Heracles Flashcards
King of Mycenae, accidentally killed by his brother Amphitryon
Where does Amphitryon for after killing his brother
How does Alcmena get pregnant with two sons?
Zeus disguised himself as Amphitryon and sleeps with her, then the real Amphitryon also sleeps with her. She becomes pregnant with Heracles and iphicles
How does Hera interfere in the birth of Alcmenas sons
She sends Eileithyia to delay the birth
What does Hera send after Heracles is born?
Snakes to kill him, but he strangled them
A son of Apollo and Heracles music teacher. Heracles kills him with a lyre
Theban princess
Heracles first wife
Hera brings a bout of madness to Heracles and what happens?
He kills Megara and their three children
What does the Pythia tell Heracles after he recovers his sanity?
She tells him to go to Tiryns and serve Eurystheus for twelve years
1st labor
Nemaean lion
Heracles kills it with a club and skins it
2nd labor
Hera sends a crab to aid the hydra, Heracles kills both with the help of his nephew Iolaus
He dips arrows in the blood of the hydra to make them poisoned
3rd labor
Cerynean deer
Sacred to Artemis
Heracles captures it alive and brings it to Eurystheus before returning it to Artemis
4th labor
Erymanthian boar
Captures it with a net and brings it to Eurystheus in a jar
Centaur that hosts Heracles before/after the 4th labor. Heracles is attacked by centaurs and kills them, wounding the immortal Chiron with a poisoned arrow
How does Pholus die?
He accidentally drops a poisoned arrow on his foot
5th labor
Stables of Augeas
6th labor
Stymphalion birds
He has to shoot them
Uses castanets to flush them out and shoots them
7th labor
Cretan bull
8th labor
Horses of Diomedes
Flesh eating mares
Heracles corrals the horses and leaves Abderus in charge of them. Abderus is killed by the horses
Heracles feeds Diomedes to his own horses
Lover of Heracles
Kills by flesh eating horses
Alcestis’ wife
Alcestis hosts Heracles and his wife is sick and dying. Heracles wrestles Thanatos when he comes to take her life, Heracles wins and saves her life
9th labor
Girdle of Hippolyta
Amazon queen who has an affair with Heracles, she is going to give Heracles her girdle, when her interferes and causes a battle to break out between heracles and the amazons. Heracles is forced to kill Hippolyta
10th labor
Cattle of Geryon
Triple bodied man, son of Chrysaor
Heracles has to capture his 1000 cattle and bring them back. He clubs Geryon to death
Son of Hephaestus
Fire breathing cannibal
Steals some of Geryons cattle and Heracles has to retrieve them from cacus’s cave
11th labor
Golden apples of Hesperides
Heracles kills a serpent that guards the apples
Heracles gives atlas a break from holding up the earth. Heracles and Athena have to trick atlas into taking the earth back
Prometheus is tied up in the Atlas Mountains. He is kind to Heracles. Heracles kills the eagle and frees Prometheus
Son of Poseidon and Ge, serial killer
He is stronger than Heracles.
Heracles lifts him off the ground because he loses his strength when he is not touching the earth
12th labor
Captured and brought to Eurystheus
Hades allows it as long as Cerberus isn’t harmed
Mischievous dwarves that play tricks on travelers. They attempt to do this to Heracles, but he catches them and ties them to a stick and carries them over his shoulder. They make fun of his tanned butt. This amuses Heracles so he releases them, but Zeus punishes them by turning them into apes
Brother of King of Mycenae
Marries his brothers daughter Alcmena