JLPT N3 Kanji Flashcards
政治(せいじ)- politics
政府(せいふ)- government
政策(せいさく)- policy
政令(しょうれい)- government ordinance
政党(せいとう)- political party
議会(ぎかい)- parliament, congress
議論(ぎろん)- debate
議題(ぎだい)- agenda, topic of discussion
議決(ぎけつ)- resolution, decision
議員(ぎいん)- member of parliament
民主(みんしゅ)- democracy
民間(みんかん)- private sector, civilian
民族(みんぞく)- ethnic group, people
民宿(みんしゅく)- private lodging (guesthouse)
民(たみ)- people (as in a nation or community)
連絡(れんらく)- contact
連続(れんぞく)- continuity, series
連れて行く(つれていく)- to take (someone) along
連れ(つれ)- companion
連合(れんごう)- federation, alliance
対策(たいさく)- countermeasure
対話(たいわ)- dialogue
対象(たいしょう)- target, object
対立(たいりつ)- confrontation, opposition
対処(たいしょ)- handling, dealing with
部門(ぶもん)- division, department
部屋(へや)- room
部長(ぶちょう)- department head
部族(ぶぞく)- tribe, clan
部品(ぶひん)- parts, components
合格(ごうかく)- pass (an exam)
合意(こうい)- agreement
合計(ごうけい)- total
合う(あう)- to match, to suit
合わせる(あわせる)- to match, to adjust
市役所(しやくしょ)- city hall
市場(いちば)- market
市民(しみん)- citizen
市内(しない)- within the city
市長(しちょう)- mayor
国内(こくない)- domestic
内側(うちがわ)- inside
内容(ないよう)- content
内科(ないか)- internal medicine
内部(ないぶ)- internal, inside
相手(あいて)- partner, opponent
相互(そうご)- mutual
相関(そうかん)- correlation
相続(そうぞく)- inheritance
相場(そうば)- market price
定義(ていぎ)- definition
定期(ていき)- regular, periodic
定める(さだめる)- to decide, to determine
定額(ていがく)- fixed amount
定住(ていじゅう)- settled residence
回数(かいすう)- number of times
回る(まわる)- to turn, to rotate
回す(まわす)- to turn, to spin
回転(かいてん)- rotation, revolution
回避(かいひ)- avoidance
選挙(せんきょ)- election
選ぶ(えらぶ)- to choose, to select
選択(せんたく)- choice, selection
選手(せんしゅ)- athlete, player
選定(せんてい)- selection, designation
米国(べいこく)- United States
米(こめ)- rice (food)
米(まい)- rice (as a counter)
米軍(べいぐん)- U.S. military
米価(べいか)- rice price
実際(じっさい)- actual, practical
実る(みのる)- to bear fruit
実行(じっこう)- implementation, execution
実験(じっけん)- experiment
実力(じつりょく)- ability, capability
関係(かんけい)- relationship, connection
関心(かんしん)- interest, concern
関与(かんよ)- involvement
関する(かんする)- regarding, concerning
関わる(かかわる)- to be involved, to be related
決定(けってい)- decision
決める(きめる)- to decide
決まる(きまる)- to be decided
決勝(けっしょう)- final (e.g., in a competition)
決断(けつだん)- decision, determination
全体(ぜんたい)- whole, entirety
全て(すべて)- everything
全力(ぜんりょく)- all one’s strength
全然(ぜんぜん)- not at all (when used with negatives)
全員(ぜんいん)- all members, everyone
表現(ひょうげん)- expression
表面(ひょうめん)- surface
表(おもて)- front, surface
表す(あらわす)- to represent, to show
表題(ひょうだい)- title
戦争(せんそう)- war
戦い(たたかい)- battle, fight
戦う(たたかう)- to fight, to battle
戦略(せんりゃく)- strategy
戦士(せんし)- warrior, soldier
経済(けいざい)- economy
経験(けいけん)- experience
経営(けいえい)- management, administration
経る(へる)- to pass through, to undergo
経文(きょうもん)- sutra, religious text
経つ(たつ)- to pass, to elapse
最高(さいこう)- highest, best
最初(さいしょ)- first, beginning
