JOhdanto Flashcards
Mikä on sensitivity? What does it stand for?
Erottelukyky, herkkyys, havintokyky
True Positive rate) measures the proportion of positives that are correctly identified (i.e. the proportion of those who have some condition (affected) who are correctly identified as having the condition).
In a diagnostic test, sensitivity is a measure of how well a test can identify true positives. Sensitivity can also be referred to as the recall, hit rate, or true positive rate. It is the percentage, or proportion, of true positives out of all the samples that have the condition (true positives and false negatives). The sensitivity of a test can help to show how well it can classify samples that have the condition.
Mikä on specificity?
Tarkkuus, spesifisyys
(True Negative rate) measures the proportion of negatives that are correctly identified (i.e. the proportion of those who do not have the condition (unaffected) who are correctly identified as not having the condition).
In a test, specificity is a measure of how well a test can identify true negatives. Specificity is also referred to as selectivity or true negative rate, and it is the percentage, or proportion, of the true negatives out of all the samples that do not have the condition (true negatives and false positives).
Eli mikä sensitiivisyyden ja spesivisyyden suhde/ero?
Thus, if a test’s sensitivity is 97% and its specificity is 92%, its rate of false negatives is 3% and its rate of false positives is 8%.
Why evaluation of diagnostic tests is a matter of concern?
Confirmimg the precense of disease and also to rule out the disease in healthy subjects.
Mitä perinteisissä tavoissa diagnisoida tai tulkita testejä/tuloksia?
conventional approach of diagnostic test evaluation uses sensitivity and specificity as measures of accuracy of test in comparison with gold standard status (1)
In different thresholds values the sensitivity and specificity can?
They can vary accross all the possible threshold values.
Sensitivity is?
Inversely realted with specificity.
ROC on? Mitä se tarkoittaa/kuvaa?
Receiver operating characteristic ROC curve.
Plot = käyrä, graafinen
The plot of sensitivity versus 1-Specifity is called receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
curve plays a central role in evaluating diagnostic ability of tests to discriminate the true state of subjects, finding the optimal cut off values, and comparing two alternative diagnostic tasks when each task is performed on the same subject
The are under the curve
Effective measure of accuracy.
This predictive model is also?
commonly used to estimate the risk of any adverse outcome based on the patient’s risk profile in medical researches.