jewish 2 Flashcards
Tisha B’av
9th day of month of Av, saddest day of Jewish CAlendar on which Jews fast,deprive self and pray culmination of the 3 Weeks a period of time during whcih we mark the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem Chant book of Lamentations recite mourners prayers sit on ground on stolls refrain from smiling, laughing and chatting. (Reform: complicated relationship, not actively seeking an active temple time)
Brit Milah
ceremony in which a circumcision is performed on baby boys at 8 days old symbol covenant God made with Abraham teaches us that our spiritual, emotional moral and ethical perfection requires human effort, God cannot do it for us
Customs for naming child
follow naming a child after someone usually a family member who has passed (Ashkenazi) the child will emulate the virtues of the deceased namesake. Sometimes a name is picked from the Torah portion that corresponds to the infants birth
What are Bar and Bat Mitzvah
it is the coming of age of Jewish boys and girls when they reach the age of 13 this marks the time when they become adult and are now responsible for their actions and can decide for themselves how they would like to practice Judaism ( in reform it is usually celebrated on the shabbat closest to the childs 13th birthday) we call them to recite blessings over the Torah
symbol (tallis) a canopy beneath which Jewish marriage ceremonies are performed
traditionally was written in ancient aramaic and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the husband to the wife. meant to protect the woman and serve as a deterrent for divorce. money paid by the groom to the bride for marriage. a standard marriage contract. 200 shekels kept in trust as bride price. liberal: “Ketubot” mutual obligations
Sheva Brachot
the seven blessings, key part of jewish wedding adapted from ancient rabbinic teachings, begin with blessing over wine and ends with communal expression of joy. meal or gathering in bride and groom honor 1. creator of vine 2. created everything for His glory 3. creator of human beings 4.fashioned humans in your image5 bless Adonai as the one who gladdens Zion through childrens return 6 gladden the beloved couple 7 joy,gladness,mirth,song pleasure delight companionship, couple rejoice with song filled feasts
describe ring and ceremony
the groom places the ring on index finger of bride right hand and say behold by this ring you are consecrated to me as my wife according to laws of moses and israel the ring must be precious metal have some value be unadorned by stones and not have decorations cut out of it
mourning, the tradition of rending garments to represent the tear in your heart when losing a loved one . it is a way to show outwardly that youre mourning today we can also use a black ribbon
starts day of death, word meaning “7”, refers to 7 day period of formalized mourning by the immediate family of deceased. begins immediately after the burial and concludes a short time after the morning service (Shacarit) on the 7th day
“30” it is the 30 days period of mourning after burial. Shiva “7” is the first 7 days of Shloshim During the other 23 days the constraints of mourning are less severe
an ancient Jewish Prayer sequence regularly recited in synagogue service including thanksgiving and praise and concluding with a prayer for universal peace , means “sanctification”
the anniversary of the death of a parent or close relative most commonly observed by burning a candle for an entire day ,Kaddish is also recited, you may recite whatever would bring your relatives the most comfort
“may he” the opening words of memorial prayer for the dead (during synagogue services on Yom Kippur, on the 8th day of Passover, on the 8th day of Sukkot, and on 2nd day of Shavuot. The prayers are then returned to their place in the holy ark and the worshipper can insert the names of the departed relatives who are also in need of atonement)
Chevrah Kadisha
society that cleans the body