最も(もっとも)- most, extremely
最小(さいしょう)- smallest, minimum
最終(さいしゅう)- final, last
現代(げんだい)- modern times, present day
現実(げんじつ)- reality
現在(げんざい)- now, current
現れる(あらわれる)- to appear, to come out
現金(げんきん)- cash
調査(ちょうさ)- investigation, survey
調整(ちょうせい)- adjustment, regulation
調子(ちょうし)- condition, tune
調べる(しらべる)- to investigate, to check
調和(ちょうわ)- harmony
化学(かがく)- chemistry
文化(ぶんか)- culture
変化(へんか)- change, transformation
化粧(けしょう)- makeup, cosmetics
化ける(ばける)- to transform, to disguise
当たり(あたり)- hit, success, target
当選(とうせん)- winning (a lottery, election)
当然(とうぜん)- natural, obvious
当日(とうじつ)- the day of (an event)
当社(とうしゃ)- our company
約束(やくそく)- promise, appointment
約定(やくじょう)- agreement, contract
約半分(やくはんぶん)- about half
約束する(やくそくする)- to promise
約数(やくすう)- divisor (in mathematics)
首都(しゅと)- capital city
首脳(しゅのう)- leader, head (of a country or organization)
首(くび)- neck, head
首位(しゅい)- first place, leading position
首飾り(くびかざり)- necklace
法律(ほうりつ)- law
方法(ほうほう)- method, way
流派(りゅうは)- school (of thought), style
法則(ほうそく)- law, rule
法(のり)- rule, principle
性格(せいかく)- personality, character
女性(じょせい)- woman, female
男性(だんせい)- man, male
性質(せいしつ)- nature, quality
性別(せいべつ)- gender, sex
目的(もくてき)- purpose, goal
的確(てきかく)- accurate, precise
的中(てきちゅう)- hitting the mark (e.g., in predictions)
対象(たいしょう)- target, object
意味的(いみてき)- semantic
必要(ひつよう)- necessary
要素(ようそ)- element, factor
要点(ようてん)- main point, gist
要求(ようきゅう)- demand, request
要る(いる)- to need
制度(せいど)- system
制限(せいげん)- restriction, limit
制御(せいぎょ)- control, regulation
制裁(せいさい)- sanction, punishment
制作(せいさく)- production, creation
治療(ちりょう)- treatment, therapy
治る(なおる)- to heal, to recover
治める(おさめる)- to govern, to manage
治安(ちあん)- public safety, law and order
政治(せいじ)- politics (though the primary kanji is 政, 治 is used in related contexts)
務める(つとめる)- to serve, to work (for)
義務(ぎむ)- duty, obligation
業務(ぎょうむ)- business, work
務局(むきょく)- (organizational) office, bureau
勤務(きんむ)- work, service (as in job duties)
成功(せいこう)- success
成長(せいちょう)- growth, development
成績(せいせき)- grades, results
完成(かんせい)- completion
成す(なす)- to accomplish, to achieve
期限(きげん)- deadline, term
期間(きかん)- period, duration
期日(きじつ)- due date
期待(きたい)- expectation, anticipation
学期(がっき)- academic term, semester
取る(とる)- to take, to obtain
取り扱い(とりあつかい)- handling, management
取り入れる(とりいれる)- to incorporate, to adopt
取引(とりひき)- transaction, trade
取得(しゅとく)- acquisition
東京都(とうきょうと)- Tokyo Metropolis
都市(とし)- city, urban area
都合(つごう)- convenience, circumstances
都道府県(とどうふけん)- prefectures (in Japan)
都合がいい(つごうがいい)- convenient, favorable
和食(わしょく)- Japanese cuisine
和風(わふう)- Japanese style
和解(わかい)- reconciliation
和らげる(やわらげる)- to soften, to alleviate
和音(わおん)- harmony (in music)
機械(きかい)- machine
機会(きかい)- opportunity
機能(きのう)- function, capability
機密(きみつ)- confidential, secret
機種(きしゅ)- model (of a machine)
平和(へいわ)- peace
