Jaundice Flashcards
25 y/o AAM presents with Jaundice.
Sudden onset jaundice and dark colored urine. C/o back pain and fatigue. Afebrile, denies recent travel. Neg tobacco, etoh, illicits. Uses condoms.
Recently took TMP-SMX for diarrhea a few days ago.
Uncle has hx of some type of blood disorder.
Skin: pallor, itch, no rash
HEENT: icterus
How to approach case: Presentation of Jaundice. Can be due to: hemolytic causes Disorders involving liver or biliary tracts
Start with PE Gen exam, Skin LN Heart and lungs Abdominal Extremities Neuro
Results of PE:
Icterus and pallor noted on eyes
No masses, tenderness, organomegaly noted on abd exam. BS nml
Rest of exam wnl
What do you order?
CBC w/diff, routine
BMP, routine
LFTs, routine
PT, routine
Lab results: WBC 8.2 HBG 9 PLTS 200 MCV 98 MCH 28 MCHC 35 SMEAR: normochromic, normocytic, bite cells, leukocytes and plts normal in # and morphology Bilirubin 5 Direct 0.5 AST 25 ALT 20 Alk Phos 182 Protein 7.2 PT 11
What do you think is going on?
What do you want to do next?
Hepatitis: no fever, abd pain, or risk factors
This also r/o acute cholangitis
Liver/biliary tract pathology: nml and exam and no tenderness = r/o
Pallor + dark urine = intravascular hemolysis
*positive family history and exposure to sulfa drugs
Nml LFTs r/o liver or biliary dz
Elevated levels of indirect bili clue towards hemolysis
CBC shows anemia and bite cells. = jaundice d/t hemolysis
Order tests to confirm hemolysis and determine if intra or extravascular
Have determined jaundice is d/t hemolysis. What do you order next?
Admit to floor IV access stat NS IVF continuous Regular diet (avoid fava beans) Up at lib Retic count and index, stat Serum haptoglobin LDH, stat UA, stat T&C 2 units PRBC, stat Transfuse, stat Repeat H&H in 12H
Discussion of orders placed
Reticulocyte count: retic count elevated in hemolysis
Index to correct count for anemia
LDH is elevated in INTRAVASCULAR hemolysis
UA: to detect hgb or hemosiderinuria
Results from 2nd round of labs: BUN 12 Cr 0.6 LDH 400 Haptoglobin 20 UA nml
What do these results mean?
Elevated retic = hemolytic anemia
Elevated LDH + low haptoglobin = intravascular hemolysis
+ family hx, exposure to sulfa Rx, bite cells = suggests G6PD deficiency anemia, thalassemia, and hereditary spherocytosis
Discussion of peripheral smear SSC? Hereditary spherocytosis? Thalassemias? TTP?
SSC: sickle shape RBCs
Hereditary spherocytosis: RBCs loss of central pallor
Thalassemias: microcytic picture w/target cells
TTP: fragmented RBCs (low plts and renal impairment)
3rd round of orders and why?
G6PD assay (confirmatory test) Hbg electrophoresis to r/o SSC, thal, hereditary spherocytosis. Coomb’s test, direct, stat for autoimmune hemolytic anemia *important non-hereditary cause*
How to counsel patient?
Avoid exposure to Rx with oxidant potential
Heterozygous females should avoid Rx while pregnant/breast feeding as it can cause hemolysis in fetus/infant
Transfusions when anemia is very severe (d/t impaired compensatory eruthropoiesis
G6PD levels can be normal during or immediately after acute hemolytic episode, so can repeat the test to confirm dx
Case wrap up:
F/u appt 2 mo with repeat G6PD Reassurance Patient counseling Limit etoh use Regular exercise Safe sex counseling