jewish 3 Flashcards
afternoon prayer of Judaism. Mincha means present, derived from the meal offering that accompanied each sacrifice offered in the temple, recited in the middle of the secular day
Also known as Arvit, jewish prayer or service held in evening, consists of mainly the Shema and Amidah, it should be prayed before midnight but may be recited until daybreak or sunrise. Derives from the word “erev” which means evening.
a quorum of ten men ( or in some synagogues like Reform, men and women) over the age of 13 required for traditional Jewish worship. Comes from Hebrew root word “Maneh” meaning to count or number.Jews believe it is good to pray together but there must be a minimum of ten present for certain prayers to be said.
Hebrew word meaning the migration of Jews to Israel basic tenet of Zionist ideology. Also to receive an Aliyah is the calling of a member of a Jewish congregation to the Bimah for a Torah portion reading.
watchword of faith, declares our belief in one God. This prayer served as the centerpiece for morning and evening services “Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One, Blessed is God’s glorious majesty forever and ever.” Twice a day during morning and evening services
(standing) a prayer. part of the Jewish liturgy, consisting of a varying number of blessings recited while the worshipers stand. Central Prayer used in worship services. the standing prayer you face Jerusalem other names it is known as are Shemonah Esreh, Tefillah.
a small hat or headcovering (yarmulke) it is considered a sign of reverence for God. Can be made out of silk, velvet, leather or beaded or crocheted. it is worn when praying or even allt he time.
custom or tradition
a shawl with fringed corners worn over the head and shoulders by Jewish men as a symbol of communal solidarity and devotion to God, it is blue and white because of the blue snail dye that is mentioned throughout the Torah and other religious texts it is worn in the morning prayer on weekdays at shabbat and holy days in addition it can be worn by the hazzan ( cantor) at every prayer while by the ark and by the reader of the Torah as well as by all functionaries during the ark