Job/Jobb Flashcards
lærer, en lærer, læreren, lærere, lærerne
teacher, a teacher, the teacher, teachers, the teachers
student, en student, studenten, studenter, studentene
student, a student, the student, students, the students
advokat, en advokat, advokaten, advokater, advokatene
lawyer, a lawyer, the lawyer, lawyers, the lawyers
lege, en lege, legen, leger, legene
doctor, a doctor, the doctor, doctors, the doctors
pasient, en pasient, pasienten, pasienter, pasientene
patient, a patient, the patient, patients, the patients
servitør, en servitør, servitøren, servitører, servitørene
waiter, a waiter, the waiter, waiters, the waiters
sekretær, en sekretær, sekretæren, sekretærer, sekretærene
secretary, a secretary, the secretary, secretaries, the secretaries
prest, en prest, presten, prester, prestene
priest, a priest, the priest, priests, the priests
politi, politien
police, the police
hær, en hær, hæren, hærens
army, an army, the army, armies, the armies
soldat, en soldat, soldaten, soldater, soldatene
soldier, a soldier, the soldier, soldiers, the soldiers
kunstner, en kunstner, artisten, artistener, artistene
artist, an artist, the artist, artists, the artists
forfatter, en forfatter, forfatteren, forfatt
author, an author, the author, authors, the authors
skuespiller, en skuespiller, skuespilleren, skuespillere, skuespillerne
actor, an actor, the actor, actors, the actors
jobb, en jobb, jobben, jobbene
job, a job, the job, the jobs