Jason Flashcards
Who is Jason’s father?
king Iolcus
Who is Medea’s father?
Aeetes, King of Colchis (brother of Circe)
Which goddesses aid Jason?
Hera and Athena
What are the main sources of the Jason story?
the Argonautika by Apollonius and Medea by Euripides
Who raises Jason after his father is deposed by Pelias
What does the Pythia tell Pelias?
to “Beware the man with the one sandal”
Who does Jason encounter by a river on the way back to his homeland?
Hera, disguised as an old woman
How does Jason lose a sandal?
He helps disguised Hera cross the river and loses his sandal in the water
What labor does Pelias have Jason perform in exchange for the throne?
He must bring him the golden fleece
Where did the golden fleece come from?
A golden winged ram, an offspring of Poseidon, was sacrificed in Colchis
What gift does Hera give Jason to help him on his journey?
A talking oak branch
What happened on Lemnos?
the women had killed their husbands for infidelity. Jason fathers a child to Queen Hupsipyle
What happens to Hylas?
He is taken by the Naiads and never seen again
Who were the Harpies torturing?
How did the Argonauts free Phineas from the Harpies?
Zetes and Calais have and aerial battle with the Harpies, and their sister Iris begs for her sisters to be spared in exchanged for calling them off
Why does Medea help Jason?
Aphrodite makes her fall in love with him
What labors does Jason perform for Aeetes
Yolks two bronze hoofed, fire-breathing bulls and plows a field. Fights the dragon guarding the golden fleece
How does Medea help Jason defeat the bulls?
She gives him an herb to protect him from fire and bronze
How does Medea help Jason defeat the dragon
She puts it to sleep
How does Jason escape with the fleece after Aeetes goes back on their deal?
Medea puts the palace to sleep, and when Aeetes is pursuing them by ship, she cuts her brother into pieces and throws them over the side to slow her father down
Who purifies Medea of Blood Guilt
What is the name of the bronze giant of Crete
How does Medea defeat Talus?
She causes him to fall and the stopper in his foot that holds in the Ichor powering him comes out, causing the Ichor to drain