Itemized Deductions Flashcards
Itemized deduction
- below the line deduction (AGI)
vs. adjustment - above the line deduction
- Itemized deduction Schedule A personal .................................... Schedule C - business Schedule E - rental
Standard deduction
1040 EZ
MFJ - both use standard or itemized
The additional standard deduction for age 65 or older And/ OR blind
One qualified taxpayer
65 or blind $1650
Both 65 and blind $3300
65 or blind $1300
Both 65 and blind $2600
Two qualified taxpayer
Each 65 or blind 2600
Both 65 and blind 5200
Standard deduction: if dependent of another
e.g your children
greater of
$1,100 OR
earned income + $350
Itemized deduction
- Medical expenses
- State, local and foreign taxes
Medical expenses
- payment on behalf of: taxpayer, spouse, dependents who received more than half of his or her support from the filling taxpayer
” Mom is okay, even if she has taxable income”
- timing of deduction:
paid ( cash or check)
charged to credit card
cash basis ( incurred and paid)
Qualified medical expenses (Insurance reimbursement) ------------------------------------------- Qualified medical expenses (7.5% / 10% of AGI) -------------------------------------- Deductible medical expenses
Type of deducible & non deductible medical expenses
- medicine and prescribed drugs
- doctor
- medical and accident insurance
- medically necessary surgery
- physically disabled cost (deduct/do not depreciate)
Not allowed
- life insurance => financial insurance
- cosmetic surgery
- capital expenditure ( up to increase in the fair market value (FMV) of the property because of the expenditure)
- health club
- personal hygiene
State, local and foreign taxes: Not federal taxes
- real estate, income, property, sales
(1) real estate taxes
- legally obligated
- prorate taxes
- taxes paid under protest are deductible, subsequent recovery is included in gross income
- NOT street, were, or sidewalk. Not special assessment
- Escrow deductible when paid to the taxing authority (by bank)
(2) Personal Property taxes
e. g. Vehicles, boats
(3) Income taxes
- estimates taxes
- taxes withheld
- assessment for a prior year
Cash basis
- deduct in year paid
not year applied
Refunds are included in gross income ( if Itemized deductions)
(4) Sales tax
Elect to either
State and local income taxes OR
state and local general sales taxes
Nondeductible taxes ( for itemized deduction)
F: Federal
I: Inheritance
B: Business ( on Schedule C) and rental property taxes ( on Schedule E)
Interest Expenses
H- Home Mortgage Interest
I - Investment Interest Expense
P - Personal (Consumer) Interest - Not dedcutibe
P - Prepaid Interest ( deduct when both incurred & paid)
E - Educations loan ( Adjustment / NOT Itemized Dedcution)
(1) Home Mortgage Interest
- Interest up to $750k
- Orginal acquisition debt or a home equity loan
-1st and 2nd home
- Point related to debt on home - deduct immediately
point for refinancing must be amortized over the period of the loan
(2) Investment Interest Expense
- like gambling loss rule
- limited to net taxable investment income
No “negative” amount allowed as a tax deduction
Include as Net Taxable investment income
- interest, dividends, short-term capital gains, royalties, net long term capital gains
Disallowed expenses: carry forward
- excess of investment interest paid over the “allowed; investment interest deducted can be carried forward indefinitely.
3) personal interest
- a personal note
- life insurance loans
- bank credit card, or other revolving charge ac
- purchase of personal property ( autos, televisions, clothes)
- interest on federal, state, local tax underpayments
- interest on home equity not used to improve home
Charitable Contributions
Gifts( e.g needy family) and Political contribution is not Charity
amount of deduction
-Cash &
Ordinary income property ( lesser of FMV or cost)
-FMV property (doesn’t have to pick appreciation)
with AGI limit
Public Charities
- Cash 60% of AGI
- Ordinary income property 50% of AGI
- long term capital gain property 30% of AGI
Private Operating Foundations
- Cash 60% of AGI
- Ordinary income property 50% of AGI
- long term capital gain property 30% of AGI
Private non-operating foundations
Cash 30%of AGI
- Ordinary income property 30% of AGI
- long term capital gain property 20% of AGI
Carryover of Excess charitable contributions ( Five Years)
Consideration received for contribution
only deduct “excess” paid for item
cash/check when paid
credit card when charged
contribution of services
can not deduct the free services
casualty losses
only deductible if sustained in a presidentially declared disaster area
Amount of loss
Lesser of : Lost cost/adjusted basis OR Decreased FMV (Insurance recovery) ----------------------------------- Taxpayers loss (100) ------------------------ eligible loss (10% of AGI) --------------------------- Deductible loss
Misc Itemized deduction ( 2% of AGI Floor)
suspended 2018-2025
Other Misc
Gambling loss - till gambling winnings
federal estate tax
( not subject to 2% agi TEST)