
Who is Shechem?
Settled at Shechem in Canaan with his father Hamor, purchased land, Raped Dinah, and propositioned Jacob to marry Dinah, yet was vengefully murdered along with all his settlement by Simeon and Levi.
Who are the Merarites?
⅓ division of Levites, overaw tabernacle boards, bars, sockets, pillars, etc.
Who is Er?
The eldest son of Judah. The first husband of Tamar. Slain by God because of his wickedness.
Who was swallowed by the earth?
the rebels of Korah, Dathan and Abiram
Who is Dan and Naphtali’s mother?
Who is Asenath?
Wife of Joseph, given to him by Pharoah
Who is Asher and Gad’s mother?
Moses selected one leader from each tribe, and surveyed Canaan for 40 days, with 10 giving a ___ report. Caleb of Judah and Joshua of Ephraim gave a _____ report and saw the promised land. Due to the ten spies, the Israelites became faithless, and wandered the desert for ___ years, until a new generation would rise up.
The Twelve Spies
Deceitfully passed off in marriage to Jacob. Bore 6 sons and 1 daughter before Rachel had a child. Mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah.
Who is Phinehas?
Son of Eleazar. Killed an Israelite man and Midianite woman for immorality (seduced by the Moabite false gods). His zeal swayed God’s wrath from destroying the Israelites with a plague, and was promised to have the priesthood in his family for forever.
Who is Levi?
Avenged his sister Dinah being raped by the Shechemites along with Simeon; bringing trouble on Jacob’s family. Forfeited his birthright because of his conduct against the Shechmites. Levitical priesthood comes from Levi
Who is Moses?
A Levite adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Killed an egyptian at 40 years old and fled to Midian, where he meets Reuel/Jethro, marries his daughter (Zipporah) and has two sons. Meets God at Mt. Horeb and is sent back to Egypt to free the Israelites. God performed miracles through him, and received all the levitical law/direction directly from God. Led the people in the wilderness, received the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai, and did not enter the promised land (at Canaan). Died on Mt. Nebo, his body was never found.
Who is Zilpah?
Leah’s maidservant, mother of Gad and Asher
Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites are what?
Three divisions of Levites
Rachel’s maidservant, Mother of Dan and Naphtali
Who is Shelah?
Third son of Judah. Promised to Tamar as her husband but never fulfilled.
Mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob worked 7 years then 7 more to marry her. Died giving birth to Benjamin
A Prophetess and the sister of Moses and Aaron. Had leprosy for complaining about Moses’s marriage with a Cushite, but was cured. Led the women in praise for victory.
Son and successor to Aaron because brothers, Nadab and Abihu, died
Who is Simeon?
Avenged his sister Dinah being raped by the Shechemites along with Levi; bringing trouble on Jacob’s family. Forfeited his birthright because of his conduct against the Shechemites
Who is Miriam?
A Prophetess and the sister of Moses and Aaron. Had leprosy for complaining about Moses’s marriage with a Cushite, but was cured. Led the women in praise for victory.
A Levite adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Killed an Egyptian at 40 years old and fled to Midian, where he meets Reuel/Jethro, marries his daughter (_____) and has two sons, Gershom and Eliezer. Meets God at Mt. ____ and is sent back to Egypt to free the Israelites. God performed miracles through him, and received all the levitical law/direction directly from God. Led the people in the wilderness, received the ten commandments at Mt. Sinai, and did not enter the promised land (at Canaan). Died on Mt. ____, his body was never found.
The eldest son of Judah. The first husband of Tamar. Slain by God because of his wickedness.
Who is Aaron?
Brother and spokesperson of Moses. Began the family line of priests to work in the tabernacle. He allowed the creation of the Golden Calf. Died on Mount Hor.
Oversaw the holy portions of the tabernacle, including the Ark
The Kohathites
Wife of Joseph, given to him by Pharoah
Hebrew for “granted,” or “compensation.” Born after the murder of Abel. Named by Eve because she considered him a compensation from God after Abel’s death.
Who is Balaam?
Hired by Balak to curse Israel, but saw its bright future instead. On his way back to Balak, his donkey veered off the road to avoid an angel of the Lord. The donkey spoke to him after he tried beating it into submission. Told the Moabites that causing the Israelites to commit fornication would cause the wrath of God to fall on them. Died along with the Midianites in battle against the Israelites.
Who is Caleb?
Son of Jephunneh, Kezenite. One of the 12 spies (did not perish).
Joseph’s first son, Name means “Forget”. His tribe ______ promise land
Who is Eleazar?
Son and successor to Aaron because brothers, Nadab and Abihu, died
Rachel died birthing him
Who is Bethuel?
Nephew of Abraham and father of Rebekah.
