China Flashcards
Which is not true about Qin Shi Huang
He ordered the burning of Confucian books and had Confucian scholars buried alive.
He ruled in a ruthless fashion.
He is credited with being the First Emperor because he united most of China, in contrast to earlier kings who ruled smaller kingdoms.
Qin ruled his vast territories through the traditional clan leaders.
He created a unified writing system, which is still in use (but with modifications).
Qin ruled his vast territories through the traditional clan leaders.
Which is not true about Qin’s tomb.
Just a few decades ago the underground clay army was discovered when a farmer was digging to improve his well.
His tomb is located in a nearby hillside and has not been excavated.
The tomb was ‘guarded’ by soldiers and horses made of clay (hence ‘terracotta’) and positioned in formations in underground chambers.
As was ancient practice, Qin Shi Huang did not order the construction of his tomb complex until he was dying.
The area with the terracotta warriors is now a tourist site, and one slide shows Dr. A and his wife pretended to drive a team of clay horses.
As was ancient practice, Qin Shi Huang did not order the construction of his tomb complex until he was dying.
Which is not true about the Great Wall?
According to the book China: A Macro History the location of the wall reflects the annual rainfall, the point being that where the rain is too little for farming, people are more nomadic and therefore too hard to govern/control.
It was so well built that most of it now survives.
The purpose was to keep various nomadic tribes living beyond the wall from pillaging villages in Chinese territory.
It ran along northwest China.
It was so well built that most of it now survives.
Which is not true about the term Han?
The term Han is not used much any longer.
The Han period came define the Chinese culture.
It was the name of a dynasty that ruled China in the classical period, late BCE (Before the Common Era) and early CE (Common Era).
The majority population of China are called Han (Chinese), in contrast to the ethnic minorities.
The term Han is not used much any longer.
Which is not true about Manchuria.
Japan came to rule Manchuria, naming it Manchukyo.
In Wild Swans, Dr. Zia was from Manchuria.
The last emperor of Japan was dethroned as a young child but was later made the puppet ruler of Manchuria by the Japanese.
It lies just south of the Korean penninsula.
Japan attacked it in the mid 1800s.
It lies just south of the Korean penninsula.
Which is not true about the Taiping Rebellion?
The Taiping movement was led a a mystic man who had been heavily influenced by Jewish mysticism.
The leader claimed to be like a younger brother of Jesus.
The Taiping movement became quite popular in southern China in the 1860s.
The Taiping army engaged in a long war with the Imperial Army, leading to perhaps more deaths than in any other war ever.
The Taiping movement was led a a mystic man who had been heavily influenced by Jewish mysticism.
Which is not true about China in the early 1900s?
The young emperor’s government is overthrown and a republic is declared in 1911.
Russia defeated Japan in the Japan-Russian War in Manchuria in 1904-5.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen becomes the new leader of the Republic.
The central government gradual loses control to regional war lords.
Russia defeated Japan in the Japan-Russian War in Manchuria in 1904-5.
Which is not true about the KMT
They fought a long civil war with the communists.
The KMT leader was Chiang Kai-shek.
After losing to Mao and the communists, the KMT relocated in Singapore and set up a government there.
In English the KMT was known as the Nationalists.
After losing to Mao and the communists, the KMT relocated in Singapore and set up a government there.
Which is not true about the Long March?
Mao led the Long March from start to finish.
The Long March took many twists and turns before the survivors settled in the far northwest.
The communists promised ‘land to the tiller’, meaning that families that had been farming parts of large holding by a rich family would now own the land they had been farming.
It took place in 1934-5.
Mao led the Long March from start to finish.
Which of these is not true about the communist period in China.
As we learned in Wild Swans, communist leaders had to continue the fight against some large landowners even after Mao took Beijing.
In Wild Swans we learned that local communist committees were sometimes instructed to identify a certain percentage of their members as ‘rightists.’
As we learned in Wild Swans, in the early decades of communist rule, there were many attempts to purge the party of ‘rightists’
Mao proclaimed the communist takeover in 1959.
Mao proclaimed the communist takeover in 1959.
Which is not true about the Great Leap Forward?
The experience led to a divide among communist leaders between the revolutionary idealists and the pragmatists.
It took place from 1958 to 1961.
Another theme was to increase agricultural production.
One theme was to quickly increase steel production.
It was successful in increasing agricultural production.
Farm villages were re-organized into collectives, meant to be more efficient.
It was successful in increasing agricultural production.
Which is not true about the Cultural Revolution?
The Red Guards targeted old ideas, culture, customs and habits by destroying old books, religious sites, art, etc.
It was inspired by an article Mao wrote, lamenting the loss of revolutionary zeal and calling for people to destroy the ‘4 olds’.
It lasted around a decade (1966-76), with education almost ceased and chaos in the streets.
