January 26, 2020: Personal pronouns Flashcards
Personal pronouns and cases via Sherlock Holmes and other sources
they brought them to me
Oni Ih mi donjeli
what attracts them most to women (what they are most attracted to in women)
Šta ih najviše privlači na ženi
his weapon fell
Oružije mu ispadne?
I go with him
Ja idem s njim
She was attracted to him
Bila mu je privučena (check)
I learned a lot from him
od njega sam puna naučila
I have his his number
Imam njegov broj
He saw him walking alone
On ga je vidio kako hoda sam
The light attracted him
Svetlost ga je privukla
They brought them to me when I asked
Donijeli su mi ih kad sam pitala
They brought it to me when I asked
Donijeli su mi ga kad sam pitala
with whom
s kim
I’m going with you
Idem s tobom
I’m going with him
Ja idem s njim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GweuVNVqDtg
I’m going with her
Idem s njom
I’m going with them to Sarajevo
Idem s njima u Sarajevo