Issues Of Life And Death Flashcards
Life after death
Belief that existence continues after physical death
Environmental sustainability
Ensuring that natural resources are used but protected so that all people, animals and plant life can live well now and in the future
The aft of killing or permitting the death of a person who is suffering from a serious illness
The process by which different creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the history of the earth
The ending of a pregnancy so that it doesn’t result in the birth of a child
Quality of life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is sacred and precious
For many religious believers, only human life holds this special status
Spiritual aspect of a being
For some religions, believe connects a person to god
Also often seen as non physical and as living after physical death in an afterlife
What are some Christian attitudes towards the creation of the world?
The first creation story (Genesis 1:1-2:3)
- Describes how God created the earth in six days
- From the creation of the earth, sky, sun, stars, plants, animals and humans
- “Let us make mankind in our image”
- On the seventh day he rested
The second creation story (Genesis 2:4-2:25)
- Teaches how God made Adam first before the animals and placed him in the garden of Eden to live in paradise
- Adam was formed from dust of the ground and the breath of God (symbolising the human soul)
- To give Adam a partner/companion he created Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs
What do young earth creationists believe? (Christianity)
The world was created by God in seven actual days and this happened less than 10,000 years ago
What do old earth creationists believe? (Christianity)
Agrees that God must have created the world but it accepts the idea that the creation of the earth took place millions of years ago
The seven days of creation refer to long eras of time, rather than 24 hour periods
What are some Humanist attitudes towards the creation of the earth?
Believe we can understand the world through science and religious explanations are unreliable
There is no good reasons for believing in God and there is plenty of evidence to suggest the world formed itself
Evolution helps understand the way species are related to each other rather than relying on religious belief that the creation of life is a ‘mystery’
What is the Big Bang theory?
The rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high temperature which according to current cosmological theories marked the origin of the universe
What are some Christian attitudes towards the science aspect of the creation of the earth?
Some Liberal Christians and find no problem in accepting the big bang theory
Have no reason to question the evidence it is based on and accept it may be a way that God chosen to allow the universe to create life
Some religious creationists are very critical of these ideas
They believe it contradicts the truth that God created all life through his own power
Evolutionary creationism
natural evolution was God’s method of creation, with the universe designed so physical structures (galaxies, stars, planets) and complex biological organisms (bacteria, fish, dinosaurs, humans) would naturally evolve.
Humanist views about environmental responsibility
Humans should:
Exercise their moral duty to care for the Earth
Care for the environment based on reason rather than a belief in a supreme being
Create networks to campaign on issues such as global justice, climate change and the environment. Humanists forest r a better work