Who is Korah?
Son of Izhar, grandson of Kohath. Led “Korah’s rebellion” against Moses and Aaron. Rebels burned censers at the front of the Tabernacle to show they are equal with Moses and Aaron. Was swallowed by the Earth for failing to appear before Moses. 250 rebellious Levites were consumed by fire from the Lord. Family line did not die off.
Oversaw tabernacle boards, bars, sockets, pillars, etc.
The Merarites
Son of Moses, circumcised to save Moses from being killed by God.
Who is Noah?
Built the ark, which saved his family from the flood and preserved mankind. After the flood He entered a new covenant with God to fill the earth. He planted a vineyard, became drunk, fell naked into his tent. Then was discovered and humiliated by his son Ham. Noah cursed Ham after. God found Noah righteous in a corrupt generation.
Who is Jacob/Israel?
Father of the nation of Israel, Bought Esau’s birthright with lentil soup and stole his blessing by deceiving Isaac. Had 12 sons and a daughter from his 2 wives, Leah and Rachel, and their servants Bilhah and Zilpah. After wrestling with God had his name changed to Israel: “He who wrestles with God”
Joseph’s second son, Name means “twice fruitful”.. One of the 12 tribes to inherit promise land
Who are Aaron’s sons?
Nadab and Abihu
Who is Zipporah?
Wife of Moses, daughter of Reuel/Jethro. Has two sons.
Who is Issachar?
Son of Leah
Moabite king. Hired Balaam to curse the Israelites near his territory, but failed.
Who are the Kohathites?
1/3 division of Levites, oversaw the holy portions of the tabernacle, including the Ark
Who is Abel?
Offered the “first fruits” of his flock, thereby finding favor with God. Murdered by his brother Cain.
Who is Benjamin?
Rachel died birthing him
Abraham’s son of Promise.
Built the ark, which saved his family from the flood and preserved mankind. After the flood He entered a new covenant with God to fill the earth. He planted a vineyard, became drunk, fell naked into his tent. Then was discovered and humiliated by his son Ham. Noah cursed Ham after. God found Noah righteous in a corrupt generation.
Who is Ithamar?
Youngest son of Aaron, Consecrated for the priesthood and served after Nadab and Abihu died.
First man God created who was placed in the Garden of Eden to manage it, but was later banished from the Garden of Eden after eating from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.
Son of Izhar, grandson of Kohath. Led “____ rebellion” against Moses and Aaron. Rebels burned censers at the front of the Tabernacle to show they are equal with Moses and Aaron. Was swallowed by the Earth for failing to appear before Moses. 250 rebellious Levites were consumed by fire from the Lord. Family line did not die off.
The youngest son of Noah and was cursed by Noah for seeing his nakedness.
Committed adultery with his father’s concubine Bilhah, forfeiting the birthright. Intervened for Joseph’s life when the other brothers wanted him dead. He pledged the life of himself and his sons when Jacob was unwilling to let Benjamin go to Egypt
Who is Abraham/Abram?
Father of the Israelites. Set out from Chaldea to Canaan the land promised by God to his descendants. Denied his marriage to Sarai twice in fear of death. Name changed from Abram, which means a “noble father”, to Abraham, which means “father of many nations.” Established the covenant of circumcision between him and God. Interceded with God for the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gave a tithe to Melchizedek. His son, Isaac was born when he was 100 years old and then was tested by God to offer him as a burnt offering.
Brother of Rebekah. Father of Leah and Rachel, deceitfully married Jacob first to Leah and then to Rachel.
The wife of Judah’s son Er; then after his death, married Onan and after his death, Judah promised to her his son _____. This promise was not fulfilled and Tamar avenged herself by dressing as a prostitute and lying with her father-in-law Judah. She became pregnant with twins, ____ and ____. One of the five women mentioned in the line of Jesus.
Who are Zilpah’s sons?
Asher and Gad
Who is Onan?
Second son of Judah. Second husband of Tamar. Like his brother Er, God slew him because of his wickedness.
Who is Seth?
Hebrew for “granted,” or “compensation.” Born after the murder of Abel. Named by Eve because she considered him a compensation from God after Abel’s death.
Who is Ham?
The youngest son of Noah and was cursed by Noah for seeing his nakedness.
Avenged his sister Dinah being raped by the Shechemites along with Levi; bringing trouble on Jacob’s family. Forfeited his birthright because of his conduct against the Shechemites
Who is Bilhah?
Rachel’s maidservant, Mother of Dan and Naphtali
Son of Jephunneh, Kezenite. One of the 12 spies (did not perish).
Found by Abraham’s steward at the city of Nahor in Padan-aram. Mother of Jacob and Esau.
