holistic process of planning, recruiting, selecting, developing, managing, and
compensating employees
Talent Management
•Organization Chart
•Job Analysis
Basics of Job Analysis
—shows the title of each supervisor’s position
—by means of connecting lines, accountability for departments, authority systems, and communication lines
Organization Chart
—procedure through which the duties for specific jobs and characteristics of people to hire are determined
—produces information for writing the job description and job specifications
Job Analysis
Types of Information
(Job Analysis)
actual work tasks including the how, why, and when of performing the tasks
Work activities
behaviors the job requires (e.g. communicating, walking long distances, etc.)
Human behaviors
tools used, materials process, knowledge dealt with or applied, and services rendered in a job
Machines, tools, equipment, and work aids
job’s performance standards in terms of quantity or quality levels for each job duty
Performance Standards
physical working conditions, work schedule, incentives, number of people with whom the employee would be working with
Job context
knowledge or skills and required personal attributes
Human requirements
- Compensation
- Recruitment and Selection
- EEO Compliance
- Performance Appraisal
- Training
Uses of Job Analysis Information
helps managers decide what sort of people to recruit and hire
Recruitment and Selection
knowing if a selection test is a valid predictor of success on the job according to job duties and knowing essential job functions
EEO Compliance
compares an employee’s actual performance with the job’s performance standards. Job analysis is important to determine what the standards are
Performance Appraisal
depends on information such as required skill, education, safety hazards, degree of responsibility, and other information gained from job analysis
given the duties and responsibilities given by job analysis, this would help pinpoint what training is required for the job
- Identify the Use
- Review Relevant Background Information About the Job
- Select Representative Positions
- Actually Analyze the Job
- Verify the Job Analysis Information with the Worker and Immediate Supervisor
- Develop a Job Description and Specification
Conducting a Job Analysis
—this will determine the data collection method
—example: writing job descriptions call for interviews; position analysis questionnaire provide information for compensation purposes
- Identify the Use
This is to understand job context
- Review Relevant Background Information About the Job
•organization charts
—shows the organization wide division of work
•process charts
—provides a detailed picture of the workflow
—shows inputs and outputs of a specific job
An existing job description may provide a starting point for revision
Possible sources:
(Review Relevant Background Information About the Job)
—detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in one identifiable work
—this analysis may lead to changing or reengineering the job
—in conducting the analysis, a flow process chart may be helpful to list in
order each step of the process
—this flow process chart can be converted into a diagrammatic process chart
which shows each step in the process with arrows and circles
—example: analyzing the workflow process in a shipping company. how a parcel is sorted and delivered will be analyzed step by step including the job positions of employees who did each task. (parcel is sorted by sorters in the sorting center ⇒ parcels in bulk are delivered to local sorting
centers by truck drivers ⇒ the parcels are individually delivered to houses by riders)
The manager may conduct a WORKFLOW ANALYSIS to make sense of the need for
the job
—redesigning the business processes
—usually by combining steps in order for small multifunction teams do jobs
formerly done by a sequence of departments
Business Process Reengineering
—Identify a business process to be redesigned
—Measure the performance of existing processes
—Identify opportunities to improve processes
—Redesign and implement a new way of doing the work
—Assign ownership of sets of formerly separate tasks
*example: in a shipping center, there are usually different people who put
on tags and sort packages according to general location. Upon reengineering, the same people in a small multifunction team will now attach a tag to a parcel and proceed to sort them afterwards.
Process of Business Process Reengineering
Job Enlargement
Job Rotation
Job Enrichment
3 ways of Job Redesign
—assigning workers additional same-level activities
—ex: people who previously only printed tags must now attach the tags to parcels as well
Job Enlargement
systematically moving workers from one job to another
Job Rotation
—redesigning jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition
—does so by empowering the worker through (for instance) giving the worker skills and authority to inspect the work instead of having supervisors do it instead
Job Enrichment