IST Unit 2: God and His Family of Faith Flashcards
Why is Genesis 12 considered a great deciding point in Genesis?
God chooses to use a new method to carry out His purpose of redemption: one family.
The book leaves the history of the whole race and focuses on the story of one family.
The difference in the subject matter between Gen 1-11 & Gen 12-50
Gen 1-11 is thousands of years of history, while Gen 12-50 is focused on one family.
5 purposes of God for the Hebrew nation (and for us today)
- worship God
- write, preserve, teach Bible
- be His witnesses
- be the family/body of the Savior
- prepare the way for Christ to come/return
Dates of the period of the patriarchs
2000 to 1500 BC
3 ways archaeology confirms the patriarchal account
conditions fit the earlier period rather than the later.
customs of the times are reflected in the writings.
names are seen on the tablets.
widespread travel are indicated by ancient records.
the use of common languages.
All of the following but one support the idea that Genesis was not likely written in 1000 BC, as the liberals claim. Which one is NOT a basis for these claims?
(1) conditions fit an earlier period better than this later period
(2) customs of a later time would have been reflected in the record
(3) differences in names confirm the early period
(4) writings are similar to those of 2000-1500 BC
Studying the discoveries of archaeology that relate to the patriarchal period is important because they…
(1) give more light on the customs and culture of that period
(2) support the historical nature of Gen 12-50
(3) disprove the theory that the stories of the patriarchs are only myths and legends written centuries after Moses
(4) increase our interest in studying about the chosen family
(5) do all of the above
Why is Abraham important historically?
the ancestor of both Jews & Arabs.
seen as a prophet by the 3 great monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Why is Abraham important theologically?
teaching justification by faith
Why is Abraham important practically?
an example of a life of faithW
1 thing we see Abraham’s importance in?
the names given to him in the Bible
Which statements are TRUE?
(1) Abraham is important both historically and theologically.
(2) The promises given to Abraham were primarily to establish the Jewish nation as a power in the world.
(3) The title “father of us all” refers basically to Israel and Islam as the seed of Abraham.
(4) Gentiles enter by faith into the promises made to Abraham.
(5) Abraham ranks first among the greatest people of the Old Testament.
(6) The principles by which Abraham lived, which enabled him to please God, are valid for Christians, even though we live in different times.
(7) As the ancestor of Jews and Arabs, Abraham is revered as a prophet of God by both.
1, 4, 5, 6, 7
When God called Abraham, he was living in security and wealth in a city of Mesopotamia. Which statement does NOT accurately describe this city and its culture?
(1) Ur was the capital of Sumer.
(2) the people of Ur were worshipers of the moon god.
(3) ur was an important trade center.
(4) many temples were built for the worship of the one true God.
(5) Ur was a center of education.
What are the 3 first places God led Abraham, in order?
Ur to Haran to Canaan
God wanted Abraham to leave his country so he would be…
(1) free from the influence of his idolatrous past
(2) able to enjoy communion with the one true God and serve Him all his life
(3) able to depend on God for guidance
(4) able to enjoy all the privileges noted in 1, 2, and 3 above.
Which are TRUE statements?
(1) God is calling us to a heavenly inheritance.
(2) The requirements of living by faith today are different from those placed on Abraham.
(3) God’s call today is not to obedience, but to spiritual awakening.
(4) God may require us to leave our traditions as He required Abraham to leave his.
1, 4
2 conditions Abraham had to meet in order to have God’s promises fulfilled….
he had to leave his family, and he had to go where God directed him.
3 main promises to Abraham
His descendants would:
- inherit the land of Canaan
- become great nation
- be a blessing to all nations
It is possible for all people on earth to be ____ through Abraham by _____.
the gospel of salvation
Which statements are TRUE?
The promises made to Abraham are fulfilled in a valid way…
(1) through blessings that have accrued to nations that have befriended his descendants
(2) as nations that have oppressed his descendants have fallen into decline
(3) as his descendants have become a powerful political nation that has crushed all opposition
(4) as Jews have maintained the belief in one true God in the midst of nearly universal ungodliness
(5) as his descendants have been the vehicle through which God gave the Bible, a Savior, and the blessings of salvation.
1, 2, 4, 5
3 ways the Lord cultivated Abraham’s faith:
- giving him promises
- testing him
- appearing to him at least 8 times
2 outstanding aspects of Abraham’s response to God’s call:
He wanted God’s blessings more than material possessions,
he obeyed even though he did not know where he was going.
The cause of Abraham’s delay in obeying God’s call was that…
(1) he felt responsible to his father
(2) he needed more assurance from God
(3) Sarah refused to go, so he waited to persuade her
(4) he was hesitant to leave his home for a place he knew nothing about
(5) apparently some things happened that are not recorded in Scripture
1 religious activity of Abraham as he journeyed in the land:
he built an altar to the Lord God
The famine that drove Abraham to Egypt seems most likely to have been…
(1) a normal occurrence in that area
(2) sent by Satan
(3) sent by God
(4) a highly unusual occurrence
In Abraham’s decision to call Sarah his sister, we see human weakness. Which statements are TRUE?
(1) Abraham valued his own safety more than that of his wife.
(2) He depended on his own schemes instead of looking to God for help.
(3) Sarah was his half-sister, so he really was not deceitful
(4) Abraham was helping to fulfill God’s promise by protecting himself.
(5) God was not displeased with Abraham for attempting to protect himself.
(6) Like Abraham, we must be aware of the motive behind our actions.
1, 2, 6
What dangers did Abraham face because of his wealth?
(1) he faced the danger of treating his neighbors with contempt.
(2) he faced the danger of becoming consumed by material comforts and forgetting God
(3) Abraham’s wealth potentially threatened his good relations with Lot
(4) all of the dangers in 1, 2, and 3 were mentioned
(5) only the dangers in 2, and 3 were mentioned
3 bits of evidence that verify the historical facts given in Gen 14 and point to an early period of writing.
- the names of the kings are in the patterns of names used in places they came from in the period of 2100-1600 BC
- the discovery of the King’s Highway showed the accuracy of the record of the king’s route
- the description of the condition of the Dead Sea area is that of conditions long ago before some parts were submerged