ITLS Ch 1 Flashcards
ITLS patient assessment primary survey
Scene size up
Initial assessment
Rapid survey or focused exam
Critical interventions + decision
Contact medical direction
ITLS secondary survey
Repeat initial assessment
Repeat vitals & consider monitor
Perform a neuro exam
Perform detailed head-to-toe
ITLS reassessment exam
Repeat initial assessment
Repeat vitals & check monitor
Reassess abdomen
Check injuries and interventions
ETHANE mnemonic MCI initial response
Exact location
Type of incident
Access (for arriving units)
Numbers (of casualties)
Emergency services (on scene and required)
Essential equipment
Extrication/transport devices
O2 and airway equipment
Trauma box
Frontal impact MVC potential injury patterns
C-spine fx
Facial injuries
Myocardial contusion
Aortic disruption
Liver or spleen lac
Posterior hip dislocation
Lateral impact MVC potential injury patterns
Contralateral neck sprain
C-spine fx
Lung contusion
Lac of spleen, liver, or kidney
Pelvic fx
Extremity injuries
Rear impact MVC potential injury patterns
C-spine injury
Ped vs car potential injury patterns
Head injury
Abdo visceral injury
Lower extremity or pelvic fx
Tractor accident potential injuries
Thermal burns
Small vehicle crash potential injuries
Facial fx
Extremity or pelvic fx
Spinal fx
Clothesline injury
Rectal and vaginal trauma
3 collision concept in MVC
Machine collision
Body collision
Organ collision
Secondary collision in MVC
Objects in vehicle become missiles and strike the pt
Safety rule when working around undeployed airbags (5-10-20)
5 inches away from side curtains
10 inches away from steering wheel
20 inches away from passenger side
Typical injuries associated with falls
Head trauma
Axial loading
Hyperextension/hyperflexion of spine
Extremity fx
Hip or pelvic injury
Vertical deceleration injury to organs
SPLAT mnemonic for fall assessment
Symptoms before the fall
Previous falls
Location of the fall
Activity at the time of the fall
Time of day of the fall
3 Mechanisms which bullets cause tissue injury
Temporary cavity
Permanent wound track
Tissue damage is proportional to tissue density
5 mechanisms of injury due to blast or explosion
Primary (direct initial air blast)
Secondary (shrapnel)
Tertiary (body being thrown)
Quarternary (thermal)
Quinary (contaminants)
Priorities of patient care (XABC)
eXanguinating hemorrhage