J5 - Religion and the Family, Rites of Passage Flashcards
Brit Milah
the name of the ceremony in which circumcision takes place fulfilling the covenant of circumcision commanded of Abraham and his descendants
What are the Jewish Rites of passage
Bar And Bat mizvah
a trained professional who carries out circumcision
Ceremonies to do after a baby is born (3)
Naming ceremony for boys and girls
Brit Milah for boys
Redemption of the first born son for some Orthodox Jews
Bar Mitzvah
means Son of the Commandments and is a rite of passage for boys when they become ‘adults’ in Jewish law
Bat Mitzvah
means Daughter of the Commandments and is a rite of passage for Reform girls that is similar to Bar Mitzvah
Bat Chayill
means ‘woman of valour’ and is an Orthodox tradition for girls who don’t do Bat Mitzvah and is a community ceremony which symbolises the girl becoming subject to Jewish law
means ‘sanctification’, the betrothal ceremony
the wedding proper when the couple stands under the Huppah which is symbolic of the home they will build
Sheva Brachot
means ‘seven blessings’ and is recited by the groom when he recieves a cup of wine from the rabbi. It summarises the purpose and meaning of marriage in Judaism
a formal marriage contract that is read after Kiddushin. It sets out the husbands obligations to his wife and must be signed by two witnesses
dietary laws in Judaism. Found in the Torah
Kosher (food) and 4 examples
clean, acceptable, and fit to eat. Complying with the kashrut treyfah
animals with split hooves and have several stomachs
fish with fins and scales
all plants
Treyfah (food) and 4 examples
Unclean and forbidden. Not acceptable under kashrut laws.
pigs and animals with paws
hunted birds
prawns, mussels, shellfish
the legal joining of two people, in religious terms for Jews it is the uniting of a man and a woman. They are elevated to a higher spiritual level before God during the wedding
Hevrash Kadishah
a ‘Holy Society’ who prepare the body for burial. It follows a mitzvot about purification to prepare the dead for their final resting place
When does mourning in Judaism go until and what happens afterward
Goes for 1 year and afterward every year on the anniversary a candle is lit for 24 hours by the children of the dead, this is called Yahrzeit. Sons will also recite Kaddish
a prayer said during some mourning periods which praises God and asks for peace
Why are gravestones important
a mitzvot commands that the dead are not forgotten
there is an unveiling ceremony, either when the gravestone is placed or on the first anniversary of their death
Kosher and Treyfah related to clothing
Married women must have their hair covered when out of the house
Jewish men must keep their heads covered
Cannot wear clothes with a mixture of wool and flax/linen (called shatnez) which is linked to Cain and Abel
what is sanctity of life based on
the idea of humans being created in the Image of God, life is therefore sacred and holy as it is given by God
pikuach nefesh
saving a life - this is an obligation that Jews have to save a person’s life if they can, even if doing so breaks the Jewish laws
why do Jews respect their elderly?
because of the commandment “honour your father and mother” which is repeated many times throughout the Torah
Naming ceremony
a blessing of Jewish boys and girls on the first sabbath after birth. At this time, a girl’s name will be announced
What is the canopy called that symbolises the bride and groom’s home