Rejected by God after offering only “some” of his fruit, compared to his brother Abel who gave his “___ ___”. Later, killed his brother Abel, was banished from east of Eden and received a “mark” from God as protection from being slain.
The 2nd son of Noah. The father of the Semite people.
Sold Birthright to Jacob, Lost his blessing to Jacob who posed as him with animal fur. _____ warred against Israel long after the Exodus from Egypt
Son of Nun, Ephraimite. Successor to Moses. One of the 12 spies (did not perish).
King of Amorites in Bashan. Wiped out completely.
The oldest son of Noah. With the help of his brother Shem, he covered the nakedness of their drunk father.
Who is Isaac?
Abraham’s son of Promise.
Father of the nation of Israel, Bought Esau’s birthright with lentil soup and stole his blessing by deceiving Isaac. Had 12 sons and a daughter from his 2 wives, Leah and Rachel, and their servants Bilhah and Zilpah. After wrestling with God had his name changed to Israel: “He who wrestles with God”
Formed from one of Adam’s ribs. Tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam. Thereafter, also banished from the Garden of Eden with Adam. She became the mother of all the ____.
Who is Eve?
Formed from one of Adam’s ribs. Tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam. Thereafter, also banished from the Garden of Eden with Adam. She became the mother of all the living.
What does Sarai mean?
What does Sarah mean?
“princess of one person”, “princess of a whole nation.”
Who is Melchizedek?
King of Salem and priest of the most high God, who met Abram and received a tithe from him.
The twin sons who were shamefully born to Judah by Tamar, his own daughter‐in‐law.
Perez and Zerah
Intercedes on behalf of Joseph so that his brother’s life was spared. Met by a prostitute and unknowingly lay with and impregnated his daughter-in-law Tamar. ____, therefore, received the honors and leadership of the firstborn after _____, _____, and ___ forfeited it
Lived for 365 years and walked faithfully with God for 300 years before ascending to heaven.
Who is Rachel?
Mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob worked 7 years then 7 more to marry her. Died giving birth to Benjamin
Who is Reuben?
Committed adultery with his father’s concubine Bilhah, forfeiting the birthright. Intervened for Joseph’s life when the other brothers wanted him dead. He pledged the life of himself and his sons when Jacob was unwilling to let Benjamin go to Egypt
Wife of Abraham (after Sarah) by whom he had 6 sons.
Father-in-Law of Moses, and a _____ priest. Advises Moses to create a leadership structure, the “_____ Principle”. (Exodus 18)
Accompanied Abraham into Canaan, but then settled in Sodom. He was taken captive by Kedorlaomer and rescued by Abraham. Delivered by angels from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. During flight, Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters refuged in a cave. Father of Ben-ammi and Moab by each of his daughters.
Hated by his brothers, had colorful robe, Received dreams concerning his future preeminence. Sold into slavery by his brothers, and eventually sold in Egypt to Potiphar. Appointed overseer of Potiphar’s house. Falsely accused of rape by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. While in prison he interpreted the dreams for two of Pharaoh’s officials. Interpreted the two dreams of Pharaoh. Pharaoh appointed him second in Egypt. Reconciled himself to his family upon their visitation to Pharaoh. Brought the “house of Israel” into Egypt.
Despite Abraham’s intercession with God, he was rejected as the chosen seed. Settled in Paran, becoming a great warrior and father of the Ishmaelitie’s and many Arab tribes.
King of the Amorites, and refused Israel’s passage. All the Amorites were completely wiped out.
Who is Joshua?
Son of Nun, Ephraimite. Successor to Moses. One of the 12 spies (did not perish).
Who is Sarai/Sarah?
Abraham/Abram’s wife
Who is Methuselah?
The oldest man who ever lived; died at the age of 969 years in the year of the flood.
Oversaw tabernacle coverings, curtains, hangings, and cords.
The Gershonites
Father of Abraham, Haran, Nahor and Sarah. He settled in Haran until his death.
Second son of Judah. Second husband of Tamar. Like his brother ___, God slew him because of his wickedness.
King of Salem and _____ of the most high God, who met Abram and received a tithe from him.
Who is Japheth?
The oldest son of Noah. With the help of his brother Shem, he covered the nakedness of their drunk father.
Who is Zebulun?
The youngest son of Leah
Who are the three divisions of Levites?
Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites
Who is Ephraim?
Joseph’s second son, Name means “twice fruitful”.. One of the 12 tribes to inherit promise land
Hired by ____ to curse Israel, but saw its bright future instead. On his way back to Balak, his donkey veered off the road to avoid an angel of the Lord. The donkey spoke to him after he tried beating it into submission. Told the Moabites that causing the Israelites to commit fornication would cause the wrath of God to fall on them. Died along with the Midianites in battle against the Israelites.
