Jeopardy 2- Cardio GI Flashcards
CHF drugs that increase the efficiency of contractions and can relieve tachycardia
Digoxin (Cardiac Glycosides)
% of children who at one point have an Innocent Heart Murmur
Vibratory, twangy or buzzing systolic murmur heard at the mid LSB
Stills Murmur
Age group that have Stills Murmur
Continuous murmur heard at the neck and clavicles that disappears if supine
Venous Hum
Type of ASD seen in Down Syndrome
Ostium Primum
Ostium Secundum
ASD that occurs in the middle of the septum
Ostium Secundum
ASD that occurs high in the septum and may –> anomalous return of the R. Pulm Veins into the R. Atrium
Sinus Venosus
Affect of ASD on pulm blood flow
Increases pulm blood flow
Ostium Primum ASD may result in ___ that causes CHF
Mitral Regurgitation
Murmur heard w/ ASDs
Fixed splitting of the second heart sound
Why is there splitting of the second heart sound w/ ASDs?
ASD –> increased pulm blood flow –> no more variation in timing of the aortic and pulmonic valve closure w/ respiration
Treatment of ASD
Surgical closure
High pitched holosystolic murmur at LLSB
Continuous machine-like murmur at ULSB
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Systolic ejection murmur w/ radiation to carotids
Aortic Stenosis
Systolic ejection murmur at ULSB w/ a click
Pulmonic Stenosis
Direction of the shunt in VSD is determined by
Size of the VSD and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
As a VSD becomes SMALLER the murmur…
VSDs large enough to cause >2:1 ratio of blood going to the lungs vs going to the systemic circulation may have what murmur and why?
Murmur of Mitral Turbulence (excess blood from the lungs is now passing through the mitral valve)
Reversal of L–>R shunt to R–>L shunt that occurs because PVR»_space; SVR
Eisenmenger Syndrome
Large shunts are associated w/
Increased risk of pulm infections
Ductus Arteriosus connects
Pulmonary Artery to the Aorta
Drug used to close a PDA
The ACYANOTIC heart defects
1) ASD
2) VSD
3) PDA
4) Coarctation
5) Aortic Stenosis
6) Pulmonic Stenosis
50% of patients w/ coarctations may also have
Bicuspid Aortic Valves or Aortic Stenosis
To preserve circulation to lower body, the Ductus Arteriosus must be kept open in a coarctation patient via
How is renal blood flow maximized in coarctation patients
Severe aortic stenosis may be associated w/
Hypoplasia of the Left Ventricle
Treatment for pulmonic stenosis
Balloon Valvuloplasty
The 5 CYANOTIC Heart defects
1) Truncus Arteriosus
2) Transposition of the Great Arteries
3) Tricuspid Atresia
4) Tetralogy of Fallot
5) Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection
MOST COMMON cause of central cyanosis after newborn period
Tetralogy of Fallot
4 Components of Tetralogy of Fallot
VSD, Pulmonic Stenosis, Over-riding Aorta and RV Hypertrophy
CXR showing upturned cardiac apex (boot shape)
Tetralogy of Fallot
CXR showing small heart w/ narrow mediastinum (egg on a string)
Transposition of the Great Arteries
CYANOTIC heart defects which are associated w/ Right Aortic Arch
Tetralogy of Fallot and Truncus Arteriosus
Things that worsen the R–>L shunting in Tetralogy of Fallot
1) Decreasing SVR (exercise, vasodilation, volume depletion)
2) Increase RVOT resistance (crying, tachycardia)
Things that would improve the R–>L shunting in Tetralogy of Fallot
Increase SVR and decrease RVOT resistance (volume infusion, HTN, Valsalva, brady)
How does squatting help in a Tet spell?