平坦(へいたん)- flat, even
平等(びょうどう)- equality
平日(へいじつ)- weekday
平ら(たいら)- flat, level
加える(くわえる)- to add, to include
加算(かさん)- addition (mathematics)
加速(かそく)- acceleration
追加(ついか)- addition, supplement
加盟(かめい)- membership, joining
受ける(うける)- to receive, to undergo
受験(じゅけん)- taking an exam
受信(じゅしん)- reception (of a signal)
受け取る(うけとる)- to receive, to accept
受賞(じゅしょう)- award, prize
続ける(つづける)- to continue, to keep doing
続く(つづく)- to continue, to last
続行(ぞっこう)- continuation, resumption
続編(ぞくへん)- sequel, continuation (of a story)
継続(けいぞく)- continuation
進む(すすむ)- to advance, to proceed
進行(しんこう)- progress, advance
進展(しんてん)- development, progress
進化(しんか)- evolution
進学(しんがく)- advancing to a higher level of education
数える(かぞえる)- to count
数字(すうじ)- number, numeral
数値(すうち)- numerical value
数学(すうがく)- mathematics
数(かず)- number, quantity
記録(きろく)- record, documentation
記念(きねん)- commemoration, memory
記述(きじゅつ)- description, writing
記入(きにゅう)- filling in (a form, for example)
記す(しるす)- to write down, to record
初めて(はじめて)- for the first time
初期(しょき)- early period, initial stage
初恋(はつこい)- first love
初め(はじめ)- beginning, start
初歩(しょほ)- basics, elementary
指示(しじ)- instruction, indication
指導(しどう)- guidance, leadership
指摘(してき)- pointing out, indication
指輪(ゆびわ)- ring (for the finger)
指す(さす)- to point, to indicate
権利(けんり)- right, privilege
権限(けんげん)- authority, power
権力(けんりょく)- power, influence
権威(けんい)- authority, prestige
権益(けんえき)- vested interests, benefits
支援(しえん)- support, assistance
支店(してん)- branch office
支払う(しはらう)- to pay
支度(したく)- preparation
支持(しじ)- support, backing
生産(せいさん)- production
産業(さんぎょう)- industry
産む(うむ)- to give birth
産物(さんぶつ)- product, produce
産休(さんきゅう)- maternity leave
点数(てんすう)- score, points
点検(てんけん)- inspection, check
点火(てんか)- ignition, lighting (a fire)
点滴(てんてき)- intravenous drip
点(てん)- point, dot
報告(ほうこく)- report, notification
情報(じょうほう)- information
報酬(ほうしゅう)- reward, compensation
報道(ほうどう)- news, reporting
報い(むくい)- retribution, reward
済む(すむ)- to be settled, to be completed
済ませる(すませる)- to finish, to complete
経済(けいざい)- economy
済報(さいほう)- completion of a report
済州(さいしゅう)- Jeju (an island in South Korea)
活動(かつどう)- activity, action
活躍(かつやく)- active, success
活用(かつよう)- utilization, application
生活(せいかつ)- daily life
活気(かっき)- vitality, vigor
原稿(げんこう)- manuscript, draft
原理(げんり)- principle, theory
原作(げんさく)- original work (e.g., of a novel or screenplay)
原爆(げんばく)- atomic bomb
原点(げんてん)- origin, starting point
共通(きょうつう)- common, mutual
共同(きょうどう)- cooperation, collaboration
共感(きょうかん)- empathy, sympathy
共演(きょうえん)- co-starring, joint performance
共に(ともに)- together, both
得る(える)- to obtain, to get
利益(りえき)- profit, benefit
得点(とくてん)- score, points
得意(とくい)- strong point, proficiency
取得(しゅとく)- acquisition, attainment
解決(かいけつ)- solution, resolution
理解(りかい)- understanding, comprehension
解答(かいとう)- answer, solution (to a question)
