Jazz Phrases + Articulations Flashcards
What is 12 blues?
4 x I, 2x IV, 2 x I, V,IV, I, V
What are blues notes?
Notes characteristic of a blues scale
What is a break?
A change in texture from the rest of the song - solo/instrumental
What is call and response?
Question and answer phrases between musicians
What are changes?
A change in chords in a jazz piece
What is comping?
Rhythmic chords usually played by piano
What is doit?
Sliding upwards from a note
What is a fall-off?
Sliding downwards from a note
What is a smear?
Scooping up a note
What is scat?
Vocal improvistaion with nonsense syllables to mimic a horn
What is a tailgate?
A slide played on a trombone
What is a plop?
An approach into a note from above
What is a scoop?
An bend approach into the note from below
What is a lift?
A smooth approach into a note from below
What is four-beat?
Accompaniment with emphasis on all four beats of the bar
What is the front-line?
The melodic instruments in the band, plus any vocalist?
What is a horn in jazz?
Any blown instrument
What does the adjective ‘idiomatic’ mean about an instrument?
It has a particular characteristic of the instrument
What is a mute?
A device put in the bell of a brass instrument to alter sound
What is a riff?
A repeating melodic or rhythmic pattern
What is rubato?
Expressive changes in tempo within a phrase
What is the rhythm section?
The section of an ensemble keeping rhythm eg. drums, bass, piano, guitar/banjo (Also known as back line)
What is stop-time?
Reduced accompaniment with chords on first beat and a gap for a melodic line
What is swing?
A type of jazz with a swung rhythm with uneven quavers
What is a walking bass?
Even bass notes outlining notes of a chords
What is 32-bar song form?
Common structure for songs: AABA with 8 bar phrases
What is jazz?
Genre derived from blues incorporating improvisation, syncopation + generally played by a band