IST Flashcards
What is an Actuator?
A motor which can provide forward motion
What is a bridge
A networking device that joins two networks of the same type together.
What is a browser
A software interface that allows you to display web pages from the internet.
What is cel based animation
An animation technique where the animators fills each frame
individually with gradual changes in between them
What is Communications Network
A network that consists of a number of devices
(such as file servers, switches and routers) enabling
the transfer of data between devices.
What is CSS
Cascading Style Sheets. This is used with HTML to standardise web pages..
What is Fibre Optic
A type of cable with a glass interior that allows light (usually a
laser) to travel through. Used in high speed networks.
What is File Formats
How a file encodes information. The encoding may use
different methods such as compression.
What is File Server
A server that shares files with clients on a network. An
example is the U drive at school; the U drive is a drive on a
file server.
What is Gateway
A network device that joins different types of network
together. Think about the NBN connection devices that join the NBN into a home network.
What is a Home Page
Also called a landing page. It is the first page of a website
and acts as an index (hence the use of index.html).
What is HTML
Hypertext Markup Language - this is a language that defines the format a web page will show in a browser.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol - this is the protocol that is used to communicate between web browsers and web servers.
What is a HUB
A device that connects other devices in a network. This is old
technology and mostly replaced by switches.
What is Hypertext
Text that, in simple terms, links to other text, hence the term