JB-Womens health Flashcards
How soon after pregnancy can you get pregnant if bottle feeding?
Contraception needed after 21 days
How often is smear testing?
25-49: 3 years
50-64: 5 years
How often is breast screening
50-70: 3 years
After 70 request it
How often is bowel screening
60-74 years
Duct ectasia vs duct papiloma
Ectasia: tender lump with green discharge
Papiloma: blood stained discharge
Is anastrozole used pre or post menopausal
How often is bowel cancer screening
60 to 74 (dropping to 50 same as breast)
every 2 years
Fibroadenoma vs fibroadenosis
adenoma: breast mouse, highly mobile, non tender in under 30s (remove if >3cM)
fibroadenosis: tender lumpy breasts worse at menstruation in middle age
How often is the breast screening programme
3 years 50-70