解説(かいせつ)- explanation, commentary
解く(とく)- to solve, to untie
交渉(こうしょう)- negotiation, talks
交換(こうかん)- exchange, replacement
交通(こうつう)- traffic, transportation
交わる(まじわる)- to intersect, to mingle
交える(まじえる)- to mix, to blend
資源(しげん)- resources
資本(しほん)- capital, funds
資金(しきん)- financial resources, capital
資産(しさん)- assets, property
資材(しざい)- materials, supplies
予想(よそう)- prediction, expectation
予約(よやく)- reservation, appointment
予測(よそく)- forecast, estimate
予知(よち)- foresight, prediction
予め(あらかじめ)- beforehand, in advance
向かう(むかう)- to face, to head towards
方向(ほうこう)- direction, orientation
向き(むき)- orientation, direction, suitable for
向上(こうじょう)- improvement, advancement
向ける(むける)- to turn (towards), to direct
際(きわ)- edge, verge (used as a standalone word in some contexts)
際限(さいげん)- limit, boundary
国際(こくさい)- international
際立つ(きわだつ)- to stand out, to be conspicuous
際(ぎわ)- edge, verge (less common usage)
勝つ(かつ)- to win, to be victorious
勝利(しょうり)- victory, triumph
勝負(しょうぶ)- match, game, contest
勝者(しょうしゃ)- winner, victor
勝手(かって)- selfish, one’s own way (can also mean “convenience” in some contexts)
面接(めんせつ)- interview
面白い(おもしろい)- interesting, amusing
面積(めんせき)- area, surface area
方面(ほうめん)- direction, area, field (of study or interest)
顔面(がんめん)- face
告白(こくはく)- confession (e.g., love confession), declaration
告知(こくち)- announcement, notification
告訴(こくそ)- accusation, complaint (legal context)
報告(ほうこく)- report (though this commonly uses 報, the concept involves告)
告げる(つげる)- to inform, to announce
反応(はんのう)- reaction, response
反対(はんたい)- opposition, resistance
反映(はんえい)- reflection, influence
反省(はんせい)- reflection, reconsideration (of one’s actions)
反る(そる)- to warp, to bend (usually referring to surfaces)
判断(はんだん)- judgment, decision
判定(はんてい)- determination, verdict
判事(はんじ)- judge (legal context)
判読(はんどく)- deciphering, reading (texts)
判子(はんこ)- seal, stamp (used for signature)
認識(にんしき)- recognition, awareness
認可(にんか)- approval, authorization
認める(みとめる)- to recognize, to admit
認証(にんしょう)- certification, authentication
認知(にんち)- cognition, recognition (in the context of recognizing someone or something)
参加(さんか)- participation
参照(さんしょう)- reference, consultation
参議院(さんぎいん)- House of Councillors (in Japan)
参拝(さんぱい)- worship, visiting a shrine
参る(まいる)- to go, to come (humble form)
利益(りえき)- profit, benefit
利用(りよう)- use, utilization
利子(りし)- interest (on money)
利便(りべん)- convenience
有利(ゆうり)- advantageous, favorable
組織(そしき)- organization, structure
組み合わせ(くみあわせ)- combination, arrangement
組む(くむ)- to assemble, to combine
組長(くみちょう)- group leader, chief (in some contexts)
組合(くみあい)- association, union
信号(しんごう)- signal, traffic light
信頼(しんらい)- trust, reliance
信じる(しんじる)- to believe, to trust
信用(しんよう)- credit, trust
通信(つうしん)- communication, correspondence
存在(そんざい)- existence
現在(げんざい)- present, now
在宅(ざいたく)- at home (working from home, etc.)
