Japan and Korea Flashcards
Where did the ethnic Japanese most likely migrate from?
a. Mainline China
b. Southeast Asia lslands
c. Korean pennisula
d. Southeast Asia mainland
Korean Pennisula
Fill in the name of the aboriginal people whose ancestors lived in Japan before the arrival of the ethnic Japanese
Which of these is NOT true about the first Capital of Japan?
a. The city is named Kyoto.
b. This was the location of the capital from 710 to 794.
c. It has a Buddhist wooden temple housing a huge Buddhist statue, built in the style of Chinese buildings at the time.
d. The park also has cherry trees, which becomes one of the locations for the Spring Cherry Blossom festival.
e. There is a park near the temple and former palace, featuring deer because the Buddha gave his first sermon in a deep park in India.
The city is named Kyoto
Which of these is NOT true about the second capital period?
a. The city was Kyoto.
b. The capital was moved from Nara to the new location at the request of the various sects of Buddhist monks.
c. One Zen temple in city is famous for its ‘rock (or sand) garden.
d. This era is called the Heian Period., whereas the first one is called the Nara Period.
e. One of the prince’s summer home (‘cottage’ Canadians would say) in a large park is now owned by the state and is now a popular tourist site called the Golden Temple.
The capital was moved from Nara to the new location at the request of the various sects of Buddhist monks.
Which is not true about the period after the Heian period ?
The location was Kamakura.
It was the beginning of the rule by Shoguns.
The capital was moved to old Tokyo.
It lasted from 1185 to 1333.
The capital was moved to old Tokyo.
Which is not true about the Samurai.
The samurai were expected to give up their life in protection of their lord. If they failed him, they were to commit suicide by disemboweling themselves.
The warrior code is called Bushido.
The Samuarai were warriors who rejected the peaceful practices of Zen Buddhism.
Most samurai were employed for life by a regional leader or the top shogun.
The Samuarai were warriors who rejected the peaceful practices of Zen Buddhism.
Which of these is not true about the next period in Japanese history?
The emperor moved to what we now call Tokyo and ruled from there.
It was a period of relative peace, but with tight controls over the regional lords, called Daimyo.
It was a period of economic stagnation, with Japan remaining in a feudal system while the industrial Revolution began in Europe .
The Tokugawa Shogunate moved the central government to Edo, an old section of Tokyo.
The emperor moved to what we now call Tokyo and ruled from there.
Which is not true about the Meiji Restoration?
A group of men who wanted Japan to modernize overthrew the Shoganate.
Japan undertook a period modernization.
It is called a ‘restoration’ because the power of the emperor was restored, and he took the name Meiji.
Official governance was again headed by the emperor.
Japan remained feudal and un-modern despite the end of the Shogunate rule.
Japan remained feudal and un-modern despite the end of the Shogunate rule.
Which of these is not true about the modernization period in Japan?
Despite Japan’s progress, they were not able to defeat Russia in their war. around 1900.
Japan rapidly built railways and industrial factories.
Japan developed a modern army.
Japan’s modernization was in sharp contrast to that of China from the 1860s to 1910 period.
Despite Japan’s progress, they were not able to defeat Russia in their war. around 1900.
Which of these was not controlled by Japan during the height of its empire?
South Pacific
French Indo-China
Which of these is not true about the post-war constitution of Japan?
Provided for equality for women.
Provided for non-discrimination based on family stutus.
Used the USA as its model country for the legislature.
Provided for universal sufferage.
Used the USA as its model country for the legislature.
Which of these is not true about the features of the Japanese political system?
One unusual thing about the Japanese system is that the bureaucrats draft the legislation and shape the government more than in most nations.
The Prime Minister selects a cabinet.
Japan uses a ‘parallel system’, electing some Representatives and Councillors by constituencies and some by and some by lists used proportionally.
The lower house is called the House of Representatives, with over 400 members.
The House of the Councillors selects the Prime Mininister.
Prime Ministers in Japan, historically, do not serve very long, tending to resign and be replaced, from the same political party, when things go badly for the ruling party.
The House of the Councillors selects the Prime Mininister.
Which is not true about the 55 System?
During the period, the Liberal Democratic Party was dominant.
The 55 System ended in 1993., but the LDP has continued to win many elections since then.
