J&H - plot & characters Flashcards
plot - chapter 1 - the story of the door
Enfield tells Utterson how he saw Hyde trample a girl, enter Jekyll’s building with a key, and use a cheque signed by Jekyll to buy everyones silence.
plot - chapter 2 - search for Mr Hyde
Utterson discovers that Jekyll has left everything in his will to Hyde. he tries Dr Lanyon, an old friend, then goes to Jekyll’s house where he finds Hyde.
plot - chapter 3 - Dr Jekyll is quite at ease
Jekyll throws a party and Utterson is the last guest. Jekyll makes U promise to carry out the will if he dies.
plot - Chapter 4 - The Carew Murder Case
An MP is murdered by Hyde. Utterson follows him to Soho and the police find a cheque book there and the murder weapon : Dr Js walking cane
plot - chap 5 - incident of the letter
Utterson finds a very ill Jekyll at home, claiming his time with Hyde is over. He gives Utterson a letter from Hyde, and his clerk Guest says the handwriting is Jekyll’s.
plot - chap 6 - remarkable incident of Dr Lanyon
utterson visits Lanyon to discuss Jekyll ; he finds L suddenly at deaths door. Lanyon can’t explain ; he leaves a letter to be opened when J dies.
plot - chap 7 - incident at the window
Utterson and Enfield take a walk to Js house. They talk about Hyde being good for gone. They see J at the window, then he vanishes.
plot - chap 8 - the last night
Poole comes to Us house to ask him to come to the laboratory. They break down the door to discover Hyde dead. The will now goes to Utterson, Js signed confession is found.
plot - chap 9 - Dr Lanyons narrative
L describes how J begged his to fetch him chemicals. Hyde appeared one night to get them, L witnessed him change into J. The horror killed him.
plot - chap 10 - Dr Jekylls full statement of the case
Jekyll details his experiments into darker duality and his attempt to destroy his ‘darker self’. However, he became addicted to Hyde, who destroyed him.
Characters - Gabriel Utterson
A lawyer - calm and rational. A friend of Jekyll.
Character - Enfield
A distant cousin of Utterson. Uttersons good friend and a well known man about town.
character - Mr Edward Hyde
A small, violent, unpleasant looking man. A criminal
character - Dr Henry Jekyll
A doctor and experimental scientist - respectable and wealthy
character - Sir Danvers Carew
An MP who is killed by Hyde
character - Dr Lanyon
a doctor and scientist - respectable and conventional. A former friend of J.
character - Poole
Jekylls butler
character - mr guest
Uttersons clerk