2 Corinthians and Romans Flashcards
For what reason does God comfort us? (1:4)
So we can comfort others
What things characterized Paul’s life? (1:12)
A & B
Godly sincerity
What are we NOT ignorant of? (2:11)
Satan’s devices
What did Paul consider to be his epistle? (3:1-2)
The Corinthian saints
In what ways was the Old Testament compared to the New Testament? (3:6-11)
All of the above
Ministration of death to the ministration of the spirit
Ministration of condemnation to the ministration of the righteousness
That which was done away to that which remains
Why cannot the lost understand the gospel? (4:4)
The god of this world has blinded their minds
Why did Paul rejoice in trials and afflictions? (4:17)
All of the above
They are light
They are but for a moment
They work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory
What mistake do some make? (5:12)
They glory in appearance
What ministry focuses on the Incarnation? (5:18-19)
What distinguished position do we hold? (5:20)
How are we NOT to receive the grace of God? (6:1)
In vain
When is the day of salvation? (6:2)
Why was Paul so careful with regards to his life and attitude? (6:3)
That the ministry be not blamed
What were some external conditions that Paul endured? (6:4-5)
All of the above Afflictions Imprisonments Stripes Tumults
What illustrations were presented to show that one should NOT be “unequally yoked” together with unbelievers? (6:14-16)
All of the above
Righteousness with unrighteousness
Light with darkness
Christ with Belial
What are we to cleanse ourselves from? (7:1)
All filthiness of the flesh and spirit
All have __________and fall short of the glory of God? (3:23)
None of the above (sinned)
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still _________, Christ died for us.” (5:8)
What did the previous epistle to the Corinthians accomplish? (7:8-11)
Godly sorrow
What agricultural example did Paul apply to giving? (9:6)
Sowing and reaping
What is the purpose of giving? (9:12)
A & B
Supply needs
Thanksgivings unto God
What are we to cast down? (10:5)
What did his opponents say about Paul’s letters? (10:9-10)
Mighty and powerful
How did Paul suffer for the gospel? (11:23-27)
All of the above
Beaten with rods
What experience did Paul describe? (12:1-4)
His being caught up into paradise
What did the Lord say to Paul after he sought the Lord three times for deliverance from the thorn in the flesh? (12:8-9)
C & D
My grace is sufficient for thee
My strength is made perfect in weakness
What was the purpose of the sharpness and authority the Lord gave Paul? (13:10)
For edification
Of what was Paul NOT ashamed? (1:16)
The gospel of Christ
Into what images did unrighteous men changed the glory of God? (1:23)
All of the above Animals Birds Man Reptiles
For what did unrighteous men leave the natural use of women? (1:27)
All of the above
Lust for animals
Lust for other men
Who is a real Jew? (2:28-29)
If he is one inwardly
From where do we get the righteousness of God? (3:21-22)
Through faith in Jesus Christ
Of what was Abraham fully persuaded? (4:21)
What God had promised, he was able also to perform
For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made _________ (5:19)
What abounds much more where sin abounds? (5:20)
What are the wages of sin? (6:23)
What is the gift of God? (6:23)
Eternal life
What would we not know had it not been for the law? (7:7)
All of the above
How did sin become through the commandment? (7:13)
Exceeding sinful
To whom is there no condemnation? (8:1)
All of the above
Them which are in Christ Jesus
Those who walk not after the flesh
Those who walk after the spirit
How do we fulfill the righteous requirements of the law? (8:4)
By walking in the spirit and not after the flesh
What is required to be one of Christ’s? (8:9)
Have the Spirit of God dwelling in you
Who are the sons of God? (8:14)
As many as are led by the spirit of God
For whom do all things work together for good? (8:28)
None of the above (Those that love God)
What does God also do for those whom He foreknew? (8:29-30)
What is not able to separate us from the Love of God? (8:35-36,38-39)
All of the above Angels Death Things present Things to come
Nay, in all these things we are more than ____________ through him that loved us. (8:37)
Why did Paul have great sorrow and continual grief? (9:1-5)
Because the Israelites did not accept Christ
Of what two boys was it said “The elder shall serve the younger”? (9:10-13)
Jacob and Esau
What was the illustration of the potter and the clay used to show? (9:15-23)
All of the above
God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy
God will have compassion on whom He will have compassion
God will harden whom He will harden
Why didn’t Israel attain unto righteousness? (9:31-32)
Because they sought it not by faith
If you __________ with your mouth and believe in your heart you will be saved. (10:9-10)
From where does faith come? (10:14-17)
By hearing
Who was blinded? (11:7-10,25)
Most of the Israelites
To whom did Paul say he was an apostle? (11:13)
To what kind of tree does Paul liken Israel? (11:16-17)
Behold therefore the goodness and __________ of God (11:22)
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a ____________ sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service (12:1)
What has God dealt to each of us? (12:3)
The measure of faith
___________ that which is evil; cleave to that which is good (12:9)
How should we live with all men if it is possible? (12:18)
To whom does vengeance belong? (12:19)
What should you render to governing authorities? (13:6-7)
All of the above
How did Paul sum up the commandments regarding our relationships with others? (13:9)
Love your neighbor as yourself
What is the fulfillment of the law? (13:10)
For what should we make no provision? (13:14)
The flesh
In what things did some Christians differ? (14:1-5)
A & C
In keeping special days
In what they ate
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and ___________ in the Holy Ghost. (14:17)
What was said about the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves? (14:22)
He is happy
What is regarded as sin? (14:23)
Whatever is not of faith
How is God described? (15:5,13,33)
All of the above God of patience God of consolation God of hope God of peace
Why did Paul desire to preach where Christ had not been named? (15:20-21)
Lest he would build upon another man’s foundation
Paul planned to visit the Roman church when he went to what country? (15:22-24,28)
Why was Paul going to Jerusalem? (15:25-27)
To make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem
Who was a servant of the church at Cenchrea and a great help to many people including Paul? (16:1-2)
Who risked their lives for Paul and a church met in their home? (16:3-5)
Priscilla and Aquila
Who did Paul urge the brethren to note? (16:17-18)
Them which cause divisions and offenses
Who seems to have been the scribe for this epistle? (16:22)