Senior communist officials organized themselves into groups called ‘Red Guards’.
In Wild Swans we learn that the people were really tired of the Cultural Revolution period and came to blame the ‘Gang of Four’ which included Mao’s wife.
Senior communist officials organized themselves into groups called ‘Red Guards’.
Which is not true about the modernization period in China?
Once China managed to actually modernize it went on to earn the title, the World’s Factory.
Deng’s pragmatism is summed up in a saying about a cat catching mice.
China continues to keep one communist ideal – everyone is guaranteed employment.
Each generation of leaders since modernization began have been economic pragmatists willing to compromise traditional communist values as needed.
China continues to keep one communist ideal – everyone is guaranteed employment.
Which is not true about the Tiananman incident.
Chinese schools still do not teach about this incidident.
It is called Tiananman because it took place in Tiananman Square.
Hundreds of protesters were killed during the incident.
People were protesting in favour of more democracy in China, but they didn’t get it.
The ‘Tank Man’ video footage shows how he was run over by an army tank.
The ‘Tank Man’ video footage shows how he was run over by an army tank.
Which is not true about resources?
Much of the gold mined in the world is imported into India and especially China.
The HRE elements are important in high tech military equipment.
China may be planning to introduce an international yuan backed by its gold reserves.
China is dependent on importing Rare Earth elements, which are used in many high tech components worldwide.
China is dependent on importing Rare Earth elements, which are used in many high tech components worldwide.
According to the lecture screen the author Jim Sinclair says that this one thing distinguishes China from all other nations.
population control
long term planning
gold backed money
long term planning
Which is not true about the political history of the former nation of Tibet.
When Mao comes to power in 1949, he pledges to ‘unite the motherland’, which he claims includes Tibet.
Ruled indirectly by Mongols from 1222-1368, while the Mongols ruled China directly.
Manchus ruled China directly and Tibet indirectly starting in 1644.
By 1959 China is in a position to send troops to Tibet to take control, while the Dalai Lama and many others flee overland to northern India, which welcomes them despite China’s protests.
Before 1222 it was a part of what is now Nepal.
Before 1222 it was a part of what is now Nepal.
Which is not true about Hanification?
It does not include changing the education system of ethnic minorities to be taught in the Chinese language.
It includes the dominance of business by ethnic Han Chinese in regions formerly populated by an ethnic minority.
It includes the attempt to get ethnic minorities to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals and customs.
It includes the migration of ethnic Han Chinese to regions formerly populated by an ethnic minority.
It does not include changing the education system of ethnic minorities to be taught in the Chinese language.
Which is not true about the Dalai Lamas?
The title Dalai Lama means ‘Ocean of Wisdom’, meaning one with great wisdom.
As a very young boy, the current Dalai Lama seemed able to recognize some of the senior monks, to know where the previous Dalai Lama kept his reading glasses, and to pick out toys the previous one had preferred as a child.
A new Dalai Lama is chosen by senior monks who believe they have found the child who is the rebirth of the previous Dalai Lama.
The current Dalai Lama now resides in northern India.
it got started when the Chinese promoted the head priest of one order to the role of being the political leader in Tibet.
it got started when the Chinese promoted the head priest of one order to the role of being the political leader in Tibet.
Which is not true about the Uighur ethnic group?
Critics say that the Chinese government is holding hundreds of Uighurs, mostly males, in secret prisons called ‘re-education’ facilities, claiming that they are cracking down on independence movements.
The Uighurs are predominantly Muslim.
To win the hearts of the Uighurs, the government policy is to be very respectful of Uighur religion and cluture.
Centuries ago some of them migrated to Anatolia, bringing the Turkish language and later coming to be the dominate people of what is now Turkey.
To win the hearts of the Uighurs, the government policy is to be very respectful of Uighur religion and cluture.
Which is not true about the Hui.?
Originally the Hui came as workers on the ancient silk route, with some then staying in Western China.
The Hui are a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority.
They migrated to Xi’an by sea centuries ago.
Many Hui have migrated from the Xi’an area to bigger cities such as Beijing.
They migrated to Xi’an by sea centuries ago.
Which is not true about the BRI?
The sea route reaches all the way to Africa.
The BRI reaches all the way to the Middle East.
The land route reaches all the way to much of Europe.
According to the video (see link in lecture slides ‘2018 An Artic sea route is now planned’ what one of the main goals for China is to avoid its current dependence on sea routes which could be shut off in a military conflict.
The ‘Road’ part refers to land routes and the ‘Belt’ part refers to the sea routes.
The ‘Road’ part refers to land routes and the ‘Belt’ part refers to the sea routes.
Which is not true about pollution in China,
Despite the air pollution, the health of the people does not seem to be effected.
