Critical Essay - Strawberries Flashcards
What are the main techniques/ideas to include in a form paragraph?
- Free verse - Lack of structure
- Enjambement (continuation of a line)
- Lack of Punctuation
What does lack of punctuation show?
o Pure emotion o Unfiltered No rules/boundaries o Lack of constraint Carefree Liberation
What does a slow pace create?
An erotic feeling
What is enjambment?
The continuation of a sentence over lines
What does enjambment show?
Indulging Lost in the memories o Freedom o Free flowing thoughts - Slow pace
What does free verse show?
o Free flowing thoughts
How would you write a topic sentence for a form paragraph?
Morgan uses form to establish a (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/transience) in the poem.
What are the key ideas that should be included in a symbolism paragraph?
- Title
- Red colour
- Sweet taste
- Ripeness
- Summer
- Not bitter about it coming to an end
What does the title of the poem show?
The significance of the strawberries
What does the red colour of strawberries represent?
What is the importance of the sweet taste in the poem? What it the point?
- Sensual quality
- Focus on the mouth
- Erotic feeling
What does the ripeness of a strawberry represent in the poem?
- Short period
- Transience
- Fleeting nature
- Fling
- Summer
- Turn sour
- Persona not bitter about things coming to an end
What does summer symbolise in the poem?
- Peak
- Heat
- Catalyst of relationship
- Links with afternoon
How would you construct a topic sentence for symbolism?
A (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/sense of transience) is added to through the poets use of symbolism.
What quote is used for simile?
“abandoned like a child”
How would you start the simile paragraph?
Just as….so too
For simile, just as children are…
- energetic
- carefree
- trusting
- pure
- innocent
For simile, so too do we understand that the lovers…
- Are excited by each other
- trust each other
- are young and naïve
What does childhood represent?
- Confidence
- No worries
- Happy
How is the idea of transience included in a simile paragraph?
- grow old
- lose livelihood
- lose innocence
- lust disappears
What is the standard topic sentence for simile?
Simile is utilised by the poet to convey a (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/sense of transience)
What should be included in a repetition paragraph?
- Command verb
- Labial dental
- stressed “t”
- meaning of let
- monosymbolic
- significance
- immersed
- reliving
Why is ‘let’ repeated?
To emphasis its importance
What does the labial dental do?
- on the ‘l’ sound
- associated with eroticism
What is the literal root of the word ‘let’
To submit, allow and invite
What is the persona hoping to achieve by using the word ‘let’?
Asking for the experience to be recreated, to be able to relive it again
What is important about ‘let’?
Carries connotations about living in the moment
The persona seeks to experience the event once again through (the power of memory)`
What is the key message given by the repetition of ‘let’?
To appreciate fleeting moments
To slow down
To not rush
What does the stressed ‘t’ add to the poem?
Sounds more forceful and significant
Persona begging to be allowed to relive the experience
What is the standard topic sentence for repetition?
The poet uses repetition to deepen the (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/sense of transience)
What should be included in a alliteration paragraph?
Voiceless alveolar fricative
What is sibilance and what is it’s purpose in the poem?
- Repetition of the letter ‘s’
- Mirrors soft hush of the day, the idea of summer sounds
- Creates an immersive sensory experience
- Represents sensuality
What is voiceless alveolar fricative and how does it contribute to the poem?
- Sound articulated via the tip of the tongue
- Creates erotic feel by drawing attention to the mouth
- Is a reflection of the passion felt by the persona
What is the standard topic sentence for alliteration?
The poet uses alliteration to deepen the (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/sense of transience)
What quote is used for pathetic fallacy?
“let the storm wash away the plates”
What should be included in the pathetic fallacy paragraph?
- Storm
- “summer lightning”
- Reset to equilibrium
In pathetic fallacy, what does the storm represent?
- Build up of sexual tension
- Humidity
- Friction
- Transience
- Passion
What does the humidity represent in pathetic fallacy?
What does “summer lightning” represent?
- electricity
What does the reset to equilibrium represent?
Short term fling
What is the standard topic sentence for pathetic fallacy?
The technique of Pathetic Fallacy is used by Morgan to show this (memorable experience/passionate tone/sense of wonder/sense of transience)
How do you write a good introduction?
- Name of poem and author
- Techniques used
- What these techniques do (ref to question)
- What the poem is about (recalling a lustful, sexual encounter on a sultry summer afternoon)
What is enjambement?
The continuation of a sentence over lines
What order do the paragraphs go in?
Form Symbolism Simile Repetition Alliteration Pathetic Fallacy