Who is Ishmael?
Despite Abraham’s intercession with God, he was rejected as the chosen seed. Settled in Paran, becoming a great warrior and father of the Ishmaelitie’s and many Arab tribes.
Who is Shem?
The 2nd son of Noah. The father of the Semite people.
Youngest son of Aaron, Consecrated for the _____ and served after Nadab and Abihu died.
Who are the Gershonites?
⅓ division of Levites, oversaw tabernacle coverings, curtains, hangings, and cords.
Who is Hagar?
Sarah’s servant given as a concubine to Abraham to bare him children. Bore Ishmael to Abram.
Who is Keturah?
Wife of Abraham (after Sarah) by whom he had 6 sons.
What happened with the Twelve Spies?
Moses selected one leader from each tribe, and surveyed Canaan for 40 days, with 10 giving a bad report. Caleb of Judah and Joshua of Ephraim gave a faithful report, and saw the promised land. Due to the ten spies, the Israelites became faithless, and wandered the desert for 40 years, until a new generation would rise up.
What did Abraham/Abram give Melchizedek?
A tithe
Wife of Moses, daughter of Reuel/Jethro. Has two sons.
Who is Adam?
First man God created who was placed in the Garden of Eden to manage it, but was later banished from the Garden of Eden after eating from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.
Who is Manasseh?
Joseph’s first son, Name means “Forget”. His tribe inherited promise land
Who is Reuel/Jethro?
Father-in-Law of Moses, and a midianite priest. Advises Moses to create a leadership structure, the “Jethro Principle”. (Exodus 18)
Who did Abraham/Abram give a tithe to?
Who is the son of Eleazar? Killed an Israelite man and Midianite woman for immorality (seduced by the Moabite false gods). His zeal swayed God’s wrath from destroying the Israelites with a _____, and was promised to have the priesthood in his family forever.
Offered the “first fruits” of his flock, thereby finding favor with God. Murdered by his brother Cain.
Who are the Moabites and Ammonites?
The two tribes which extend from Lot’s two sons, Moab and Ben-ammi. Born to Lot after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, each by one of his own daughters. Historically regarded as intense enemies of Israel.
Who is Enoch?
Lived for 365 years and walked faithfully with God for 300 years before ascending to heaven.
Avenged his sister Dinah being raped by the Shechemites along with Simeon; bringing trouble on Jacob’s family. Forfeited his birthright because of his conduct against the Shechmites. Levitical priesthood comes from ___
The two tribes which extend from Lot’s two sons, Moab and Ben-ammi. Born to Lot after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, each by one of his own daughters. Historically regarded as intense _____ of Israel.
The Moabites and Ammonites
Who is Rebekah?
Found by Abraham’s steward at the city of Nahor in Padan-aram. Mother of Jacob and Esau.
Who is Gershom?
Son of Moses, circumcised to save Moses from being killed by God.
Who are Perez and Zerah?
The twin sons who were shamefully born to Judah by Tamar, his own daughter‐in‐law.
Who is Cain?
Rejected by God after offering only “some” of his fruit, compared to his brother Abel who gave his “first fruits”. Later, killed his brother Abel, was banished from east of Eden and received a “mark” from God as protection from being slain.
Father of the Israelites. Set out from Chaldea to Canaan the land promised by God to his descendants. Denied his marriage to Sarai twice in fear of death. Name changed from Abram, which means a “noble father”, to Abraham, which means “father of many nations.” Established the covenant of circumcision between him and God. Interceded with God for the salvation of Sodom and Gomorrah. Gave a tithe to Melchizedek. His son, Isaac was born when he was 100 years old and then was tested by God to offer him as a burnt offering.
Third son of ____. Promised to Tamar as her husband but never fulfilled.
Who is Terah?
Father of Abraham, Haran, Nahor and Sarah. He settled in Haran until his death.
Who is Balak?
Moabite king. Hired Balaam to curse the Israelites near his territory, but failed.
Who are the sons of Bilhah?
Dan and Naphtali
Who are Nadab and Abihu?
Aaron’s sons that died
Who is Og?
King of Bashan. Wiped out completely.
Who is Laban?
Brother of Rebekah. Father of Leah and Rachel, deceitfully married Jacob first to Leah and then to Rachel.
Sarah’s servant given as a concubine to Abraham to bare him children. Bore Ishmael to Abram.
Who are Dathan and Abiram?
The two rebels of Korah. Swallowed by the Earth.
Who are the children of Leah?
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah
Who is Sihon?
King of the Amorites, and refused Israel’s passage. All the Amorites were completely wiped out.
Who is Dinah?
Daughter of Leah, Raped by Shechem which lead to Simeon and Levi massacring all the men of the village