Animals/Dyrene Flashcards
katt, en katt, katten, katter, kattene
cat, a cat, the cat, cats, the cats
hund, en hund, hunden, hunder, hundene
dog, a dog, the dog, dogs, the dogs
fisk, en fisk, fisken, fisker, fiskene
fish, a fish, the fish, fish (pl.), the fish (pl.)
fugl, en fugl, fuglen, fugler, fuglene
bird, a bird, the bird, birds, the birds
ku, en ku, kua, kuer, kyrne
cow, a cow, the cow, cows, the cows
gris, en gris, grisen, griser, grisen
pig, a pig, the pig, pigs, the pigs
mus, en mus, musen, mus, musene
mouse, a mouse, the mouse, mice, the mice
hest, en hest, hesten, hester, hestene
horse, a horse, the horse, horses, the horses
vinge, en vinge, vingen, vinger, vingene
wing, a wing, the wing, wings, the wings
dyr, et dyr, dyret, dyr, dyrene
animal, an animal, the animal, animals, the animals