IV Push and IVPB skills Flashcards
What is speed shock and effects?
Sudden adverse reaction to IV med. Flushed face/headache/cardiac arrest/loss of consciousness/irregular pulse/tight feeling in chest.
Infiltration and effects?
IV fluid enter surrounding space/tissues. Edema, blanch, feels cool, pain.
What is extravasation and what to do?
Med causes damage to surrounding tissues. May need wound care. Should stop IV and elevate.
What is thrombophlebitis and effects?
Inflammation of vein. pain, edema, redness, warm.
What is IV push (IVP) medications?
Manual administration of small volume of concentrated solution/medication directly into venous system via peripheral/central venous access device.
IVP technique?
- Select injection port of IV tubing
- Wipe port with alcohol for 15 seconds/dry
- If med not compatible with IV solution, stop IV infusion, scrub port with alcohol
- Flush with 3 mL of sodium chloride
- Injection med at correct rate
- Scrub with alcohol and flush again with rest of NaCl
Normal time for IVP flush?
2-5 mintues
True or false- remember to unclamp before flushing/pushing med?
What do you have to do before flushing with NaCl?
Pull back plunger/aspirate to check for blood return.