January 30, 2020 Random phrases Flashcards
Stanovnici, njih 200.000, naučili su kako da se bore sa hladnoćom:
Residents, 200,000 of them, have learned how to deal with the cold:
gdje je živejela do smrti
Where she lived till dealth
borila da dokaže kako je ona neko
struggled/fought to prove that she was someone
Ponovno se vratila u Zagreb nakon sedam godina
Again she returned to Zagreb after 7 years
Gdje je živjela do smrti
Where she lived to (her) death
Želija bih provest odmor u Trogiru
I would like to spend a holiday in Trogir
možete li nam/mi što savjetovati?
Can you advise us/me on something?
Šta preporučite?
What do you recommend?
Taj, ispred
That one, in front (helpful in a Pekara)
Taj ?
That one, in back
Izbor je velik.
The choices are great.
Reci mi šta te zanima.
Tell me what you are interested in
Tražim neko mirno mjesto.
I am looking for a quiet place
volim prirodu i svaki dan idem na mali šetnju
I love nature and go for a small walk every day
U tom slučaju savjetujem vam
In that case, I advise you to
Koliko vremena planiraš ostati
How long do you plan to stay
Otok Sušak nalazi se južno od otoka Hvara, daleko na otvorenom
The island of Susak is located to the south of the island of Hvar, far in the open