jack Flashcards
jacks appearance - chapter 1
“he was tall, thin and bony: and his hair was red beneath the black cap.”-chapter 1
what themes does jack symbolise?
savagery, desire for power, inversion of the natural order
I ought to be chief..
because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.
I ought to be chief because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp
in chapter 1, jack is very openly certain that he should be chosen as chief. after piggy crucial vote towards ralph, he fails to be chosen but is allowed to be in charge of his choir and when asked what role he wants them to be, he simply states “hunters”.
his specs..
use them as burning glasses!
his specs use them as burning glasses
in chapter 2, jack realises piggy glasses can be used as a burning tool to create a fire. jacks actions foreshadows the important of piggy glasses for the boys survival, whilst also highlighting jacks physical dominance over piggy.
I agree with ralph..
we’ve got to have rules and obey them. after all, we’re not savages. we’re English, and English are the best at everything.
I agree with ralph. we’ve got to have rules and obey them. after all, we’re not savages. we’re English, and English are the best at everything.
in chapter 2 jack states that they should obey the rules which is ironic as jack and his followers are quick into ignoring the ruled and give into savagery, creating the inversion of the natural order. jacks logic that the boys should act civilised because their British, and not humans, foreshadows the tribalism later on.
I thought
I might kill
I thought I might kill
in chapter 3 jack returns from an unsuccessful hunt and tells ralph how he almost succeeded. jacks frustration with not killing successfully is mirrored by Ralphs frustration of his neglect to other duties within the group, as ralph wanted jack to either kill a pig or give up and help set up shelters with the others. tension between the two characters start to form here.
damn you!
eat! damn you!
in chapter 4 when jack finally kills a pig, he angrily demands the group to eat in acknowledgement of his success as a hunter/provider. jack notices that his rage shows when the other boys have no respect for him, and for the first time his lust for power and controlling others is recognised by him. later on he will use this rage, and fear it, to motivate the boys to follow him.
bollocks to..
the rules!
bollocks to the rules!
in chapter 5, jack feels that his role as a hunter is more important then following Ralphs rules. he values killing and hunting more then his contribution to the order and civilisation of the island. jack shows his growing desire for power as he begins establishing his priorities to barbarity.
im not going to play anymore..
not with you.. I’m not going to be a part of Ralphs lot-
im not going to play anymore. not with you… I’m not going to be a part of Ralphs lot-
in chapter 8, jack gets hurt and embarrassed as ralph belittles his hunters, so he decides to leave the group and go out on his own. jacks tears remind us that despite his adult actions, he is still a child. jacks humiliation is directly ties to his violence later in the book, as he realises fear is an effective tool to getting others to take him seriously.
sharpen a..
stick at both ends.
sharpen a stick at both ends
in chapter 8, jack tells Roger to sharpened stick to mount the dead pigs head on to leave as an offering to the beast. the head becomes the ‘lord of the flies’, whom Simon has a hallucinogenic conversation with. in the final chapter, jack and Roger sharpen a second stick. whilst there plans aren’t specifically stated, it is thought that they were planning to put Ralphs head on this stick.
how could we–kill–it?
no! how could we–kill–it?
in chapter 10, jack asks stanley how the boys could kill the beast, even as the boys quietly suspected the beast to be Simon. like piggy, samneric and the other half of the boys on the island, jack refuses to admit he helped brutally murder Simon, not the beast. jack needs the boys to keep on fearing the beast as he uses their fear to maintain control and power over them.