Job Costing (Session 4 & 5) Flashcards
Session 4 & 5
Product Costs
- Product costs are involved in the purchasing or making of a product and are
the direct and indirect costs of producing goods or services
o Accumulated on the balance sheet as inventory until the product is sold
o Examples: direct materials, direct labour
Period Costs
- Period costs are operating costs that are not related to the purchasing or
making of a product
o These costs are expensed as incurred
o Examples: selling and admin expenses Week 2 Concept Review
Merchandising Companies
- Merchandising companies purchase inventory from suppliers and
calculate the cost of goods sold as follows:
o Cost of Goods Sold = Beginning Merchandise Inventory + Purchases -
Ending Merchandise Inventory
Purchases in merchandising companies include
Purchases include the cost of the products themselves plus costs such as
freight, duty, and taxes that are incurred in bringing the inventory to the
seller’s location
Manufacturing Companies
- Manufacturing companies produce inventory in-house and
calculate cost of goods sold as follows:
o Cost of Goods Sold = Beginning Finished Goods Inventory + Cost
of Goods Manufactured - Ending Finished Goods Inventory
Cost of Goods Manufactured Includes:
- Cost of Goods Manufactured includes three components:
o Direct materials used
o Direct labour
o Manufacturing overhead (indirect expenses such as indirect
labour and materials, utilities and rent for the plant, etc)
How to count Cost of Goods Manufactured?
Cost of Goods Manufactured (COGM) = Beginning work-in process inventory + Manufacturing Cost (DM used + DL + manufacturing OH) - Ending work-in-process inventory
To calculate DM, use …
DM = Beginning raw materials + raw materials purchases - ending raw materials
Where is Direct labour obtained from?
Direct labour is obtained from company’s general ledger
Manufacturing Overhead is obtained from …
Manufacturing overhead is obtained from company’s general ledger
Job Costing is best used when…
Job costing is best used when
products can be distinguished
from one another. Assigns costs to
custom products or services.
Process costing is best used when…
Process costing is best used when
similar products are mass-
produced. Allocates both direct
and overhead costs to continuous-
flow processing lines.
Job Cost Records
Each job’s costs are maintained on a job cost record.
The job cost records form the subsidiary ledger for Work in process inventory.
Allocating Overhead Costs to Jobs
In the first stage, a variety of overhead costs
are collected in an overhead cost pool, a
group of individual costs that are
accumulated for a particular purpose.
- Identify the relevant cost object first (In a
job costing system, the cost object is a job) - Identify one or more overhead cost pools
and allocation bases next
In the second stage, costs are allocated from the cost pool to individual jobs
Manufacturing job costing systems frequently allocate OH using one of the following allocation bases, which are…
- Direct labour hours
- Direct labour costs
- Machine hours