The Japanese name for the LDP is Jiminto.
The name refers to the committee of 55 members who drafted the new constitution.
The name refers to the committee of 55 members who drafted the new constitution.
Which is not true about the other major party?
The LDP won more seats than the DPJ in 2012 and formed a coalition government.
The DPJ is a more social-liberal party than the LDP, despite the ‘liberal’ name in the LDP.
The DPJ formed the government in 2009.
The name is Democratic People’s Party, reflecting its leftist stance.
The name is Democratic People’s Party, reflecting its leftist stance.
Which is not true about the Komeito Party.
Komeito’s platform calls for an end to political corruption and a nationalistic stance.
The Komeito Party won 29 seats in the 2017 elections.
The Komeito Party grew out of a lay Buddhist sect called Soka Gakkai, which is a missionary form of Buddhism that has spread to the West.
The Komeito Party is part of the opposition coalition currently.
The Komeito Party is part of the opposition coalition currently.
Which is not true about Japan’s current Prime Minister?
The 3 arrows of Abenomics include pumping lots of new money into the Japanese financial system. This approach has then become the approach followed by many nations, including Canada and the USA.
With the support of Donald Trump, Abe was able to form the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
The term Abenomics combines Abe and economics. The fancy name for a new word created by combining two previous words is ‘portmanteau’. A common example is brunch, which combines breakfast and lunch.
Abe has the distinction of being Japan’s longest serving PM.
With the support of Donald Trump, Abe was able to form the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
Which of these is not true about Japan’s current international relations?
Japan is in opposition to the spread of Chinese control over some of the islands in the South China Sea that Japan claims as their territory.
Relations between Japan and Korea are strained now, in part because Japan won’t admit to or apologize for its treatment of ‘comfort women’ and enslaved workers during WWII.
There is currently something of a trade war between Japan and South Korea.
Japan is producing Rare Earth minerals, which is now competing with China in that international market
Japan is producing Rare Earth minerals, which is now competing with China in that international market
Which of these is not true about Korean prehistory?
The Korean language is in the same family of languages as Chinese.
A woman was breathed on my a god and gave birth to a semi-divine man named Tangun.
In an origin story, a bear shape-shifted into a human woman.
Koreans call their land Chosun, meaning ‘Land of the Morning Dew’.
The Korean language is in the same family of languages as Chinese.
Which of these is not one of the traditional religious/moral traditions of the Koreans?
Traditionally, how did a Korean get into the powerful social service?
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Pay a bribe to get an appointment.
Be the son of a civil service official.
Be a son in the Kim family clan.
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Which is not true about the Kim family regime.
Kim il-sung is called the Great Leader
Kim jong-il is called the Dear Leader
Kim Jong-un is called the Supreme Leader.
The Kim regime allocates a high percentage of the government budget on military hardware, including missiles.
Japanese officials in northern Korea surrendered to Soviet troops, who then put Kim il-sung in power there in a nation separate from the part of Korea south of the 38th parallel.
Kim il-sung became a leader by resisting communist influence.
During the Korean war, the Kim regime was supported first by the Russia and then by China, which sent perhaps a million fighters to aid North Korea in the war.
The slogan of the Kim regime is juche, meaning self reliance.
Kim il-sung became a leader by resisting communist influence.
Which of these is not true about the economy of South Korea?
For years South Korea had a trade deficit with Japan but the trade surplus with the USA made up it.
The Korean economy started to take off when the Chaebol system began to result in substantial factory output for export.
The South Koreans were mostly farmers but many were willing to move to cities and work hard in factories for low wages.
South Korea turned to Japan for models for industrializing and for transplant factories.
In the early decades, South Korean got substantial aid from the USA.
Chaebol companies include LG, Samsung, Hyundai, SK, Daewoo and Huawei.
Which is not true about SK today?
South Korea was in a weird situation when Trump was negotiating directly with NK, without the South Korean leader being at the table.
South Koreas still blame Japan for the way they were treated before and during WW II.
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
SK is open to negotiating for a reunification with the North, but not if it means being ruled by the Kim regime.
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
Which of these presents a potential long term problem for South Korea?
Decline in population and an aging population.
Loss of cultural pride.
Competition from Southeast Asia.
