IX Flashcards
What is the role of religion in societies cross-culturally?
- unite and divide
- social solidarity
- explain/answer
- control/manipulate
How does animism differ from Olympian (polytheism) and Ecclesiastic (monotheism) religions?
animism: SPIRITS
- concept of double souls
- death is soul departure
How do religions treat dreaming, death and trance as compared to conscientiousness?
- one active soul daytime
- double soul active sleep & trance
- double soul departs = death
Define magic.
supernatural techniques to control
Define rituals.
formal, stylized, repetitive, stereotyped
Define rites of passage.
transition from one stage of life to another
Define liminality.
limbo period during rite of passage
Define totems.
physical object, ancestor, symbol
Define witchcraft.
- leveling mechanism
- divide and conquer socially
Define shamans.
part-time religious figures
Define cargo cults.
- aboriginal & christian blend of beliefs
- response to world capitalist society
Define communitas.
social solidarity, equality, unity
Define religious fervor.
intense emotions
Define revitalization movements.
social movements in times of change
Define effervescence.
collective emotional intensity of worship