Jobs - Everyday Flashcards
Lists of jobs and how to do them
Restock juice fruits and veg
Chopping board is in the kitchen under the bench by dishwasher, knives are in tub on front counter in kitchen (ask if needed)
Pineapple- 1 small tub
Watermelon- 1 sml tub
Oranges - 1 lrg tub
Celery - 1 sml tub
Beetroot - 1 litre container
Spinach - 1 sml tub
Apples - 1 sml tub or 1/2 lrg tub
Carrot - 1 litre container
Cucumber - 1 liter container
Ginger - sml container defrost and add water.
Restock smoothie ingredient jars/ milkshake syrups
Protein Powder - cupboard opposite smoothie bar
Dates - under coffee machine counter
Frappe Powder - under silver bench
Oats - white tub at the bottom of silver shelves near front door of kitchen
Cocoa Powder- dry store
Ask questions if unsure
Milkshake syrups:
Syrup bottles get replaced when the syrup has been used up. Wash the pumps in the kitchen. new bottles are in the self under coffee machine counter. Empty bottles go in the outside red bin.
Clear the floor
Wipe down all tables that are dirty, Change any bins that are full, take dishes into the kitchen, sweep crumbs off floor using small green broom found beside drinks fridge, tuck chairs under tables and ensure the correct amount of chairs at each table.
Restock cups, lids, straws, serviettes
Cups and lids are found in the shelves above the front counter. Straws are found in the cupboard opposite the smoothie bar. Serviettes are fond in the shelves below the clear cake cabinet.
Make sure to restock these items at the smoothie bar, coffee area, and cake cabinets.
Restock UBER cabinet
Coffee lids can have tape applied to the hole and stacked in the cabinet, uber bags can be found underneath the front counter, sauces like tomato and BBQ can be restocked from in kitchen, butter packets can be found in the kitchen.
Restock Lollies and chips
All Lollies and chocolates are found in the corner cupboard in the office. Chips are found above the staff lockers.
Stamp Bags
Brown paper bags are found in the shelves below the clear cake cabinet. The stamp is in a white drawer in the office. Bags can get stamped and then restocked.
Meal prep bags can also be stamped. Ask shift supervisor which stamp to use.
Restock plates and boards
Black oval plates by the Merry Chef are often misplaced and put into the kitchen. So, if the stack is low be sure to check the kitchen and ask the chefs. All black oval plates need a medium sized piece of VCC paper.
Small white plates need the small VCC paper placed of top before getting stacked in its allocated spot.
Wooden boards need the small VCC paper on them and if the pile is low extras will be behind the oven in the kitchen.
VCC paper is located in a thin drawer under the UBER shelves.
Restock freezer
Frozen berries, frozen mango, and ice-cream are found on the top right-hand side of the freezer and can be restocked when low. Bananas are found in the outside cool room and can also be cut in half and restocked. Make sure to label bananas with name, date, etc.
Restock coffee beans
Coffee beans belong in the cupboard under the coffee machine. These bags can be restocked with the boxes under the counter at the coffee machine. Make sure to rotate.
If there is nothing to do out the front go into the kitchen and put some dishes through the dishwasher.
Clean office area
Any random items in the office area can be put away into their specific place. If unsure where to put things ask a senior staff member.
Put away coke/drinks order
The drinks order will be put in the back cool room and it needs to be organised. the boxes can be put away in the correct places.
Make choc & chai syrup
When choc and chai syrup (in the top of the milk fridge) is low, bottles can be made. Ask the shift supervisor how many should be made. The measurements are on the laminated piece of paper near the smoothie bar. Choc and chai powder are located underneath the silver bench. The bottles are in the kitchen at the dish station (ask someone if needed). Use the blenders to incorporate the powder.
Restock Croissants, Bacon/Egg rolls, Wraps
The Croissants, Bacon/Egg rolls, Wraps can be restocked when they run out. These are found in the kitchen cool room on the right hand side closes to the door. Only fill if empty or 1 left. Wraps may only need 1 or 2 added to the board depending on how busy it is and the time of day.
This is not to be done within 2 hours of close unless it is extremely busy.
Water outside plants
Fill up a bucket (from the dish station in the kitchen) with water. it can be filled from a variety of taps but the one out the back of the shop is recommended. carry the bucket out the back gate and pour the bucket over the plans outside. Once this is done there is a sheet on the wall near the coffee machine which needs to be signed with the date and initials of who watered the plants and when. Each pot should get almost 1 full bucket.
Restock clamshell containers
Small and Medium sized Clamshell containers are located at the end of the dry store. When these are low restock by putting a small piece of VCC paper into each container before stacking. VCC paper is located in a thin drawer under the UBER shelves.
Restock milk fridge
When alternative milks get low more can be put into the fridge. Boxes of milk are underneath the black sink.
Full cream and skim milk can also be brought up the shelves making sure that they are rotated correctly. Rarely there will be crates of milk in the outside cool room. Be sure to check there.
Restock drinks fridge
When it is quiet and there is not much to do. Restock the front drinks fridge as much as you can from the drinks fridge on the side. Once this is done the side drinks fridge and the remainder of the front drinks fridge can be restock from the back cool room. There are crates and small trolleys outside to help with this.
Polish cutlery
Tubs of cutlery will be brought out by the kitchen. Use the metal cups on the smoothie bar to get boiling water from the coffee machine (a senior employee can demonstrate this). the boiling water needs to be poured over the cutlery as well as some cold water from the tap so you are able to touch the water without burning yourself. Then use a tea towel (under the bench of the dish station near the door) to polish each piece of cutlery and put into corresponding holders (black trays under Merry Chef).
Make cutlery packets
Get the black trays of cutlery (under bench near Merry Chef) and the cutlery packets (in a box under the clear cake cabinet). Put a knife and a fork into each packet and refill the tubs at the front counter. Also make spares and refill the tub that is next to the black trays of cutlery.
Wipe tops of glass cabinets
The tops of the cake, meal prep, and food fridges can be cleaned using the Glaze Sheen (blue) chemical and paper towel. The Glaze Sheen and paper towel is located underneath the front counter. If any food or grime is stuck use a BLUE chux cloth to scrub it.
Empty recycling crate by sink
When the crate of bottles and cans is full, take it out to the big bins out the back and there will be a smaller bin specifically for bottles and cans. this smaller bin is next to the recycling bin.