在る(ある)- to exist, to be (used for inanimate objects)
在学(ざいがく)- enrollment (in school)
案件(あんけん)- case, matter, project
件名(けんめい)- subject (of a letter or email)
件数(けんすう)- number of cases, number of items
件(くだん)- the aforementioned (used in a legal or formal context)
一件(いっけん)- one case, one item
側面(そくめん)- side, aspect
側(がわ)- side, direction (e.g., left side, right side)
側近(そっきん)- close aide, confidant
側道(そくどう)- side road
側室(そくしつ)- concubine (historical context)
任務(にんむ)- duty, mission
任せる(まかせる)- to entrust, to leave to someone
任意(にんい)- optional, voluntary
任期(にんき)- term (of office or duty)
任命(にんめい)- appointment (to a position)
引く(ひく)- to pull, to draw
引き出す(ひきだす)- to pull out, to withdraw
引き受ける(ひきうける)- to undertake, to take on
引力(いんりょく)- gravity, attractive force
引き算(ひきざん)- subtraction (mathematics)
要求(ようきゅう)- request, demand
求める(もとめる)- to seek, to request
求職(きゅうしょく)- job hunting
求婚(きゅうこん)- marriage proposal
追求(ついきゅう)- pursuit (of a goal or objective)
場所 (ばしょ) - Place or location
所謂 (いわゆる) - So-called or commonly referred to as
所持 (しょじ) - Possession or holding (something)
近所 (きんじょ) - Neighborhood or local area
所 (ところ) - Place or point (general term)
次 (つぎ) - Next or following
次第 (しだい) - Depending on or circumstances; also used for schedule
次元 (じげん) - Dimension or level
次回 (じかい) - Next time or next occurrence
次男 (じなん) - Second son
昨日 (きのう) - Yesterday
昨夜 (ゆうべ) - Last night
昨年 (さくねん) - Last year
昨今 (さっこん) - Recently or these days
昨今 (このごろ) - Recently or nowadays (less common reading)
論文 (ろんぶん) - Thesis or academic paper
議論 (ぎろん) - Discussion or debate
論理 (ろんり) - Logic or reasoning
論争 (ろんそう) - Argument or controversy
論評 (ろんぴょう) - Criticism or review
官 (かん) - Official or government official
官庁 (かんちょう) - Government office or government agency
官僚 (かんりょう) - Bureaucrat or government official
官房 (かんぼう) - Government office or official residence
官能 (かんのう) - Sense or sensibility
増加 (ぞうか) - Increase or growth
増える (ふえる) - To increase (intransitive verb)
増す (ます) - To increase or to grow (transitive verb)
増量 (ぞうりょう) - Increase in quantity or augmentation
増員 (ぞういん) - Increase in staff or additional personnel
係 (かかり) - Person in charge or staff member
係員 (かかりいん) - Staff member or person in charge
係数 (けいすう) - Coefficient or factor
係る (かかわる) - To be related to or to concern
係長 (けいちょう) - Section chief or section manager
感謝 (かんしゃ) - Gratitude or thankfulness
感動 (かんどう) - Emotion or being moved
感覚 (かんかく) - Sense or sensation
感情 (かんじょう) - Emotion or feelings
感じる (かんじる) - To feel or to sense
情熱 (じょうねつ) - Passion or enthusiasm
感情 (かんじょう) - Emotion or feelings
情け (なさけ) - Compassion or pity
情況 (じょうきょう) - Situation or circumstances
情勢 (じょうせい) - Situation or state of affairs
投資 (とうし) - Investment
投げる (なげる) - To throw
投票 (とうひょう) - Vote or polling
投げかける (なげかける) - To cast (a question, glance, etc.)
投書 (とうしょ) - Letter to the editor or submission
示す (しめす) - To show or to indicate
指示 (しじ) - Instruction or direction
表示 (ひょうじ) - Display or indication
神示 (しんじ) - Divine revelation or oracle
証明 (しょうめい) - Proof or verification
変化 (へんか) - Change or transformation
変わる (かわる) - To change (intransitive verb)
変える (かえる) - To change (transitive verb)
変な (へんな) - Strange or weird
