JBF_Symbolism Flashcards
Ankh. Ancient Egyptian symbol for eternal life; now also associated with Kemetism and neo-paganism.
Arrow. Arrows used to gain knowledge through divination.
Bagua. Origins from I ching, Taoism. Literally, “The 8 Directions,” this early Chinese divination technique is described in the i ching, and is typically visualized as 8 trigrams around a Yin and Yang symbol. The bagua and trigrams are referenced throughout Chinese astronomy, astrology, geography, geomancy, anatomy, martial arts, Chinese medicine and various other cultural aspects.
Baphomet. Origins: Knights Templar. Adopted by modern occultists and Satanists after the Knights Templar were accused of worshiping it. Theistic Satanists may worship it as a deity or demon, while atheistic Satanists see it as a metaphorical symbol. The goat-headed Baphomet image seen here is a 19th-century drawing made by Eliphas Levi as a metaphorical symbol from Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie. It was not originally created as a Satanic symbol or a deity. See also: Sigil of Baphomet and Statue of Baphomet.
Black Sun
Black Sun. Origins: Nazi occultism and later the neo-Nazi movement. A symbol of the sun composed of twelve sig runes first appearing on the floor of the north tower of Wewelsburg after Heinrich Himmler ordered it to be remodeled, it gained modern popularity due to its use by Nazi occultists. It was later adopted by Satanists. The name “Black Sun” was coined by Wilhelm Landig of the Landig Group.
Solar Symbol
The alchemical symbol for the sun and various sun gods. Also the alchemical symbol for gold which is the metal represented by the Sun which is the astral counterpart.
Cross of Saint Peter
Christianity Used paradoxically both as a symbol of Saint Peter and as Anti-Christian sentiment. The symbol comes from the crucifixion of Saint Peter, in which he requested to be crucified upside-down as he didn’t see himself as worthy to die the same way as Jesus.
Eye of Horus
Origin: Ancient Egyptian religion. The eye of the god Horus, a symbol of protection, now associated with the occult and Kemetism.
Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God)
Catholic. The eye of God within a triangle, representing the Holy Trinity, and surrounded by holy light, representing His omniscience.
Represents the seven days of creation. In Islam, it represents the first seven verses of the Quran. It is the symbol of Babalon in Thelema. In Wicca, it is known as the Elven Star, Fairy Star, or Septagram. Judaism, Islam, Thelema, Paganism, Alchemy
Origin: Mandala and Judaism. An ancient symbol of the Jewish faith, also found on the Seal of Solomon.
Icelandic magical staves
Sigils created with magical powers by the Icelandic people. Pictured is the stave known as Ægishjálmur.
Origin: Uto-Aztecan O’odham peoples of Arizona. The I’itoi is an indigenous spiritual symbol that signifies the challenging and balancing decisions in one’s life that lead us to our ultimate dream state from the product of all of our choices. The ideal is to reach the center of this maze of decisions we make, which is a manifestation of our purpose and dream, and is accepted by the Sun God upon our death.
Monas Hieroglyphica
A symbol invented by John Dee, alchemist and astrologer at the court of Elizabeth I of England. It represents (from top to bottom): the moon; the sun; the elements; and fire.
Origin: Ancient Egypt and Persia, Norse mythology. A serpent or dragon consuming its own tail, it is a symbol of infinity, unity, and the cycle of death and rebirth.
Origin: Mesopotamia. An ancient symbol of a unicursal five-pointed star circumscribed by a circle with many meanings, including but not limited to, the five wounds of Christ and the five elements (earth, fire, water, air, and soul). In Satanism, it is flipped upside-down. See also: Sigil of Baphomet.
Rose Cross
A symbol associated with Christian Rosenkreuz with many different attributions of symbolism.
Seal of Solomon
A ring attributed to King Solomon in Jewish and esoteric tradition.