Italy in WWII Flashcards
Why had Italy signed the Pact of steel?
before signing Ciano stated that Italy would not be ready for war before 1943 and was reassured by Ribbentrop that Germany had no intention of going to war before then
–> 11th Aug 1939, Ribbentrop informed Ciano that Germany planned to attack Poland
How did Italy avoid adhering to the Pact of Steel when war broke out?
26th Aug 1939, Mussolini sent Hitler a massive list os supplies that he claimed Italy would need before going to war;
- 6 million tonnes of coal
- 2 million tonnes of steel
- 150 anti aircraft batteries with ammunition
–> 27th Aug 1939, Hitler released Italy from the ‘Pact of Steel’
Why was Mussolini conflicted about Italian neutrality at the beginning of WWII?
- fascism was intrinsically linked to militarism & aggression
- fascism had been born out of WWI
- liberal government in 1914 had also been neutral during the start of WWI
- Mussolini was advised by Ciano, Franco, Salazar, Roosevelt, Pope, King not to get involved
–> used the phrase “non-belligerance” rather than ‘neutrality’
Why did Mussolini eventually join WWII?
10th June 1940, announced Italy joining Nazi Germany;
- joining The Allies would prompt a German attack
- German victory seemed likely; May 1940 Garmany advanced into Holland and Belgium
- Germany would be harsh on Italy if they won and she didn’t join on their side
- opportunism; felt he could join at a decisive moment and win without sacrificing many lives
- greed for prestige and land
- fascist ideology glorified war
What political issues arose before/during the war because of Mussolini?
- Mussolini gave himself all of the most important roles; Commander-in-Chief on all fronts, War Minster and Minister for all three services (admiralty, war, air)
–> there were no meetings or discussions, all decisions relied on Mussolini
–> he made all of the important decisions and failed to coordinate strategy - Mussolini’s health was failing; ageing, physically unfit, 1940 had a serious stomach ulcer
- 1931, Mussolini’s brother died; no one else left who dared to tell Mussolini the truth = out of touch with reality
- Mussolini bored by war planning; more interested in Rome’s opera season and young mistress, Caretta Petacci
What political issues arose before/during the war because of the fascist state?
- fascist administration was inefficient and corrupt; failed to organise civil defence, welfare, and price controls
- the state was forced to rely on the cooperation of the fascist elite
–> Mussolini was forced to keep them happy
–>acted as a barrier to the regime and effective utilisation of resources
–> defeats in war = elite disillusioned with Mussolini
Why did Political tension in Italy peak in 1943?
- combined effect of economic problems, food + clothing rations, allied bombing
- culminated in the first strikes in italy for over 18 years
- week of 5th March 1943, 100,000 workers on strike in Turn; spread to Milan etc.
- government was forced to increase money for evacuees (money paid for people to evacuate their homes)
- antifascist groups reappeared; Catholics, communists, socialists etc.
What socio-economic issues existed in Italy before the war?
- little had been done to prepare for the war
- Battle for Grain failed to make Italy self-sufficient; still dependent upon fertiliser imports –> imports disrupted by war
- pattern of state interference in economy during peacetime but efficiency of essential war industries not ensured
- no ministry to coordinate the war effort; money and raw materials wasted on fascist building projects that had no relation to the war
What socio-economic issues in Italy were created by the war?
- Italy couldn’t meet economic requirements for ‘total war’
- had only planned for a short-term war
- war economy not reorganised = Italy lagged behind
- 1942/3, Italian labour shortage; skilled workers had been sent to work in German factories
- Dec 1940, food shortages
- Jan 1943, milk production drop; lack of cow fodder
- average calorie consumption = a fifth of prewar
Evidence that the Italian army was ill-equipped
- claimed an army of 8-9million, but in reality much smaller
- army had almost no tanks
- navy had too many battleships but not enouch aircraft carriers
- airforce had too many bombers and not enough fighter planes
- no radar technology
- no defences against against aerial bombings
- still recovering from Abyssinia and Spanish Civil War
Evidence that the Italian army was poorly coordinated
- no designated staff to plan war strategy
- bad coordination; army went without supplies for long periods of time
- poor intelligence + espionage; limited knowledge of happenings in other countries
- language barriers between officers and peasant conscripts; low morale
- outdated tactics; use of 19th century charges proved suicidal
- inadequate economy; USA made more aircrafts in a week than Italy in whole of 1942
- Mussolini gave vague and unclear instructions
- no clear military hierarchy
What was the strategy developed for Italy’s entry into WWII?
Parallel War;
- Italy to concentrate on the Mediterranean and northern Africa
- Germany to focus on mainland Europe
How did Italian troops fare in France?
- 20th June 1940, Italian troops advanced into the French Alps; revealed lack of clothing suitable for Alpine conditions, lack of bombs to destroy fortifications, Mussolini insisted on using tanks unsuitable for terrain
- slow advance; captured 13 unimportant villages (inc. 2 small towns of Briancon & Modane) at the cost of 631 men, stalled by strong French resistance
- 22nd June 1940, Marshal Petain signed armistice with Germany; fascist papers claimed Italian invasion wsa key in this decision, but it just saved Italy from further embarrassment
What preceeded the Italian invasion of France?
- 17th June 1940, before Italian troops had done any fighting France requested an armistice with Germany
- –> 18th June, Mussolini met with Hitler and demanded Corsica, Savoy, Nice, Tunisia, the Sudan, Somalia, Cyprus, Crete
–> Hitler denied as did not want to lead French troops to defect, Mussolini felt he could not press demands further as Italian troops had done any fighting yet
What happened as a result of the French armistice?
- 7th July 1940, Hitler told Ciano that Italy must wait until Britain is defeated to discuss territorial gains
- Mussolini ordered the partial demobilisation of Italian troops; mistakenly believed the war was virtually over and apprehended the German invasion of Britain