The air is sometimes so polluted in Beijing and one cannot see the sun.
China plans to build a new capital in Hubei Province (where Covid started!) and move many of the ministries there to relieve overcrowding and pollution in Beijin.
Before the summer Olympics, many smock stack type factories were forced to relocate outside Beijing.
Despite the air pollution, the health of the people does not seem to be effected.
The author of Wild Swans thinks that the Hundred Flowers campaign was Mao’s way to do what?
Celebrate the 10 anniversary of Communist rule.
Pay tribute to his late father.
Beautify the landscape.
Get the snakes out of the grass.
Get the snakes out of the grass.
Which best describes the training the author of Wild Swans got before becoming a doctor to rural people?
Training in traditional Chinese herbal remedies.
Training in Western medicine.
No training at all.
Training in both Western and Chinese medicines.
No training at all
Which is not true about the KMT
The KMT leader was Chiang Kai-shek.
After losing to Mao and the communists, the KMT relocated in Taiwan and set up a government there.
In English the KMT was known as the Nationalists.
They fought a long civil war with the communists.
The KMT tried to win the hearts of the people by keeping the taxes low.
The KMT tried to win the hearts of the people by keeping the taxes low.
Which is not true about the Great Leap Forward?
The experience led to a divide among communist leaders between the revolutionary idealists and the pragmatists.
It took place from 1958 to 1961.
In Wild Swans the villagers seem to be very proud that they were able to produce high quality steel in their ‘backyard furnaces’.
Another theme was to increase agricultural production.
Farm villages were re-organized into collectives, meant to be more efficient.
One theme was to quickly increase steel production.
In Wild Swans the villagers seem to be very proud that they were able to produce high quality steel in their ‘backyard furnaces’.
Which is not true about the Great Wall?
The wall was built by foreign slaves.
It ran along northwest China.
The purpose was to keep various nomadic tribes living beyond the wall from pillaging villages in Chinese territory.
According to the book China: A Macro History the location of the wall reflects the annual rainfall, the point being that where the rain is too little for farming, people are more nomadic and therefore too hard to govern/control.
The wall was built by foreign slaves.
Which is not true about the Uighur ethnic group?
Centuries ago some of them migrated to Anatolia, bringing the Turkish language and later coming to be the dominate people of what is now Turkey.
The Uighurs are predominantly Muslim.
Critics say that the Chinese government is holding hundreds of Uighurs, mostly males, in secret prisons called ‘re-education’ facilities, claiming that they are cracking down on independence movements.
They live in the Chinese province now known as East Turkistan.
They live in the Chinese province now known as East Turkistan.
Which is not true about the Hui?
The Hui are not as well integrated into Han society as are the Uighurs.
Originally the Hui came as workers on the ancient silk route, with some then staying in Western China.
Many Hui have migrated from the Xi’an area to bigger cities such as Beijing.
The Hui are a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority.
The Hui are not as well integrated into Han society as are the Uighurs.
Which is not true about China in the early 1900s?
Dr. Sun Yat-sen becomes the new leader of the Republic.
Unlike Japan, China had begun to modernize in the 1860s so they were doing well in the early 1900s.
The central government gradual loses control to regional war lords.
The young emperor’s government is overthrown and a republic is declared in 1911.
Unlike Japan, China had begun to modernize in the 1860s so they were doing well in the early 1900s.
Which is not true about the Tiananman incident.
Chinese schools now teach about the many deaths in this incident.
The ‘Tank Man’ video footage shows how he stopped the tanks but was then escorted away.
People were protesting in favour of more democracy in China, but they didn’t get it.
Hundreds of protesters were killed during the incident.
It is called Tiananman because it took place in Tiananman Square.
Chinese schools now teach about the many deaths in this incident.
Which is not true about the Cultural Revolution?
In Wild Swans we learn that the people were pretty happy about the Cultural Revolution period and came to appreciate its four leaders, which included Mao’s wife.
High school and university students organized themselves into enforcement units called Red Guards.
The Red Guards targeted old ideas, culture, customs and habits by destroying old books, religious sites, art, etc.
It was inspired by an article Mao wrote, lamenting the loss of revolutionary zeal and calling for people to destroy the ‘4 olds’.
It lasted around a decade (1966-76), with education almost ceased and chaos in the streets.
In Wild Swans we learn that the people were pretty happy about the Cultural Revolution period and came to appreciate its four leaders, which included Mao’s wife.
Which is not true about the Taiping Rebellion?
The Taiping army engaged in a long war with the Imperial Army, leading to persaps more deaths than in any other war ever.
The leader claimed to be like a younger brother of Jesus.
The Taiping movement became quite popular in southern China in the 1860s.
The Taiping army managed to capture Beijing, but then were driven back south.
The Taiping army managed to capture Beijing, but then were driven back south.