John 6-15 Flashcards
Who provided the starting material for feeding the 5000?
A lad
What did Jesus do after all had eaten and were filled?
Gathered up the leftovers
How did Peter answer Jesus when Jesus asked him, “Do you also want to go away?”
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life
Why didn’t people receive the Holy Ghost while Jesus was here on earth?
Jesus was not yet glorified
What command did Jesus give to the woman taken in adultery?
Go and sin no more
Jesus said if they had known Him they would have known what else?
His father
Jesus said they would die in their sins if they did not believe what?
I am He
What did Jesus say would make you free?
What was the ex-blind man’s reply when the Pharisees said that Jesus was a sinner?
Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see
How do sheep recognize the shepherd?
They know his voice
What is one difference between a shepherd and a hireling?
The hireling flees when he sees the wolf coming
Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus?
Because Jesus, being a man, made Himself God
How many days did Jesus stay where he was after hearing of the sickness of Lazarus?
Who was high priest that year and decided that one man should die for the nation?
Who did the chief priests want to kill because by reason of him many of the Jews believed on Jesus?
None of the above (Lazarus)
What did the Greeks request of Philip?
To see Jesus
What did Jesus say about the grain of wheat?
Except it fall in the ground and die it abides alone
What example of humility did Jesus demonstrate at the Last Supper?
Foot washing
By what did Jesus say others would know who were his disciples?
They would love one another
How did Jesus reply to Philip’s request “Lord, show us the Father”?
He that has seen Me has seen the Father
What did Jesus say we would do if we loved him?
Keep His commandments
What illustration did Jesus use to show that we must be connected Him?
Vine and the branches
What is the greatest love a man can demonstrate?
Lay down his life