変動 (へんどう) - Fluctuation or variation
打つ (うつ) - To hit or to strike
打ち合わせ (うちあわせ) - Meeting or appointment
打撃 (だげき) - Blow or strike
打算 (ださん) - Calculations or self-interest
打ち込む (うちこむ) - To devote oneself or to put into
直す (なおす) - To fix or to repair
直前 (ちょくぜん) - Just before or right before
直す (なおす) - To correct or to amend
直接 (ちょくせつ) - Directly or immediate
直感 (ちょっかん) - Intuition or hunch
両方 (りょうほう) - Both sides or both parties
両立 (りょうりつ) - Dual accomplishment or coexistence
両親 (りょうしん) - Parents
両替 (りょうがえ) - Currency exchange
両面 (りょうめん) - Both sides or dual aspect
式 (しき) - Ceremony or formula
公式 (こうしき) - Official or formula
式典 (しきてん) - Ceremony or ritual
式場 (しきじょう) - Wedding hall or ceremony hall
数式 (すうしき) - Mathematical formula
確か (たしか) - Sure or certain
確認 (かくにん) - Confirmation or verification
確実 (かくじつ) - Certain or reliable
確保 (かくほ) - Securing or assurance
確率 (かくりつ) - Probability or likelihood
果物 (くだもの) - Fruit
結果 (けっか) - Result or outcome
果たす (はたす) - To accomplish or to fulfill
果敢 (かかん) - Daring or bold
果実 (かじつ) - Fruit or produce
容器 (ようき) - Container
容赦 (ようしゃ) - Forgiveness or pardon
容姿 (ようし) - Appearance or looks
容認 (ようにん) - Acceptance or tolerance
内容 (ないよう) - Content or substance
必要 (ひつよう) - Necessary or essential
必ず (かならず) - Surely or without fail
必死 (ひっし) - Desperate or frantic
必然 (ひつぜん) - Inevitability or necessity
必需品 (ひつじゅひん) - Essential item or necessity
演技 (えんぎ) - Acting or performance
演奏 (えんそう) - Musical performance or playing an instrument
演説 (えんぜつ) - Speech or address
演習 (えんしゅう) - Drill or exercise
演じる (えんじる) - To perform or to act
歳 (さい) - Age (used as a counter for years old)
年齢 (ねんれい) - Age or years of age
歳月 (さいげつ) - Time or years
歳暮 (さいぼ) - Year-end
歳入 (さいにゅう) - Revenue or income
争う (あらそう) - To dispute or to fight
争い (あらそい) - Conflict or dispute
争点 (そうてん) - Point of contention or issue at stake
争奪 (そうだつ) - Scramble or contest
競争 (きょうそう) - Competition or race
談話 (だんわ) - Conversation or talk
相談 (そうだん) - Consultation or discussion
談判 (だんぱん) - Negotiation or bargaining
談義 (だんぎ) - Discussion or debate
言談 (げんだん) - Speech or talk
能力 (のうりょく) - Ability
可能 (かのう) - Possible
能楽 (のうがく) - Noh theater
能面 (のうめん) - Noh mask
才能 (さいのう) - Talent
位置 (いち) - Position or location
位する (いする) - To rank or to be ranked
地位 (ちい) - Social status or position in society
位階 (いかい) - Rank or status
位列 (いれつ) - Rank or hierarchical order
置く (おく) - To place or to put
置き場 (おきば) - Place (for putting things)
置換 (ちかん) - Substitution or replacement
配置 (はいち) - Arrangement or layout
設置 (せっち) - Installation or setting up
流れる (ながれる) - To flow
流れ (ながれ) - Flow or current
流行 (りゅうこう) - Trend or fashion
流出 (りゅうしゅつ) - Leakage or outflow
流す (ながす) - To pour or to let flow
格好 (かっこう) - Appearance or form
格差 (かくさ) - Disparity or gap
格付け (かくづけ) - Ranking or grading
格式 (かくしき) - Formality or style
人格 (じんかく) - Character or personality
疑う (うたがう) - To doubt or to suspect
疑問 (ぎもん) - Question or doubt
疑い (うたがい) - Doubt or suspicion
疑惑 (ぎわく) - Suspicion or doubt
疑似 (ぎじ) - Pseudo or false
過ぎる (すぎる) - To pass or to exceed
過去 (かこ) - Past or history
過ち (あやまち) - Mistake or error
過剰 (かじょう) - Excessive or overabundance
通過 (つうか) - Pass through or transit