Lose of technological skills.
Decline in population and an aging population.
This nation took control of Korea in 1910.
Which of these dates back to traditional Korean religion rather than coming in from elsewhere?
Which of these is not true about the economy of South Korea?
The Korean economy started to take off when the
Chaebol system began to result in substantial factory output for export.
The South Koreans were mostly farmers but many were willing to move to cities and work hard in factories for low wages.
In the early decades, South Korean got substantial aid from the USA.
Chaebol companies include LG, Samsung, Hyundai, SK, and Daewoo.
Being bitter about their brutal treatment during the period of Japanese occupation, South Korea avoided imitating Japan’s path to industrialization.
For years South Korea had a trade deficit with Japan but the trade surplus with the USA made up it.
Being bitter about their brutal treatment during the period of Japanese occupation, South Korea avoided imitating Japan’s path to industrialization.
Which of these presents a potential long term problem for South Korea?
Loss of cultural pride.
Competition from Southeast Asia.
Lose of technological skills.
Decline in population and an aging population.
Decline in population and an aging population.
Which is not true about the 55 System?
The Japanese name for the LDP is Jiminto.
The 55 System ended in 1993., and the LDP has not won an election since then.
The name refers to the year 1955 when the LDP came to dominate.
During the period, the Liberal Democratic Party was dominant.
The 55 System ended in 1993., and the LDP has not won an election since then.
Which of these is not true about the post-war constitution of Japan?
Provided for non-discrimination based on family stutus.
Provided for universal suffrage.
Used the the UK as its model country for the legislature.
Provided for equality for women.
Used the the UK as its model country for the legislature
Which is not true about SK today?
South Koreas still blame Japan for the way they were treated before and during WW II.
South Korea was in a weird situation when Trump was negotiating directly with NK, without the South Korean leader being at the table.
SK is open to negotiating for a reunification with the North, but not if it means being ruled by the Kim regime.
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
This nation took control of Korea in 1910.
Traditionally, how did a Korean get into the powerful social service?
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Pay a bribe to get an appointment.
Be the son of a civil service official.
Be a son in the Kim family clan.
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Which is not true about the Komeito Party?
The Komeito Party is part of the ruling coalition currently.
Komeito’s platform calls for an end to political corruption and a nationalistic stance.
The Komeito Party won 29 seats in the 2017 elections.
The Komeito Party grew out of an evangelical Christian missionary movement.
The Komeito Party grew out of an evangelical Christian missionary movement.
Which of these is not true about the second capital period?
One Zen temple in city is famous for its ‘rock (or sand) garden.
The capital was moved to the new location in part to avoid too much influence from the various sects of Buddhist monks.
The second capital was located in Nara.
This era is called the Heian Period., whereas the first one is called the Nara Period.
One of the prince’s summer home (‘cottage’ Canadians would say) in a large park is now owned by the state and is now a popular tourist site called the Golden Temple.
The second capital was located in Nara.
Which is not true about SK today?
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
SK is open to negotiating for a reunification with the North, but not if it means being ruled by the Kim regime.
South Koreas still blame Japan for the way they were treated before and during WW II.
South Korea was in a weird situation when Trump was negotiating directly with NK, without the South Korean leader being at the table.
The new affluence is leading to a population explosion.
Traditionally, how did a Korean get into the powerful social service?
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Pay a bribe to get an appointment.
Be the son of a civil service offcial.
Be a son in the Kim family clan
Excel at exams on Confucian texts.
Which of these is not true about Korean prehistory?
The Korean language is in the same family of languages as Chinese.
In an origin story, a bear shape-shifted into a human woman.
A woman was breathed on my a god and gave birth to a semi-divine man named Tangun.
Koreans call their land Chosun, meaning ‘Land of the Morning Dew’.
The Korean language is in the same family of languages as Chinese.
Which of these is not true about the Shogunate in Japanese history?
It was a period of economic stagnation, with Japan remaining in a feudal system while the industrial Revolution began in Europe .
It was a period of relative peace, but with tight controls over the regional lords, called Daimyo.
The Tokugawa Shogunate moved the central government to Edo, an old section of Tokyo.
The shogun was a member of the royal family, but not the Emperor.
The shogun was a member of the royal family, but not the Emperor.