1) Increases SVR
2) Increased venous return
Treatment of Transposition of the Great Vessels
Arterial Switch Operation
Only cause of cyanosis in the newborn w/ LEFT AXIS DEVIATION and LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY
Tricuspid Atresia
MOST COMMON cause of acquired heart disease worldwide
Rheumatic Fever
MOST COMMON cause of acquired heart disease in the US
Kawasaki Disease
MOST COMMON causes of bacterial endocarditis
Gram + Cocci (Strep Viridans and Staph)
MOST IMPORTANT lab test in bacterial endocarditis
Blood Cultures
Tender swollen lesions on the palms, soles or toes/fingers in endocarditis
Osler’s Nodes
Erythematous hemorrhagic lesions on the palms or soles
Janeway lesions
Round or oval white spots in the retina w/ endocarditis
Roth’s Spots
MOST SENSITIVE way to evaluate vegitations
Which heart defect does not require ABX prophylaxis during procedures
Secundum ASD
MOST COMMON cause of pericarditis
Viral Infection
MOST COMMON cause of purulent pericarditis
Staph and S. pneumo
What is pulsus paradoxus
> 10mmHg reduction in systolic BP on deep inspiration
Symptoms of Pericarditis
Friction Rub + Distant Heart Sounds + Pulsus Paradoxus + Hepatomegaly + Positional Chest Pain
ST segment changes and low voltage QRS
Myocarditis is apparent in __ of children who die suddenly
Resting Tachycardia + Muffled Heart Sounds
Organisms causing myocarditis are identified via
PCR of endomyocardial biopsy specimens
Viruses, mitochondrial abnormalities, carnitine deficiency, selenium and thiamine deficiency, hypocalcemia and ALCAPA and Doxurubicin may cause
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
What is ALCAPA
Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is (genetic)
Autosomal Dominant
What is the cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy’s LVOT obstruction
Anterior mitral leaflet is swept into the sub aortic region
MOST COMMON cause of sudden cardiac death in athletes
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Deep and Wide Q Waves in the inferior and lateral leads
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
MOST COMMON arrhythmia of childhood
Delta Wave
Wolff Parkinson White
Treatment of SVT
1) Vagal Maneuvers
2) IV Adenosine
3) Cardioversion
4) Catheter Ablation
Congenital 3rd Degree AV Block is associated w/ mothers who have
Long QT increases the risk of
Torsades de Pointes
Drugs which prolong QT
TCAs, Phenothiazines, Erythromycin and Terfenadine
Autosomal Recessive long QT Syndrome
Jervell-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
Long QT associated w/ deafness
Jervell-Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant long QT Syndrome
Ramano-Ward Syndrome
MOST COMMON cause of childhood chest pain
Night Blindness and Xerophthalmia
Vit A
Vit D
Vit E
Coagulopathy, prolonged Prothrombin Time
Vit K
Beriberi (cardiac failure + neuropathy + hoarseness + Wernicke’s Encephalopathy)
Thiamine B1
Dermatitis and Glossitis
Pyridoxine B6
Megaloblastic Anemia, Demyelination and elevated MMA
Cobalamin B12
Scurvy (hematologic + edema + poor wound healing + impaired collagen)
Vitamin C
Megaloblastic Anemia w/o neuro sx
Folic Acid
Pellagra (diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia)
Skin lesions and immune dysfunction
Stool pH below 5.6 suggests
Poor absorption of carbohydrates
Fecal A1 Antitrypsin levels show
Enteric Protein Loss
CBC finding of abetalipoproteinemia
Acanthocytosis of erythrocytes
Schwachman Diamond Syndrome
AR disease of pancreatic insufficiency + FTT and neutropenia
Protein intolerance resolves by
1-2 years
Celiac Disease Antibodies
IgA-Endomysial and Tissue Transglutaminase
Celiac Disease Antibody if IgA deficient
Anti-Gliadin IgG
5 Complications of Short Bowel Syndrome
TPN Choletatsis, Bacterial Overgrowth, Poor Bone Mineralization, Renal Stones, Diarrhea
Torticollis 2/2 painful esophagitis
Sandifer Syndrome
Malrotation twists around the
Superior Messenteric Artery
Intestines return to the abdomen in the
10th week gestation
Duodenum re-cannalizes at
8-10 weks
MOST COMMON cause of obstruction in the neonate
Intestinal Atresia
Cause of Jejunoileal Atresia
Mesenteric Vascular Accident in fetal life
Most common location of intussusception
Ileocolic Intussesception
Perforation of an appy occurs after
36-48 hours
Bluish discoloration of flanks seen w/ pancreatitis
Gray-Turner Sign
Bluish discoloration of the periumbilical area w/ pancreatitis
Cullen Sign
Most specific marker of pancreatitis
MOST COMMON cause of constipation in childhood
Functional Fecal Retention
MOST COMMON cause of organic constipation in childhood
Hirschprung’s Disease
Other symptoms of UC
Uveitis, Arthropathy, PYODERMA GANGRENOSUM, sclerosing cholangitis
Other symptoms of Crohns
FTT, delayed sexual maturity, Oral ulcers, erythema nodosum, arthritis and renal stones
Serologic marker of UC
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Serologic marker of Crohns
Anti-Saccharomyces cervisiae antibody
MOST COMMON cause of significant lower GI bleeding beyond infancy
Juvenile Polyp
Hemolytic Anemia + Thrombocytopenia + ARF
Palpable purpuric rash on butt + arthritis, renal disease + GI bleeding (abdominal pain)
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
HSP pathology
an IgA mediated vasculitis
Specific marker of liver disease
Alanine Aminotransferase
Jaundice is noticeable at
> 3mg/dL
Crigler Nijjar 1 is
Autosomal Recessive and 100% no UDPGT
Crigler Nijjar 2 is
Autosomal Dominant and 90% no UDPGT
Polysplenia Syndrome (bilobed lungs, abdominal heterotaxia and situs ambiguous is associated w/
Biliary Atresia
Hep C causes chronic infection in
Genetics of Alagille Syndrome
Autosomal Dominant Chromosome 20 (Jagged 1 Gene)
Intrahepatic bile duct disorder + unusual facies + POT obstruction + renal disease + butterfly vertebrae + broad thumbs + Panc problems and hypercholesterolemia
Alagille Syndrome