局面 (きょくめん) - Situation or stage
局長 (きょくちょう) - Director or chief
局所 (きょくしょ) - Local area or specific place
郵便局 (ゆうびんきょく) - Post office
放送局 (ほうそうきょく) - Broadcasting station
放す (はなす) - To release or to set free
放送 (ほうそう) - Broadcasting or radio/TV program
放置 (ほうち) - Neglect or leaving something as it is
放課後 (ほうかご) - After school
放射線 (ほうしゃせん) - Radiation
常に (つねに) - Always or constantly
常識 (じょうしき) - Common sense or general knowledge
常用 (じょうよう) - Daily use or common use
常客 (じょうきゃく) - Regular customer or frequent visitor
常務 (じょうむ) - Executive director or management
状態 (じょうたい) - State or condition
状況 (じょうきょう) - Situation or circumstances
症状 (しょうじょう) - Symptoms
文状 (ぶんじょう) - Written condition or letter format
現状 (げんじょう) - Current situation or present condition
球 (たま) - Ball
球場 (きゅうじょう) - Ballpark or stadium
地球 (ちきゅう) - Earth
球技 (きゅうぎ) - Ball game or ball sports
球根 (きゅうこん) - Bulb
職業 (しょくぎょう) - Occupation or profession
職場 (しょくば) - Workplace or office
職員 (しょくいん) - Staff or employee
職歴 (しょくれき) - Work history or employment record
職務 (しょくむ) - Duties or job responsibilities
与える (あたえる) - To give or to provide
与党 (よとう) - Ruling party or government party
寄与 (きよ) - Contribution or benefit
共与 (ともよ) - Share (rare)
与 (よ) - Bestow (rare)
供える (そなえる) - To offer or to dedicate
供給 (きょうきゅう) - Supply or provision
供述 (きょうじゅつ) - Testimony or statement
供養 (くよう) - Buddhist memorial service or offering for the dead
供犯 (ぐはん) - Accomplice or co-offender (rare)
役に立つ (やくにたつ) - To be useful or to help
役割 (やくわり) - Role or duty
役所 (やくしょ) - Government office or public office
役者 (やくしゃ) - Actor or performer
役目 (やくめ) - Duty or responsibility
構える (かまえる) - To set up or to prepare
構造 (こうぞう) - Structure or construction
構築 (こうちく) - Construction or building (a system)
構想 (こうそう) - Concept or plan
構う (かまう) - To mind or to be concerned about
割る (わる) - To divide or to break
割引 (わりびき) - Discount
割合 (わりあい) - Ratio or proportion
割れる (われる) - To break or to crack
割当 (わりあて) - Allocation or assignment
身近 (みぢか) - Close or familiar
身体 (しんたい) - Body or physical condition
身分 (みぶん) - Social status or one’s position
身の回り (みのまわり) - Around oneself or personal belongings
身長 (しんちょう) - Height (of a person)
費用 (ひよう) - Cost or expense
費やす (ついやす) - To spend or to waste
消費 (しょうひ) - Consumption or expenditure
費率 (ひりつ) - Rate of cost or expense ratio
無駄遣い (むだづかい) - Wasteful spending
付ける (つける) - To attach or to add
付属 (ふぞく) - Attached or affiliated
付近 (ふきん) - Vicinity or nearby area
付加 (ふか) - Addition or supplement
付け加える (つけくわえる) - To add or to append
理由 (りゆう) - Reason or cause
由来 (ゆらい) - Origin or source
由緒 (ゆいしょ) - Historical background or historical significance
由 (よし) - Cause or reason (rare, often part of compounds)
自由 (じゆう) - Freedom or liberty
説明 (せつめい) - Explanation or description
説得 (せっとく) - Persuasion or convincing
説話 (せつわ) - Tale or story
仮説 (かせつ) - Hypothesis or assumption
説教 (せっきょう) - Sermon or preaching
難しい (むずかしい) - Difficult or hard
困難 (こんなん) - Difficulty or hardship
難易度 (なんいど) - Difficulty level
難しい (かたくるしい) - Difficult or troublesome (formal)
難点 (なんてん) - Weakness or drawback
優しい (やさしい) - Kind or gentle
優れる (すぐれる) - To excel or to be superior
優勝 (ゆうしょう) - Victory or championship
