IV. Kidney Meridian Flashcards
IV. 1
Bubbling Spring
On sole of foot, between second and third metatarsal bones in crease formed.
Spirit Point:
Refreshing start, energizing, revitalization. Taking a thirsty person to a bubbling spring. Not for dark despair
IV. 2
Blazing Valley
On medial surface of the foot, inferior to the tuberosity of the navicular bone
IV. 3
Greater Mountain Stream
On medial surface of the leg, 1 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus upon posterior tibial artery.
ACI 15–bend knee to mark joint. Find IV. 4 first as it is easiest this way.
IV. 4
Great Bell
On medial surface of the ankle. Posterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus. Upon the posterior tibial artery.
IV. 7
Returning Current
ACI 15–bend knee to mark joint.
On the medial surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence fo the medial malleolus. Posterior to the flexor digitorum longus.
IV. 8 is right in front of it next to bone.
IV. 10
Yin Valley
Horary 5pm to 7pm
Bend knee, find obvious medial tendon and then come medial to this.
At the medial extremity of the knee crease, between the tendons of the semimembranous and the semitendonous when knee is slightly flexed.
IV. 22
Walking on the Verandah
Base is 8 ACI between the sternal notch and outside of the shoulder junctions.
Go 2 ACI lateral of the sternal notch and then use the mediastinum ridge to find intercostal space 1 and 2. Count down to the fifth intercostal space. So 2 ACI from midline at the fifth interocostal space.
IV. 24
Extra Spirit Point:
Spirit Burial Ground
Very profound for extreme situation when the spirit is almost not there. Mouth to mouth resuscitation for the spirit.