james callaghan (1976-1979) Flashcards
premiership of james callaghan: 1976-1979.
When did Britain receive £3 billion from the International Monetary Fund.
How many oilfields in production by 1978.
What was unemployment at by 1978.
1.6 million.
What was inflation at by 1978.
When was the Lib-Lab Pact formed.
Why was the Lib-Lab Pact formed.
So Labour could beat the Conservative vote of no confidence.
What was the Lib-Lab Pact.
Agreement for 12 liberal MPs to vote for Labour in Parliment in return of devolution.
When were Devolution Acts for Scotland and Wales passed.
What was the clause of theDevolution Act referendum.
At least 40% of the electorate had to approve for the act to pass.
When were votes for Devolution held.
What was the conclusion of Wales in the Devolution referendum.
Against devolution.
What was the conclusion of Scotland in the Devolution referendum.
40% clause prevented devolution.
What happened as a result of the devolution Act not passing.
Scottish Nationalist MPs and Liberal MPs withdrew support.
What wage increase did the Trade Union Council reject in 1987.
What raise did lorry drivers gain after a 9 week strike.
Which groups went on strike following the lorry drivers wage increase.
Transport workers, hospital workers, postmen, dustmen and gravediggers.
What were the groups who striked over the ‘winter of discontent’ awarded.
When did Callaghan hold off the 1978 election to and why was this a mistake.
Until 1979, but the winter of discontent had completely reshaped the political landscape.
What did Labour’s vote dip by in the 1979 election.
What was the Conservative majority in the 1979 election.
When did the ‘dirty protest’ begin.
How many prisoners were taking part in the ‘dirty blanket’ protest by 1979.
What happened to ian Pasiley’s attempt to reorganize a general strike in 1977.
What did the ‘Troubles’ death toll drop to from 1974 to 1978.
260 to 82.
When was International Womens Day instated.
What was the National Front described as in 1977.
The fourth largest party in Britain.
When was the Anti-Nazi League set up.
The Blair Peach case.
Teacher and Anti-Nazi League member was killed in 1979 by a police truncheon.
What did the Commission for Racial Equality announce in 1980.
“Racial prejudice is still rife, and so is racial discrimmination, while the response of the government has been disappointingly inadequate.”
When did Greenpeace UK begin.
How many candidates did the Ecology Party put up in 1979.
How did Callaghan connect to Jimmy Carter.
Nuclear negotiations.
What did Labour do without American permission.
Withdrawal from Suez.