優れた (すぐれた) - Excellent or outstanding
優先 (ゆうせん) - Priority or preference
夫 (おっと) - Husband
夫婦 (ふうふ) - Married couple or husband and wife
夫人 (ふじん) - Mrs. or wife of a high-ranking official
夫 (ふ) - Husband (rare reading, usually in compounds)
夫婦喧嘩 (ふうふげんか) - Marital quarrel
収入 (しゅうにゅう) - Income or revenue
収集 (しゅうしゅう) - Collection or gathering
収める (おさめる) - To obtain or to store
収穫 (しゅうかく) - Harvest or crop yield
収束 (しゅうそく) - Convergence or settling
断る (ことわる) - To refuse or to decline
断念 (だんねん) - Abandonment or giving up
断定 (だんてい) - Conclusion or determination
断り (ことわり) - Refusal or declination
断裂 (だんれつ) - Rupture or breakage
石 (いし) - Stone or rock
石油 (せきゆ) - Petroleum or oil
石鹸 (せっけん) - Soap
石碑 (いしぶみ) - Monument or stone tablet
石像 (せきぞう) - Statue or stone sculpture
違う (ちがう) - To differ or to be wrong
違い (ちがい) - Difference or discrepancy
違反 (いはん) - Violation or breach
違和感 (いわかん) - Discomfort or strangeness
違約 (いやく) - Breach of contract
消す (けす) - To erase or to turn off
消える (きえる) - To disappear or to go out
消費 (しょうひ) - Consumption or expenditure
消化 (しょうか) - Digestion or absorption
消毒 (しょうどく) - Disinfection or sterilization
神 (かみ) - God or deity
神社 (じんじゃ) - Shrine
神様 (かみさま) - God or deity (more respectful or formal)
神話 (しんわ) - Myth or mythology
神経 (しんけい) - Nerve or sensitivity
番号 (ばんごう) - Number or phone number
番組 (ばんぐみ) - Program or broadcast
番人 (ばんにん) - Guard or watchman
順番 (じゅんばん) - Order or sequence
番犬 (ばんけん) - Watchdog or guard dog
規則 (きそく) - Rule or regulation
規模 (きぼ) - Scale or scope
規定 (きてい) - Regulation or stipulation
規格 (きかく) - Standard or specification
規準 (きじゅん) - Criterion or standard
技術 (ぎじゅつ) - Technology or skill
術 (すべ) - Method or art (in compounds)
手術 (しゅじゅつ) - Surgery
術語 (じゅつご) - Technical term or terminology
魔術 (まじゅつ) - Magic or sorcery
備える (そなえる) - To prepare or to equip
備品 (びひん) - Equipment or furnishings
備考 (びこう) - Remarks or notes
備蓄 (びちく) - Stockpiling or reserve
準備 (じゅんび) - Preparation
自宅 (じたく) - One’s own home or home residence
宅配 (たくはい) - Home delivery or parcel delivery
宅急便 (たっきゅうびん) - Express delivery or courier service
宅地 (たくち) - Residential land or housing land
宅建 (たっけん) - Real estate transaction (short for 宅地建物取引士)
害する (がいする) - To harm or to damage
害 (がい) - Harm or damage (rarely used alone)
害悪 (がいあく) - Evil or harmful influence
公害 (こうがい) - Pollution or environmental damage
害虫 (がいちゅう) - Pest or harmful insect
配る (くばる) - To distribute or to hand out
配慮 (はいりょ) - Consideration or care
配達 (はいたつ) - Delivery or distribution
配偶者 (はいぐうしゃ) - Spouse or partner
配信 (はいしん) - Distribution or broadcasting (e.g., online content)
警察 (けいさつ) - Police or police station
警告 (けいこく) - Warning or caution
警備 (けいび) - Security or guarding
警戒 (けいかい) - Vigilance or alertness
警察官 (けいさつかん) - Police officer
育てる (そだてる) - To raise or to bring up
育つ (そだつ) - To grow or to be raised
教育 (きょういく) - Education or teaching
育児 (いくじ) - Childcare or parenting
育成 (いくせい) - Nurturing or development
席 (せき) - Seat or place
席を外す (せきをはずす) - To step away from one’s seat or to be away temporarily
席替え (せきがえ) - Changing seats or seat rearrangement
席巻 (せっけん) - Sweep across or invade (figurative use)
会席 (かいせき) - Formal dinner or banquet