Jekyll and Hyde Flashcards
What are synonyms of “unnatural”?
Abnormal Atypical Wrong Abomination Primitive Supernatural Troglodytic
What does troglodytic mean?
Out dated
What themes can be included under Hyde being Unnatural?
Repression - Darwinism Hypocrisy Duality Appearance vs Reality Danger of Scientific Discovery Science vs God
Key aspects of Utterson are…
- Repression
- Reliable (narrator)
- Bland
- Loyal
- Honest
- Respectable
- Educated
How is repression shown the the character of Utterson?
- Doesn’t visit theatre despite enjoying it
- Unopened bottle of wine despite “taste for vintages”
- Doesn’t open Lanyon’s letter despite his curiosity
- Agree not to discuss anything further with Mr Enfield
- “last good influence”
- “undemonstrative” – meaning not to show feelings or affection
How does contrast show duality?
• Street Utterson and Enfield walk down is described as
pleasantly beautiful despite being in a run down area.
• Fog and the darkness compared to the streaks of sunlight
• London vs Soho
• Jekyll is seen a respectable, Hyde is scum of the earth
How are the dangers of scientific discovery shown through character?
- Hyde being evil incarnate
* Jekyll loses control over Hyde and he murder Sir Danvers Carew
How is Hyde presented as unnatural?
- “ape like fury” - compares him to a primitive creature
- “clubbed” - cave man behaviour, atavism
- “madman” - mentally unstable
- “wicked-looking” -
- “great flame of anger”
- superhuman strength
- “dwarfish”
How is setting used to present central concerns?
Duality - Mist/darkness vs light
- london vs soho
- house in cavendish square
What are the central concerns?
Dangers of scientific discovery
How is science presented as dangerous?
- Hyde’s unnatural form
- ## leads Jekyll to kill himself
How is the theme of good vs evil presented through characterisation?
How is biblical language used to explore the theme of duality?
How is the theme of appearance vs reality is explored through the character of Jekyll?
Quotes for light vs darkness ….
“lit by the full moon”
Quotes for the character of Hyde….
"great flame of anger" "madman" "clubbed" "ape-like fury" "storm of blows" Repulsive
Quotes for symbolism….
The cane
- “tough and heavy wood….splintered half”
Quotes for repression/secrecy
Hyde remains in the shadows
Quotes for dangers of scientific discovery?
“hissing” - against nature
Quotes for biblical allusion…
"hissing" "Satan's signature" "adversary" "devil" "diabolical" "Cain's heresy"
What are the key things about Jekyll that you can say - NOT related to Hyde?
Reputation as a doctor Wealthy façade of the house Shutting himself away Suicide "Man is not truly one; but truly two"
Quotes for temptation of sin?
“Impatient gaiety of disposition”
“Relentless pursue of respectability”