Jacob of Serug Flashcards
ܚܡܰܠ fut. ܢܶܚܡܽܘܠ,
Ia to gather in, lay up, amass, collect, compile; to withold, restrain; Ip to be gathered in; to die; to gather together; to be withheld; IIa to wrap up, cover over, enshroud; to hem in; to withhold; IIp to be gathered in, heaped up; to be summed up; to be held back, restrained.
ܫܟܶܢ fut. ܢܶܫܟܰܢ,
Ia to alight; to settle; to rest upon; IIa to bestow, give, grant; IIIa to place, to make to settle; to pledge, to pawn; Kth. to present (offer a gift); IIIp to be pawned.
ܙܳܚ fut. ܢܙܽܘܚ,
Ia to stir, move; IIa to escort, accompany; hold in solemnity; IIp.
ܪܳܚ fut. ܢܪܽܘܚ,
Pael- IIa ܪܰܝܰܚ
IIIa ܐܰܪܺܝܚ
Ia to breathe; Ip to smell;
Pael - to soothe, to mitigate, to calm; to smell;
afel -to cause to inhale.
ܛܽܘܪܳܦܳܐ .
exhaustion, weariness, wretchedness; vexation, agitation, trouble; shaking off of leaves
ܐܰܥܺܝܩ (= IIIa ܥܳܩ)
to grieve.
grief, distress; adversity, harm.
ܥܛܳܐ fut. ܢܶܥܛܶܐ,
Ia to efface, to cancel, to blot out; to destroy; Ip; IIa to obliterate; IIIa to cause to be blotted out.
ܛܪܰܦ fut. ܢܶܛܪܽܘܦ,
Ia to buffet, hit, smite; IIa to buffet, treat roughly; to shake to and fro; to harass; to glance; IIp to be harassed, shaken, agitated; to be exhausted, worn out; to stagger; IIIa to shake violently; to harass; to wag (tail).
ܡܪܰܕ fut. ܢܶܡܪܰܕ,
Ia to rebel, revolt, defy, resist; to withdraw, take shelter; to fortify; to go beyond, surpass; Ip to rebel; to be oppressed; IIa to rebel, resist, struggle against; IIIa to incite to revolt; to fortify.
ulcer, abscess, sore.
snare, noose, net
desert; error
ܪܕܳܐ fut. ܢܶܪܕܶܐ,
Ia to travel, proceed, journey; to chastise; to instruct; ܪܕܶܐ educated, cultured; Ip to be chastised, disciplined, instructed; IIIa to supply abundantly; to make to flow; to chastise.